
I managed to have a kernel panic with the following kernel:


I stopped the /etc/init.d/vz process, and then try to start a
container, and then the kernel crashes:

* 15:19 zoobab@hn-p104 ~% sudo zsh
* 15:19 root@hn-p104 /home/zoobab# /etc/init.d/vz stop
 * Shutting down CT 1042 ...
 * Shutting down CT 1041 ...

 * Bringing down interface venet0 ...

                                                  [ ok ]
* 15:19 root@hn-p104 /home/zoobab#
* 15:19 root@hn-p104 /home/zoobab# vzctl start 1041
Starting container ...
Container is mounted
Adding IP address(es):
Unable to add IP Inappropriate ioctl for device
Unable to del IP Inappropriate ioctl for device
Container start failed (try to check kernel messages, e.g. "dmesg | tail")
Stopping container ...

Message from syslogd@hn-p104 at Sep 21 15:20:00 ...
 kernel:[95079.766188] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception

Message from syslogd@hn-p104 at Sep 21 15:20:00 ...
 kernel:[95079.766188] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception

I will try to have the full console to see if I can grab more kernel messages.

Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org>
FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 - +32-2-3500762
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