[ovirt-users] RPC call StoragePool.connect failed: Cannot find master domain

2018-09-19 Thread jtorres
Hi all,

I'm testing the new oVirt version 4.2.6, with the ovirt-engine installed as a 
service in a physical host.

I tried to recover an engine-backup from a previous ovirt deployment, where the 
ovirt-engine was self-hosted inside a VM , and it seems that all work properly, 
because the cluster, hosts, and network configuration was correctly redeployed.

The problem was when in the new cluster, I put all the nodes on Maintenance to 
upgrade it, and when they go back to the UP state, the datacenter was on a Non 
Responsive Status, because the Master Storage Domain is Inactive, and if I try 
to reactivate it, I obtain this error message:

Failed Activating Storage Domain gpfs_kvm on Data Center BSC-CNS

I don't have any hosts in the cluster as a SPM.

Due to this situacion, I've some questions:

It's possible to force one host to be an SPM?
I failed when I put all the nodes on maintenance to upgrade, beacause it's 
better to maintain one host active as an SPM to protect the cluster, and the 
Maybe the restored config from a diferent architecture (hosted-engine vs engine 
installed on host), can affect the Storage? (Previously the Master Storage 
Domain was on NFS, but I delete it and changed the role of Master to one Posix 
domain added)

At log level on one compute, I can see this events:

2018-09-19 11:40:11,878+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/5) [vdsm.api] FINISH 
connectStoragePool error=Cannot find master domain: 
msdUUID=cb99c414-0d93-41b9-9396-d8a607652b49' from=:::,58538, 
task_id=eedeba4d-99bc-4e18-8f24-f501b73e0da6 (api:50)
2018-09-19 11:40:11,879+0200 ERROR (jsonrpc/5) [storage.TaskManager.Task] 
(Task='eedeba4d-99bc-4e18-8f24-f501b73e0da6') Unexpected error (task:875)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/task.py", line 882, in 
return fn(*args, **kargs)
  File "", line 2, in connectStoragePool
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/common/api.py", line 48, in method
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/hsm.py", line 1035, in 
spUUID, hostID, msdUUID, masterVersion, domainsMap)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/hsm.py", line 1097, in 
res = pool.connect(hostID, msdUUID, masterVersion)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/sp.py", line 700, in 
self.__rebuild(msdUUID=msdUUID, masterVersion=masterVersion)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/sp.py", line 1274, in 
self.setMasterDomain(msdUUID, masterVersion)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/sp.py", line 1495, in 
raise se.StoragePoolMasterNotFound(self.spUUID, msdUUID)
StoragePoolMasterNotFound: Cannot find master domain: 
2018-09-19 11:40:11,879+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/5) [storage.TaskManager.Task] 
(Task='eedeba4d-99bc-4e18-8f24-f501b73e0da6') aborting: Task is aborted: 
"Cannot find master domain: u'spUUID=32168096-b763-11e8-a7aa-000af7b8b6ba, 
msdUUID=cb99c414-0d93-41b9-9396-d8a607652b49'" - code 304 (task:1181)
2018-09-19 11:40:11,879+0200 ERROR (jsonrpc/5) [storage.Dispatcher] FINISH 
connectStoragePool error=Cannot find master domain: 
msdUUID=cb99c414-0d93-41b9-9396-d8a607652b49' (dispatcher:82)
2018-09-19 11:40:11,880+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/5) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer] RPC call 
StoragePool.connect failed (error 304) in 0.31 seconds (__init__:573)
2018-09-19 11:40:11,907+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/1) [vdsm.api] START 
getSpmStatus(spUUID=u'32168096-b763-11e8-a7aa-000af7b8b6ba', options=None) 
from=:::,58538, task_id=4133fa8c-88f8-44c5-a8b8-18ac6c67771e 
2018-09-19 11:40:11,907+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/1) [vdsm.api] FINISH getSpmStatus 
error=Unknown pool id, pool not connected: 
(u'32168096-b763-11e8-a7aa-000af7b8b6ba',) from=:::,58538, 
task_id=4133fa8c-88f8-44c5-a8b8-18ac6c67771e (api:50)
2018-09-19 11:40:11,908+0200 ERROR (jsonrpc/1) [storage.TaskManager.Task] 
(Task='4133fa8c-88f8-44c5-a8b8-18ac6c67771e') Unexpected error (task:875)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/task.py", line 882, in 
return fn(*args, **kargs)
  File "", line 2, in getSpmStatus
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/common/api.py", line 48, in method
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/hsm.py", line 634, in 
pool = self.getPool(spUUID)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vdsm/storage/hsm.py", line 350, in 
raise se.StoragePoolUnknown(spUUID)
StoragePoolUnknown: Unknown pool id, pool not connected: 
2018-09-19 11:40:11,908+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/1) [storage.TaskManager.Task] 

[ovirt-users] Re: OVIRT 4.2.6: Deploying Errors + Official Repository Problems

2018-09-13 Thread jtorres
Hi all,
> If this happens randomly after the installation you may be suffering some
> dns or other network related issue.

This is the key, I had an issue on my DNS configuration that affects the 
installation procedure when I'm trying to pull new packages from the repos.

I consider that this was solved and the thread can be closed.

Thanks for your help.

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[ovirt-users] OVIRT 4.2.6: Deploying Errors + Official Repository Problems

2018-09-06 Thread jtorres
Hi all,

We are trying to install the new release of OVIRT 4.2.6 on freshly installed 
machines based on RHEL 7.5.

First of all, we encountered a strange error when install the ovirt-release42 
package, it adds the necessary public repositories on /etc/yum.repos.d/, but 
after do that, sometimes when we try to update or install the other required 
packages we saw:

Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: ovirt-4.2/$releasever

Why cannot configure this path variable automatically or what can influence to 
obtain this problem?

In the other hand, when the repos sometimes are well configured and we can 
install the packages correctly, we found other problems related to the deploy 
of the ovirt-engine (OVA appliance based).

Trying through cockpit, we found this error:

[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": 
["virt-install", "-n", "HostedEngineLocal", "--os-variant", "rhel7", 
"--virt-type", "kvm", "--memory", "16348", "--vcpus", "4", "--network", 
"network=default,mac=00:16:3e:05:c3:66,model=virtio", "--disk", 
 "--import", "--disk", "path=/var/tmp/localvmj4Y_f1/seed.iso,device=cdrom", 
"--noautoconsole", "--rng", "/dev/random", "--graphics", "vnc", "--video", 
"vga", "--sound", "none", "--controller", "usb,model=none", "--memballoon", 
"none", "--boot", "hd,menu=off", "--clock", "kvmclock_present=yes"], "delta": 
"0:00:02.122539", "end": "2018-09-06 00:44:18.089510", "msg": "non-zero return 
code", "rc": 1, "start": "2018-09-06 00:44:15.966971", "stderr": 
RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.21.1) or chardet (2.2.1) doesn't match a 
supported version!\n RequestsDepen
 dencyWarning)\nERROR internal error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor: 
qemu: could not load PC BIOS 'bios-256k.bin'\nDomain installation does not 
appear to have been successful.\nIf it was, you can restart your domain by 
running:\n virsh --connect qemu:///system start HostedEngineLocal\notherwise, 
please restart your installation.", "stderr_lines": 
RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.21.1) or chardet (2.2.1) doesn't match a 
supported version!", " RequestsDependencyWarning)", "ERROR internal error: qemu 
unexpectedly closed the monitor: qemu: could not load PC BIOS 'bios-256k.bin'", 
"Domain installation does not appear to have been successful.", "If it was, you 
can restart your domain by running:", " virsh --connect qemu:///system start 
HostedEngineLocal", "otherwise, please restart your installation."], "stdout": 
"\nStarting install...", "stdout_lines": ["", "Starting install..."]}

Seem that it's related to Python packages versions (urllib3 and chardet), but 
we wasn't sure about that. How could workaround this problem? Trying to install 
this libraries manually? 

We tried to found the same error over the Lists and Community, but we don't 
found some info about that.

Thank for your help in advance.

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[ovirt-users] Re: OVIRT 4.2: MountError on Posix Compliant FS

2018-07-19 Thread jtorres
Hi Sandro,

I finally mounted the GPFS Filesystem as a Data Domain using this parameters on 
the form for New Domain :

Domain Function: Data
Name: name_of_the_domain
Storage Type: Posix Compliant FS
Path: gpfs_kvm (the name of the "device"/"filesystem" created, not an absoluthe 
VFS Type: gpfs
Mount Options: rw,relatime,dev=gpfs_kvm (the dev parameter is the key to mount 
the filesystem).

Due to a changes implemented on the Spectrum Scale / GPFS last versions, 
removing the block device on /dev, you must to specify this last parameter to 
mount correctly the filesystem. Another point is to check the correct 
privileges and ownership of the directory, to allow Ovirt to mount it 
correctly, is recommended to mount firts manually the filesystem with mmmount, 
and change the owner and privileges over the mountpoint.

Thanks for your help.

I consider that this thread is closed.
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[ovirt-users] Re: OVIRT 4.2: MountError on Posix Compliant FS

2018-07-10 Thread jtorres
> On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 2:48 PM Sandro Bonazzola  wrote:

Hi Nir, thanks for your help. 

> You can find vdsm mount command in supervdsmd.log.

I checked the file at: /var/log/vdsm/supervdsm.log, but without any relevant 
information about mount or gpfs, including other words like: mnt, posix, domain 
or file. If you consider, we can add it too.

-rw-r--r--   1 root root0 Jul  4 11:58 supervdsm.log

> Did you look in /var/log/messages or demsg as the error message suggests?

As I commented before, i can't find any relevant messages on the dmesg output 
when I tried to add a new storage domain. The only reports that I can saw, was 
on the vdsm.log

2018-07-06 09:00:54,861+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/3) [vdsm.api] START 
connectStorageServer(domType=6, spUUID=u'----', 
conList=[{u'mnt_options': u'loop,bind', u'id': 
u'----', u'connection': u'/gpfs/kvm', u'iqn': 
u'', u'user': u'', u'tpgt': u'1', u'vfs_type': u'gpfs', u'password': 
'', u'port': u''}], options=None) from=:::,34696, 
task_id=570791fc-46f7-4900-a1bc-834670988259 (api:46)
2018-07-06 09:00:54,864+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/3) 
[storage.StorageServer.MountConnection] Creating directory 
u'/rhev/data-center/mnt/_gpfs_kvm' (storageServer:167)
2018-07-06 09:00:54,864+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/3) [storage.fileUtils] Creating 
directory: /rhev/data-center/mnt/_gpfs_kvm mode: None (fileUtils:197)
2018-07-06 09:00:54,864+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/3) [storage.Mount] mounting 
/gpfs/kvm at /rhev/data-center/mnt/_gpfs_kvm (mount:204)
OSError: [Errno 2] Mount of `/gpfs/kvm` at `/rhev/data-center/mnt/_gpfs_kvm` 
does not exist
> We support POSIX compliant file systems. If GPFS is POSIX compliant, it
> should
> work, but I don't think we test it.
> Elad, do we test GPFS?
> You should start with mounting the file system manually. When you have a
> working
> mount command, you may need to add some mount options to the storage domain
> additional mount options.

Apparently, on some documentation I read that GPFS is fully supported with 
Ovirt and RHEV environments, so I consider that GPFS is a POSIX compliant 
filesystem. In addition, when I configured the fs, I defined the type POSIX for 
two parameters during the creation:

 -D posixFile locking semantics in effect
 -k posixACL semantics in effect

On the ovirt Add Storage Domain Form, I put on Custom Connection Parameters, 
the flags that I encountered on the mount entry for the two GPFS file systems:


I'm looking for a workaround to try to add this fs on the environment. If you 
consider that I can collaborate checking other confs or files, I'm ready to do 

Kind regards and thanks in advance!
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[ovirt-users] Re: OVIRT 4.2: MountError on Posix Compliant FS

2018-07-10 Thread jtorres
> 2018-07-06 11:26 GMT+02:00  Hi, welcome to oVirt community!
Hi Sandro, thanks in advance for your help,

> Adding Nir and Tal for all your questions.
> In the meanwhile, can you please provide a sos report from the host? Did
> dmesg provide any useful information?

I search on the dmesg output without results, I can't find relevant messages at 
the moment when I try to add the new storage domain or later.

As you say, I attached a sosreport on this webpage (due to limits on the 
mailserver), maybe it's useful to find the cause of the problem.

If you need more logs, confs, etc, I can add it without problems because we are 
on a testing environment.

SOSREPORT - https://jirafeau.net/f.php?h=3MT_XlnI=1

 Kind regards!
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[ovirt-users] OVIRT 4.2: MountError on Posix Compliant FS

2018-07-06 Thread jtorres
Hi all,

I've deployed the ovirt Version on a small cluster and I'm trying 
to use as datastorage domain a configured Spectrum Scale (GPFS) distributed 
filesystem for test it.

I've completed the configuration of the storage, and the filesystem defined are 
correctly mounted on the client hosts as we can see:

gpfs_kvmgpfs  233T  288M  233T   1% /gpfs/kvm
gpfs_fast   gpfs  8.8T  5.2G  8.8T   1% /gpfs/fast

The content output of the mount comand is:

gpfs_kvm on /gpfs/kvm type gpfs (rw,relatime)
gpfs_fast on /gpfs/fast type gpfs (rw,relatime)

I can write and read to the mounted filesystem correctly, but when I try to add 
the local mounted filesystem I encountered some errors related to the mounting 
process of the storage.

The parameters passed to add new storage domain are:

Data Center: Default (V4)
Name: gpfs_kvm
Description: VM data on GPFS
Domain Function: Data
Storage Type: Posix Compliant FS
Host to Use: kvm1c01
Path: /gpfs/kvm
VFS Type: gpfs
Mount Options: rw, relatime

The ovirt error that I obtained is: 
Error while executing action Add Storage Connection: Problem while trying 
to mount target

On the /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log I can see:
2018-07-05 09:07:43,400+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [vdsm.api] START 
connectStorageServer(domType=6, spUUID=u'----', 
conList=[{u'mnt_options': u'rw,relatime', u'id': 
u'----', u'connection': u'/gpfs/kvm', u'iqn': 
u'', u'user': u'', u'tpgt': u'1', u'vfs_type': u'gpfs', u'password': 
'', u'port': u''}], options=None) from=:::,43908, 
task_id=857460ed-5f0e-4bc6-ba54-e8f2c72e9ac2 (api:46)
2018-07-05 09:07:43,403+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) 
[storage.StorageServer.MountConnection] Creating directory 
u'/rhev/data-center/mnt/_gpfs_kvm' (storageServer:167)
2018-07-05 09:07:43,404+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [storage.fileUtils] Creating 
directory: /rhev/data-center/mnt/_gpfs_kvm mode: None (fileUtils:197)
2018-07-05 09:07:43,404+0200 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [storage.Mount] mounting 
/gpfs/kvm at /rhev/data-center/mnt/_gpfs_kvm (mount:204)
MountError: (32, ';mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on 
/gpfs/kvm,\n   missing codepage or helper program, or other error\n\n   
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try\n   dmesg | tail or 

I know, that from previous versions on the GPFS implementation, they removed 
the device on /dev, due to incompatibilities with systemd. I don't know if this 
change affect the ovirt mounting process.

Can you help me to add this filesystem to the ovirt environment? 
The parameters that I used previously are ok? Or i need to do some modification?
Its possible that the process fails because i dont have a device related to the 
gpfs filesystems on /dev?
Can we apply some kind of workaround to mount manually the filesystem to the 
ovirt environment? Ex. create the dir /rhev/data-center/mnt/_gpfs_kvm manually 
and then mount the /gpfs/kvm over this?
It's posible to modify the code to bypass some comprobations or something?

Reading the available documentation over Internet I find that ovirt was 
compatible with this fs (gpfs) implementation, because it's POSIX Compliant, 
this is a main reason for test it in our cluster.

It remains compatible on the actual versions? Or maybe there are changes that 
brokes this integration?

Many thanks for all in advance!

Kind regards!
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