[ovirt-users] Re: virsh list --all only shows running on host

2021-12-20 Thread Yedidyah Bar David
On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 8:16 AM richmoch--- via Users  wrote:
> Hi *,
> I am having a problem where on a KVM host I run virsh list --all. I only see 
> the running VMs :
> [root@MBGVRT3323 ~]#  virsh list --all
> Please enter your authentication name:
> Please enter your password:
>  Id   NameState
> ---
>  3MBPDBS0583U-CLONE   running
>  4MBGDBS3156U-CLONE   running
> I know there are two more VMs that are shutdown , and if I run virsh list 
> --state-shutoff , nothing is returned. in fact, look at the numbering of the 
> two running VMs, 3 and 4.  The GUI shows the two running  and the other two 
> as being shutdown.
> Why is this happening  ? Given this, seems the only way to start the two VMs 
> which are down is in the GUI and not with virsh start domain which seems 
> limiting. Any ideads would be greatly appreciated.

You got it accurately. In oVirt, using libvirt terminology, VMs are transient.

You can't (easily, robustly) start a VM if the engine is down.

If the engine is up and functioning, you can also use the API, one of
the SDKs, or ansible, to start VMs.

So if in "seems limiting" you refer to using the GUI, you have other
options. But if you refer to "engine must be up", then this is indeed
a limitation. Engine must be up, and you are supposed to take frequent
backups of it (using engine-backup) in case it's
gone/corrupted/whatever and you need to restore. If it's gone and you
have no backup, you can set up a new engine, and import the storage

Best regards,
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[ovirt-users] virsh list --all only shows running on host

2021-12-20 Thread richmoch--- via Users
Hi *,

I am having a problem where on a KVM host I run virsh list --all. I only see 
the running VMs :

[root@MBGVRT3323 ~]#  virsh list --all
Please enter your authentication name: 
Please enter your password:
 Id   NameState
 3MBPDBS0583U-CLONE   running
 4MBGDBS3156U-CLONE   running

I know there are two more VMs that are shutdown , and if I run virsh list 
--state-shutoff , nothing is returned. in fact, look at the numbering of the 
two running VMs, 3 and 4.  The GUI shows the two running  and the other two as 
being shutdown.

Why is this happening  ? Given this, seems the only way to start the two VMs 
which are down is in the GUI and not with virsh start domain which seems 
limiting. Any ideads would be greatly appreciated. 

[root@MBGVRT3323 ~]# virsh version
Please enter your authentication name: root
Please enter your password:
Compiled against library: libvirt 5.7.0
Using library: libvirt 5.7.0
Using API: QEMU 5.7.0
Running hypervisor: QEMU 4.2.1

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@MBGVRT3323 ~]#
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[ovirt-users] Re: using stop_reason as a vdsm hook trigger into the UI

2021-12-20 Thread Nir Soffer
On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 9:59 PM Nathanaël Blanchet  wrote:

Adding the devel list since question is more about extending oVirt
> The idea is to use the stop_reason element into the vm xml definition. But 
> after hours, I realized that this element is writed to the vm definition file 
> only after the VM has been destroyed.

So you want to run the clean hook only if stop reason == "clean"?

I think the way to integrate hooks is to define a custom property
in the vm, and check if the property was defined in the hook.

For example how the localdisk hook is triggered:

def main():
backend = os.environ.get('localdisk')
if backend is None:
if backend not in [BACKEND_LVM, BACKEND_LVM_THIN]:
hooking.log("localdisk-hook: unsupported backend: %r" % backend)

The hook runs only if the environment variable "localdisk" is defined
and configured properly.

vdsm defines the custom properties as environment variables.

On the engine side, you need to add a user defined property:

 engine-config -s UserDefinedVMProperties='localdisk=^(lvm|lvmthin)$'

And configure a custom property with one of the allowed values, like:


See vdsm_hooks/localdisk/README for more info.

If you want to control the cleanup, by adding a "clean" stop reason only when
needed, this will not help, and vdsm hook is probably not the right way
to integrate this.

If your intent is to clean a vm in some special events, but you want
to integrate
this in engine, maybe you should write an engine ui plugin?

The plugin can show the running vms, and provide a clean button that will
shut down the vm and run your custom code.

But maybe you don't need to integrate this in engine, and having a simple
script using ovirt engine API/SDK to shutdown the vm and run the cleanup

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[ovirt-users] using stop_reason as a vdsm hook trigger into the UI

2021-12-20 Thread Nathanaël Blanchet


I'm writing some code to make the following workflow:

 * setting a custom stop_reason as 'force_delete' when
   stopping/deleting a vm
 * this will trigger a vdsm hook into after_vm_destroy event.
 * this hook will call back AWX/ansible to:
 o remove DNS entries
 o remove vm file backup
 o delete supervision
 o (optionnal) delete the vm
 * the vm is destroyed and removed by vdsm.

Here is the code (I'm not a python expert)

# 211217 NBT
# This is a vdsm hook that aims to auto delete oVirt dependencies when 
removing a VM directly from engine.
# It is triggered when filling the stop_reason field in oVirt with 
strict 'clean'.

# It initially concerns following actions:
# - Centreon subscription Removing
# - Backup erase from Sotora
# - DNS cleaning on Lilas
# - IPA deletion
# This set of actions can be extended into the concerned AWX 
job_template (180 or 160)

# When finished, vm can be manually removed from Engine.
# When string is 'force_delete' or 'force_remove', then in addition, the 
vm will be automatically erased at the same time.

fromvdsm.hook importhooking
fromxml.dom importminidom
fromxml.etree importElementTree
fromsubprocess importPIPE, STDOUT
logger = logging.getLogger("register_migration")
retcode, out, err = hooking.execCmd(args, sudo=True)
ifretcode != 0:
raiseRuntimeError("Failed to execute %s, due to: %s"%
(args, err))
if__name__== '__main__':
level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s%(levelname)s%(name)s:%(message)s',
datefmt= '%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S')
iflen(sys.argv) > 1:
vm_name= sys.argv[1]
domxml = hooking.read_domxml()
vm_name = domxml.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
# API oVirt: Initialize variables
user = 'admin@internal'
password = 'password'
url = 
"https://air-dev.v100.abes.fr/ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3D"+ vm_name

headers = {'Accept': 'application/xml'}
print('name: '+ vm_name)
# API oVirt: Test if VM stop_reason has been defined
# r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=('admin@internal', 
'password'), verify=False)

# tree = ElementTree.fromstring(r.content)
r = exec_cmd('curl', '--insecure', '--header', 'Accept: 
application/xml', '--user', 'admin@internal:password', 
'https://air-dev.v100.abes.fr/ovirt-engine/api/vms?search=name%3D'+ vm_name)

tree = ElementTree.fromstring(b''.join(r))
forvm intree.findall('vm'):
status = vm.find('status')
stop_reason = vm.find('stop_reason')
ifstop_reason isnotNone:
print(status.text, stop_reason.text)
forvm intree.findall('vm'):
stop_reason = vm.find('stop_reason')
ifstop_reason isNone:
exit('stop_reason is not defined')
# API AWX: Initialize variables
header1 = 'Content-Type: application/json'
header2 = 'Authorization: Bearer token'
curl_server = "nbt"
curl_extra_vars = "{\\\"comment\\\": \\\"Nbt\\\", 
\\\"survey_ovirt_password\\\": \\\"password\\\", \\\"force_erase\\\": 
\\\"yes\\\", \\\"survey_vms_list\\\": %s}"% (vm_name)

curl_config = '{"extra_vars": "%s"}'% (curl_extra_vars)
ifstop_reason in["clean"]:
curl_job_template = "180"
print('Cleaning'+ vm_name + 'from oVirt on ancolie-'+ curl_server + 
'with workflow_job_template '+ curl_job_template)
curl_url = 
exec_cmd('curl', '-f', '-H', header1, '-H', header2, '-XPOST', '-d', 
curl_config, curl_url)

elifstop_reason in["force_delete", "force_remove"]:
curl_job_template = "160"
print('Deleting and cleaning'+ vm_name + 'from oVirt on ancolie-'+ 
curl_server + 'with workflow_job_template '+ curl_job_template )
curl_url = 
exec_cmd('curl', '-f', '-H', header1, '-H', header2, '-XPOST', '-d', 
curl_config, curl_url)

exit('Stop reason is '+ stop_reason + ' and there is no reason to do 
anything for '+ vm_name)

The idea is to use the stop_reason element into the vm xml definition. 
But after hours, I realized that this element is writed to the vm 
definition file only after the VM has been destroyed.

So if I test this value (if existing) when executing the hook, the text 
value doesn't still exist at early time

I added a 'while' loop to wait for the stop_reason element to be 
present, but vdsm hangs out because of an infinity loop:

2021-12-20 18:13:30,148+0100 INFO  (jsonrpc/7) [root] 
rc=1 err=b'Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File 
line 84, in \n    print(status.text, 
stop_reason.text)\nAttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no 

[ovirt-users] Re: vdsm-client delete_checkpoints

2021-12-20 Thread Nir Soffer
On Mon, Dec 20, 2021 at 7:42 PM Tommaso - Shellrent via Users
> Hi, someone can give to use us an exemple of the command
> vdsm-client VM delete_checkpoints
> ?
> we have tried a lot of combinations like:
> vdsm-client VM delete_checkpoints vmID="ce5d0251-e971-4d89-be1b-4bc28283614c" 
> checkpoint_ids=["e0c56289-bfb3-4a91-9d33-737881972116"]

Why do you need to use this with vdsm?

You should use the ovirt engine API or SDK. We have example script here:

$ ./remove_checkpoint.py -h
usage: remove_checkpoint.py [-h] -c CONFIG [--debug] [--logfile
LOGFILE] vm_uuid checkpoint_uuid

Remove VM checkpoint

positional arguments:
  vm_uuid   VM UUID for removing checkpoint.
  checkpoint_uuid   The removed checkpoint UUID.

  -h, --helpshow this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Use engine connection details from [CONFIG]
section in ~/.config/ovirt.conf.
  --debug   Log debug level messages to logfile.
  --logfile LOGFILE Log file name (default example.log).

Regardless, if you really need to use vdsm client, here is how to use
the client correctly.

$ vdsm-client VM delete_checkpoints -h
usage: vdsm-client VM delete_checkpoints [-h] [arg=value [arg=value ...]]

positional arguments:
  arg=value   vmID: A UUID of the VM
  checkpoint_ids: List of checkpoints ids to delete,
ordered from oldest to newest.

  JSON representation:
  "vmID": {
  "UUID": "UUID"
  "checkpoint_ids": [

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

The vdsm-client is a tool for developers and support, not for users, so we did
not invest in creating an easy to use command line interface. Instead we made
sure that this tool will need zero maintenance - we never have to change it when
we add or change new APIs, because is simply get a json from the user, and
pass it to vdsm as is.

So when you see the JSON representation, you can build the json request
like this:

$ cat args.json
"vmID": "6e95d38f-d9b8-4955-878c-da6d631d0ab2",
"checkpoint_ids": ["b8f3f8e0-660e-49e5-bbb0-58a87ed15b13"]

You need to run the command with the -f flag:

$ sudo vdsm-client -f args.json VM delete_checkpoints
"checkpoint_ids": [

If you need to automate this, it will be easier to write a python script using
the vdsm client library directly:

$ sudo python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Oct 15 2021, 10:57:33)
[GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-3)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from vdsm import client
>>> c = client.connect("localhost")
>>> c.VM.delete_checkpoints(vmID="6e95d38f-d9b8-4955-878c-da6d631d0ab2", 
>>> checkpoint_ids=["b8f3f8e0-660e-49e5-bbb0-58a87ed15b13"])
{'checkpoint_ids': ['b8f3f8e0-660e-49e5-bbb0-58a87ed15b13']}

Like vdsm-client, the library is meant for oVirt developers, and vdsm
API is private
implementation detail of oVirt, so you should try to use the public
ovirt engine API

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[ovirt-users] vdsm-client delete_checkpoints

2021-12-20 Thread Tommaso - Shellrent via Users

Hi, someone can give to use us an exemple of the command

vdsm-client VM delete_checkpoints


we have tried a lot of combinations like:

vdsm-client VM delete_checkpoints 

without success..



Shellrent - Il primo hosting italiano Security First

*Tommaso De Marchi*
/COO - Chief Operating Officer/
Shellrent Srl
Via dell'Edilizia, 19 - 36100 Vicenza
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[ovirt-users] Re: copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org down again

2021-12-20 Thread Sandro Bonazzola
Il giorno lun 6 dic 2021 alle ore 10:47  ha scritto:

> Can we get more than one mirror for this repo? It's down every other day...
Anyone else experiencing this? Just trying to understand how much this


Sandro Bonazzola


Red Hat EMEA 


*Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
answer this email out of your office hours.*
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[ovirt-users] Re: Checksum errors

2021-12-20 Thread Sandro Bonazzola
Please retry.
We had an issue while releasing an update and packages got re-signed
changing  the sha256 checksum and mirrors took a while to re-align.
Should be solved now.

Il giorno lun 6 dic 2021 alle ore 21:07  ha scritto:

> [ INFO  ] TASK [ovirt.ovirt.engine_setup : Update all packages]
> [ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost ->]: FAILED! => {"changed":
> false, "msg": "Failed to download packages: Cannot download
> noarch/ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-imageio- All
> mirrors were tried", "results": []}
> $ sudo dnf download ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-imageio
> Last metadata expiration check: 0:17:07 ago on Mon 06 Dec 2021 02:45:32 PM
> EST.
> [MIRROR] ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-imageio-
> Downloading successful, but checksum doesn't match. Calculated:
> 341e4863db246fd0f55fac65f7c464391ca92abacb69726a58c9ca99d8a81695(sha256)
> Expected:
> 001ace75d82bedc5c80a9203ea888cb385d1661d37b06e1f3b8a368c504bd0fe(sha256)
> [MIRROR] ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-imageio-
> Downloading successful, but checksum doesn't match. Calculated:
> 341e4863db246fd0f55fac65f7c464391ca92abacb69726a58c9ca99d8a81695(sha256)
> Expected:
> 001ace75d82bedc5c80a9203ea888cb385d1661d37b06e1f3b8a368c504bd0fe(sha256)
> [MIRROR] ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-imageio-
> Downloading successful, but checksum doesn't match. Calculated:
> 341e4863db246fd0f55fac65f7c464391ca92abacb69726a58c9ca99d8a81695(sha256)
> Expected:
> 001ace75d82bedc5c80a9203ea888cb385d1661d37b06e1f3b8a368c504bd0fe(sha256)
> ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-imageio-
>  33 kB/s |  27 kB 00:00
> ___
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Sandro Bonazzola


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[ovirt-users] Re: Fresh install, dnf update dependency errors

2021-12-20 Thread Sandro Bonazzola
There was an issue with rsyslog package shipped in CentOS Stream which is
now solved.
Please retry.

Il giorno mer 8 dic 2021 alle ore 07:55 mediocre.slacker--- via Users <
users@ovirt.org> ha scritto:

> CentOS Stream 8 fresh install. The logs show other repos, but I've tried
> this just installing CentOS Stream 8, updating, then installing the ovirt
> repo only. Then, after installing ovirt-hosted-engine-setup, dependencies
> become broken and dnf update produces the following error:
> [slacker@host1 ~]$ sudo dnf check-update
> Last metadata expiration check: 0:15:33 ago on Tue 07 Dec 2021 06:27:14 PM
> EST.
> epel-next-release.noarch   8-13.el8   epel
> epel-release.noarch8-13.el8   epel
> epel-release.noarch8-13.el8   ovirt-4.4-epel
> libzstd.x86_64 1.4.5-6.el8
> ovirt-4.4-openstack-victoria
> ovirt-host.x86_64  4.4.9-2.el8ovirt-4.4
> ovirt-host-dependencies.x86_64 4.4.9-2.el8ovirt-4.4
> ovirt-release44.noarch  ovirt-4.4
> python3-pyparsing.noarch   2.4.6-1.el8
> ovirt-4.4-openstack-victoria
> python3-pyyaml.x86_64  5.1.2-3.el8
> ovirt-4.4-copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:sbonazzo:EL8_collection
> python3-six.noarch 1.15.0-2.el8
>  ovirt-4.4-openstack-victoria
> [slacker@host1 ~]$ sudo dnf update
> Last metadata expiration check: 0:15:56 ago on Tue 07 Dec 2021 06:27:14 PM
> EST.
> Error:
>  Problem 1: package rsyslog-openssl-8.2102.0-5.el8.x86_64 requires rsyslog
> = 8.2102.0-5.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - cannot install both rsyslog-8.2102.0-5.el8.x86_64 and
> rsyslog-8.2102.0-6.el8.x86_64
>   - package ovirt-host-dependencies-4.4.9-2.el8.x86_64 requires
> rsyslog-openssl, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - cannot install the best update candidate for package
> rsyslog-8.2102.0-6.el8.x86_64
>   - cannot install the best update candidate for package
> ovirt-host-dependencies-4.4.8-1.el8.x86_64
>  Problem 2: package rsyslog-mmnormalize-8.2102.0-6.el8.x86_64 requires
> rsyslog = 8.2102.0-6.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - cannot install both rsyslog-8.2102.0-5.el8.x86_64 and
> rsyslog-8.2102.0-6.el8.x86_64
>   - cannot install both rsyslog-8.2102.0-6.el8.x86_64 and
> rsyslog-8.2102.0-5.el8.x86_64
>   - package rsyslog-openssl-8.2102.0-5.el8.x86_64 requires rsyslog =
> 8.2102.0-5.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package ovirt-host-dependencies-4.4.9-2.el8.x86_64 requires
> rsyslog-openssl, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package ovirt-host-4.4.9-2.el8.x86_64 requires ovirt-host-dependencies
> = 4.4.9-2.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - cannot install the best update candidate for package
> rsyslog-mmnormalize-8.2102.0-6.el8.x86_64
>   - cannot install the best update candidate for package
> ovirt-host-4.4.8-1.el8.x86_64
> (try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting
> packages or '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to
> use not only best candidate packages)
> ___
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Sandro Bonazzola


Red Hat EMEA 


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[ovirt-users] Re: Oauth token lifetime

2021-12-20 Thread Sandro Bonazzola
Il giorno lun 20 dic 2021 alle ore 10:54 Nathanaël Blanchet <
blanc...@abes.fr> ha scritto:

> Le 17/12/2021 à 18:07, Sandro Bonazzola a écrit :
> Il giorno gio 16 dic 2021 alle ore 23:08 Nathanaël Blanchet <
> blanc...@abes.fr> ha scritto:
>> Hello there is not a lot informations about Oauth token except I found
>> they expire after 30 minuts of inactivity. I'd like to change this value if
>> possible to a dedicate lifetime. Usually this kind of change is done with
>> engine-config but no such item is currently available. Is it possible?
> engine-config is still there:
> # rpm -qf /usr/bin/engine-config
> ovirt-engine-tools-4.5.0-0.2.master.20211215083937.gitafa2fd24e6.el8.noarch
> It is not about the engine-config command itsself but about the way to
> configure the oauth2 token lifetime. I mean, we usually use the
> engine-config for this kind of thing, but it seems there is currently no
> way to do this with engine-config.
> Where can I configure this?

+Artur Socha  +Martin Perina   ?

> --
> Sandro Bonazzola
> Red Hat EMEA 
> sbona...@redhat.com
> *Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
> answer this email out of your office hours. *
> --
> Nathanaël Blanchet
> Supervision réseau
> 227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
> Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
> Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14blanc...@abes.fr


Sandro Bonazzola


Red Hat EMEA 


*Red Hat respects your work life balance. Therefore there is no need to
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[ovirt-users] Re: cannot add amd and intel cpu type hosts in the same cluster

2021-12-20 Thread kishorekumar . goli
Hi Liran,

Thanks a lot for the reply.

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[ovirt-users] Re: cannot add amd and intel cpu type hosts in the same cluster

2021-12-20 Thread Liran Rotenberg
On Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 12:43 AM  wrote:

> Hi Team,
> We have hosts with intel  and amd cpu types.
> We would like to know if there is a possibility to use both cpu types in
> the same cluster in ovirt.
> cpu types: AMD EPYC,  Intel Haswell Family.
Hi Kishore,
This is impossible to do.
One of the functionalities of a cluster is migration. When you have
multiple CPU types on the hosts you should choose the common ground between
With AMD and Intel it's impossible. Each CPU type has its own flags and
they propagate to the VMs. It will break the cluster functionality when
it's not the same.


> BRs
> Kishore
> ___
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[ovirt-users] Upgrading Cluster Compatibility Level with Self Hosted HE

2021-12-20 Thread Nur Imam Febrianto

Any idea how the appropriate step for upgrading cluster compatibility level ? 
We have two nodes that already up to date (already do yum upgrade manually and 
make sure its up to date), whenever we try to use Upgrade function in cluster, 
nothing changes.
Thanks before.

Nur Imam Febrianto

Sent from Mail for Windows

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[ovirt-users] Re: Oauth token lifetime

2021-12-20 Thread Nathanaël Blanchet

Le 17/12/2021 à 18:07, Sandro Bonazzola a écrit :

Il giorno gio 16 dic 2021 alle ore 23:08 Nathanaël Blanchet 
mailto:blanc...@abes.fr>> ha scritto:

Hello there is not a lot informations about Oauth token except I
found they expire after 30 minuts of inactivity. I'd like to
change this value if possible to a dedicate lifetime. Usually this
kind of change is done with engine-config but no such item is
currently available. Is it possible?

engine-config is still there:
# rpm -qf /usr/bin/engine-config

It is not about the engine-config command itsself but about the way to 
configure the oauth2 token lifetime. I mean, we usually use the 
engine-config for this kind of thing, but it seems there is currently no 
way to do this with engine-config.

Where can I configure this?


Sandro Bonazzola


Red Hat EMEA 



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Nathanaël Blanchet

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