[ovirt-users] Re: Host deploy failure: Configure OVN for oVirt

2024-02-07 Thread stephan.badenhorst--- via Users
Turns out the "when" condition in the blocks of 
 was wrong. Changed it to the same as on ovirt-engine 4.5.4. Host deploy works 
on ovirt-engine 4.5.5 now
- cluster_switch == "ovs" or (ovn_central is defined and ovn_central | 

- ovn_central is defined
- ovn_central | ipaddr 
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[ovirt-users] Host deploy failure: Configure OVN for oVirt

2024-02-02 Thread stephan.badenhorst--- via Users
Good day,

I am running into a problem during host deploy via the oVirt engine GUI since 
upgrading to ovirt-engine-4.5.5-1.el8. The "Configure OVN for oVirt" task seem 
to fail when trying to run the vdsm-tool ovn-config command. Host deploy used 
to work fine when the engine was on version 4.5.4. 

Anyone that can guide me on the right path to get past this issue? 

Does not seem to be a new problem - 

Log extract:

2024-02-01 14:48:19 SAST - TASK [ovirt-provider-ovn-driver : Configure OVN for 
oVirt] *
  "stdout" : "fatal: [mob-r1-l-ovirt-aa-1-23.x.fnb.co.za]: FAILED! => 
{\"changed\": true, \"cmd\": [\"vdsm-tool\", \"ovn-config\", \"\", 
\"host23.mydomain.com\"], \"delta\": \"0:00:00.538143\", \"end
\": \"2024-02-01 14:48:20.596823\", \"msg\": \"non-zero return code\", \"rc\": 
1, \"start\": \"2024-02-01 14:48:20.058680\", \"stderr\": \"Traceback (most 
recent call last):\\n  File \\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/t
ool/ovn_config.py\\\", line 117, in get_network\\nreturn 
networks[net_name]\\nKeyError: 'host23.mydomain.com'\\n\\nDuring handling of 
the above exception, another exception occurred:\\n\\nTraceback (most rec
ent call last):\\n  File \\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\", line 195, in main\\n
return tool_command[cmd][\\\"command\\\"](*args)\\n  File 
\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/ovn_config.py\\\", line 63, in 
ip_address = get_ip_addr(get_network(network_caps(), net_name))\\n  File 
\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/ovn_config.py\\\", line 119, in 
get_network\\nraise NetworkNotFoundError(net_name)\\nvdsm.tool.ovn
_config.NetworkNotFoundError: host23.mydomain.com\", \"stderr_lines\": 
[\"Traceback (most recent call last):\", \"  File 
\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/ovn_config.py\\\", line 117, in 
\", \"return networks[net_name]\", \"KeyError: 'host23.mydomain.com'\", 
\"\", \"During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\", 
\"\", \"Traceback (most recent call last):\", \"  File \
\\"/usr/bin/vdsm-tool\\\", line 195, in main\", \"return 
tool_command[cmd][\\\"command\\\"](*args)\", \"  File 
\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/ovn_config.py\\\", line 63, in 
ovn_config\", \"ip_address =
get_ip_addr(get_network(network_caps(), net_name))\", \"  File 
\\\"/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/tool/ovn_config.py\\\", line 119, in 
get_network\", \"raise NetworkNotFoundError(net_name)\", 
NetworkNotFoundError: host23.mydomain.com\"], \"stdout\": \"\", 
\"stdout_lines\": []}",

Thanks in advance!!
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