Hi i was  testing HA of ovirt,(i am from Xenserver background and trying to
use KVM solution in our environment)

Have 2 hosts with NFS storage and i tested migration between these two

On Host2 while VM was running on it, i unplugged Power cable and it took
long minutes to update that VM is down,okkk now  long wait......

       VM state changed to *unkown *and not booted on second Node ie Host1

its been half an hour and still the VM is not restarted

What can be the issue?What should i do it make the VM in real HA so that it
will be restarted on the active node.

*How HA is enabled*
what i did was while creating vm> Advanced option>High Availability>Highly

I am sure this can be a configuration error,Can some one please help me
with enabling HA.

Please Help

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