For years I have emptied arrays by just setting each element to 0 with
For loops. That's time consuming for big arrays and today when I was
looking at some old code I wrote a couple of years ago I ran into
those lines, and I thought that there must be a much better way to do
this, so I started thinking… And yes, of course there is!

How many times didn't I scratch my head when my array is suddenly
empty when I forgot ”Preserve” in ReDim? So why not just forget it by

Here's my example code:
REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Option Explicit

Sub Main
        Const MaxElements=1000000
'       Create an array.
        Dim A(1 To MaxElements) As Integer
        Dim i As Long

'       Fill the array with some data.
        For i=1 To MaxElements
        Next i

'       Empty the array.
        Dim Time As Long
        For i=1 To MaxElements
        Next i
        Print GetSystemTicks()-Time

'       Fill it again.
        For i=1 To MaxElements
        Next i

'       Empty it again.
        ReDim A(1 To MaxElements) As Integer
        Print GetSystemTicks()-Time
End Sub

Running this, two message boxes (from the Print command) pops upp.
Typically the first one displays around 14000 (14213 when I tested a
few seconds ago) and the second one around 600 – 800 (797 in this
case, 638 is the lowest value so far). After trying a couple of times
it seems like the ReDim statement is about 20 times faster than the
For loop.

It doesn't really matter for small arrays, but the ReDim is a
one-liner, For requires three lines.

So now I feel really stupid that I didn't think of this before…

By the way, the getSystemTicks() function seems to return the time in
ms, at least on my system (did some experiments with it a while ago).
Try this one, for example:
REM  *****  BASIC  *****

Sub Main
        Dim A As Long, B As Long, C As Long
        Wait 100
        Wait 100
        Print A, B, C
End Sub

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg
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