Hi all,

Running Openshift on oVirt seems more and more attractive and is starting
to get attention.
It is very easy to do so today without needing any special configuration,
however, to tighten the integration and to take advantage of the underlying
provider(ovirt) we can do better. For example, oVirt can connect various
providers, and serve disk space to containers[1][2]. Also, Openshift can
ask oVirt
for VMs and deploy them as master or application nodes for its usage,
making the administrator doing all that manually.

This project[1] is the home for the ovirt-flexvolume-driver and
and merging ovirt-cloudprovider[4] is a work in progress.

The code under this repository is work-in-progress and moving quickly,
it has automation (stdci v2 :)) and is working and does at least what you
observe in
the demo videos. Yet I highly appreciate if any of you that will try will
provide feedback
be that #ovirt channel/ mailing list or to report bugs directly in the Github
project page <https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-openshift-extensions>

[1] https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-openshift-extensions
[2] https://ovirt.org/blog/2018/02/your-container-volumes-served-by-ovirt/
[3] https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/dynamic-provisioning/
[4] https://github.com/rgolangh/ovirt-k8s-cloudprovider

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