2011/8/18 Dustin Beckham <dustinrbeck...@gmail.com>:
> To Whom It May Concern:
> I need to assign some keyboard shortcuts that are not listed with the
> available keyboard shortcuts.  I wish to assign Ctrl+. (period) and Ctrl+,
> (comma) to navigate between worksheets in Calc.  I do not wish to use the
> predefined Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn because those buttons do not work on my
> laptop (old).  Nor do I wish to use any other available preset available
> shortcuts.  Please help.  Thank you for your time and assistance.
> Dustin Beckham
> Open Office User

That's probably impossible, but let's wait and see if someone has a
suggestion that actually works.

Good luck.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg
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