Re: [Users] Re: I'm testing out vzpkg2!

2008-09-27 Thread Robert Nelson

Scott Dowdle wrote:


I've finished up the interview questions and you can find theme here:

*Who is Robert Nelson?*

/Please answer whatever questions you feel comfortable answering./

*Q:* Please tell me a little bit about yourself. Where are you from 
(originally and now)? What is your educational background? What are your 
hobbies? What is your family status (married, kids?)? What do you do for 
a living?

I was born in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.  Burnaby is a suburb of 
Vancouver where Expo '86 was held.  I spent most of my life living in 
various cities all across Canada.  In 1992 I moved to Seattle, 
Washington in the United States to work at Microsoft.  In 2004 I retired 
from Microsoft and currently live in Bellevue, Washington a few miles 
from the Microsoft Campus.  My partner of 8 years and I don't have any 
children but we have two miniature Dachshunds that think they are our 

Since retiring I've occupied my time managing my real estate investments 
and contributing to open-source projects, programming is probably the 
closest thing I have to a hobby :-).  Most of the open-source projects 
I've been involved with have been directly or indirectly related to my 

*Q:* How long have you been programming? What programming languages do 
you use / prefer? Are there any other software projects you are / have 
been involved with that you would like to mention?

I started programming in 1973 when I used to skip high school to sneak 
off to Simon Fraser University to play with the IBM 370/155 mainframe.  
I was around so much that they offered me a summer job developing 
courses using a CAI language they developed as an extension to APL.  So 
my first languages were APL/CAI and CourseWriter III.  From there I 
branched into PL/1 and System 360 Assembler.

Over the years I've learned and programmed in pretty much every 
programming language ever developed, including some oldies but goodies 
like Fortran and Cobol (Somehow I missed out on Algol).  Most of my 
professional life has been spent programming in C/C++ and various 
machine languages.

Lately I've been working a lot in Perl, PHP, Python and Shell scripts 
because they are the primary languages used in open-source projects.

I don't really have any preferences regarding specific programming 
languages, I believe that they are all just tools to get the job done.  
Some are better suited for certain jobs than others but they all have 
strengths and weaknesses.

Ever since I started playing with Actor (a defunct language, like 
Smalltalk but with a syntax similar to C++ rather than Pascal), I found 
I prefer object-oriented ones.  I find that object-oriented programming 
is the best way to organize my thoughts and make large projects more 
manageable.  Even when I'm using straight C code I still organize the 
code as if I was writing C++.

For most of my career I've worked on system code, operating systems, 
compilers and device drivers.  When I was with Motorola I worked 
primarily on proprietary and Unix SVR4 minicomputers.  At Microsoft I 
worked on the Interactive TV project, Windows CE and in the Windows NT 
kernel group on the I/O subsystem and Plug and Play.  Since leaving 
Microsoft I've worked mainly on Linux.  I avoid a religious attachment 
to any platform, I feel that, like programming languages, each has its 
own strengths and weaknesses.  Sometimes I think that the acolytes on 
all sides must be compensating for some physical shortcoming of their 
own. :-)

The main open-source projects I've contributed to include Bacula, mtx, 
FreePBX, and GForge.  I've also contributed fixes to countless others.  
I've contributed a few of the tools I've written to the open-source 
community.  Usually my involvement starts out with fixes for bugs that 
hinder my use of the software.  If there is some area that could be 
improved to make the software much more useful for me then my 
contribution might be larger.  It really depends on my interest and how 
easy it is to work with the other developers involved in the project.  
But my involvement is usually selfish.

*Q:* How long have you been using OpenVZ? What other virtualization 
products have you tried and do you use? What do you use OpenVZ for?

I've been using OpenVZ for over a year.  My interest in virtualization 
products sprang from my desire to get more use out of a dedicated server 
I leased and my work on mtx (which I took over about a year or so ago) 
which in turn was an offshoot of my involvement in Bacula.  Both Bacula 
and mtx required building and testing on a wide variety of operating 
systems and versions.  I found the process of installing and booting all 
those operating systems tedious and was looking for a better solution 
than filling my house with dedicated machines.

I started out with VMware.  While it mostly met my needs, I prefer an 
open-source solution 

Re: [Users] Re: I'm testing out vzpkg2!

2008-09-20 Thread Scott Dowdle

I've finished up the interview questions and you can find theme here:

I've posted this to the mailing list so others can see the questions I've come 
up with and perhaps contribute any additional questions they'd like to see... 
although I think I was pretty complete. :)

Take your time, answer them however you want to.  Skip any questions you don't 
feel like answering.  If there are any questions you'd like added, add them.  
If there are already web resources that address specific pieces of questions, 
feel free to provide links to them or quote from them to save yourself some 
time.  Use paragraphs.  Several of the questions are actually multiple 
questions.  If you want to split those up, feel free to do so.  If you need any 
clarifications on anything, just let me know.

Submitting your answers: Feel free to email me directly ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or 
post your answers to this mailing list if you feel like it.  In any event, 
it'll take me a little time to process your answers... format them for my 
website... and get the content posted... although I should be able to get it 
all done the same day.

If you are so inclined, I'd love to have a picture of you to include.

If any straggler questions happen to show up from others on the mailing list... 
and you answer them... I can either update the content or add them as comments 
to the content... but we'll play that by ear.

If anyone wants an example of what the final product will look like, check out 
either of these two previous interviews I've done:

Interview with OpenVZ Project Manager Kir Kolyshkin

Interview with Linux-VServer Project Leader Herbert Pƶtzl

- Suno Ano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Scott Expect my interview questions email this weekend... Now that I
  Scott know how it works, it gives me a better idea on what to ask.
 hi Scott and others, well I think now I got the idea behind vzpkg.
 However I think it would help a lot for novices if we just had a
 wikipage about
  - what is vzpkg
  - what can it be used for
  - why is it useful
  - what exactly is a package cache
  - roadmap
 Maybe one of you guys could but a few words on that on the wiki?


I have a question near the end about the future of vzpkg2 and documentation.  
I'm guessing Robert's answer to that will play into when and how the 
documentation you are looking for come into play.

Scott Dowdle
704 Church Street
Belgrade, MT 59714
(406)388-0827 [home]
(406)994-3931 [work]

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