Unfortunately we have just found that latest release of
postgresql-jdbc-42.2.14-1 breaks existing oVirt Engine 4.4 and 4.5
installations running on CentOS Stream.
The workaround is to downgrade to previous version, for example
postgresql-jdbc-42.2.3-3 should work fine.

Here are detailed instructions:

1. If you have already upgraded to postgresql-jdbc-42.2.14-1, please
downgrade to previous version:

    $ dnf downgrade postgresql-jdbc
    $ systemctl restart ovirt-engine

2. If you are going to upgrade your oVirt Engine machine, please exclude
postgresql-jdbc package from upgrades:

    $ dnf update -x postgresql-jdbc

We have created https://bugzilla.redhat.com/2077794 to track this issue,
but unfortunately we don't have a fix yet.


Martin Perina
Manager, Software Engineering
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
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