
I'm having trouble using vNUMA and hugepages at the same time:

- hypervisor host hast 2 CPU and 768G RAM
- hypervisor host is configured to allocate 512 1G hugepages
- VM configuration
* 2 virtual sockets, vCPUs are evenly pinned to 2 physical CPUs
* 512G RAM
* 2 vNUMA nodes that are pinned to the 2 host NUMA nodes
* custom property "hugepages=1048576"
- VM is the only VM on hypervisor host

when I want to start the VM I'm getting the error message
"The host foo did not satisfy internal filter NUMA because cannot accommodate memory of VM's pinned virtual NUMA nodes within host's physical NUMA nodes" VM start only works when VM memory is shrunk so that it fits in (host memory - allocated huge pages)

I don't understand why this happens. Can someone explain to me how this is supposed to work?

oVirt engine is 4.3.3
oVirt host is 4.3.4


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