Maybe my problem is in part linked to an issue seen by Jayme earlier, but
then the resolution that worked for him did not succeed for me :

I first upgraded my Self Hosted Engine from 4.4.5 to 4.4.6 and then
upgraded it to Centos-Stream and rebooted

Then I tried to upgrade the cluster (3 ovirt-nodes on 4.4.5) but it failed
at the first host.
They are all ovir-node hosts, originally first installed in 4.4.5

In Host Event Logs I saw :

Update of host
Upgrade packages
Update of host
Check if image was updated.
Update of host
Check if image was updated.
Update of host
Check if image-updated file exists.
Failed to upgrade Host (User:

ovirt-node-ng-image-update- was installed according to
I tried reinstalling it but got errors: "Error in POSTIN scriptlet" :

Downloading Packages:
[SKIPPED] ovirt-node-ng-image-update- Already
  Running scriptlet: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-

  Reinstalling     : ovirt-node-ng-image-update-

  Running scriptlet: ovirt-node-ng-image-update-

warning: %post(ovirt-node-ng-image-update- scriptlet
failed, exit status 1

Error in POSTIN scriptlet in rpm package ovirt-node-ng-image-update

nodectl still showed it was on 4.4.5 :

[root@ps-inf-prd-kvm-fr-510 ~]# nodectl info
  default: ovirt-node-ng- (4.18.0-240.15.1.el8_3.x86_64)
  current_layer: ovirt-node-ng-

I tried to upgrade the Host again from oVirt and this time there was no
error, and the host rebooted.
However, it did not pass active after rebooting and nodectl still shows
that it's 4.4.5 installed. Similar symptoms as OP

So I removed ovirt-node-ng-image-update, then reinstalled it and got no
error this time.
nodectl info seemed to show that it was installed :

[root@ps-inf-prd-kvm-fr-510 yum.repos.d]# nodectl info
  default: ovirt-node-ng- (4.18.0-301.1.el8.x86_64)
  current_layer: ovirt-node-ng-

However, after reboot the Host was still shown as "unresponsive"
After Marking it as "Manually rebooted", passing it in maintenance mode and
trying to activate it, the Host was automatically fenced. And still
unresponsive after this new reboot.

I passed it in maintenance mode again, And tried to reinstall it with
"Deploy Hosted Engine" selected
However if failed : "Task Stop services failed to execute."


"msg" : "Unable to stop service vdsmd.service: Job for vdsmd.service
canceled.\n", "failed" : true,

"msg" : "Unable to stop service supervdsmd.service: Job for
supervdsmd.service canceled.\n", failed" : true,

"stderr" : "Error:  ServiceOperationError: _systemctlStop failed\nb'Job for
vdsmd.service canceled.\\n' ",

"stderr_lines" : [ "Error:  ServiceOperationError: _systemctlStop failed",
"b'Job for vdsmd.service canceled.\\n' " ],

If I try on the Host I get :

[root@ps-inf-prd-kvm-fr-510 ~]# systemctl stop vdsmd
Job for vdsmd.service canceled.

[root@ps-inf-prd-kvm-fr-510 ~]# systemctl status vdsmd
● vdsmd.service - Virtual Desktop Server Manager
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vdsmd.service; enabled; vendor
preset: disabled)
   Active: deactivating (stop-sigterm) since Wed 2021-06-02 08:49:21 CEST;
7s ago
  Process: 54037 ExecStartPre=/usr/libexec/vdsm/
--pre-start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Jun 02 08:47:34 vdsm[54100]: WARN Failed
to retrieve Hosted Engine HA info, is Hosted Engine setup finished?
Jun 02 08:48:31 vdsm[54100]: WARN Worker
blocked: <Worker name=jsonrpc/4 running <Task <JsonRpcTask {'jsonrpc':
'2.0', 'method': 'StoragePool.connectStorageServer', 'params': {'storage>
"/usr/lib64/python3.6/", line 884, in _bootstrap


Retrying to manually stop vdsmd a second time then seems to work...
I tried rebooting again, restarting the install always fail at the the same

What should I try to get this host back up?

Guillaume Pavese
Ingénieur Système et Réseau


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