On ovirt 4.4.6, I created a VM and made a template from it.
I would like to copy them to oVirt 4.3.7 & 4.3.10 DCs

- I saw that Export Domain is deprecated. I tried exporting the VM &
template to an Export Domain anyway but,
after attaching the Export DOmain on my ovirt 4.3.7 DC, both VM and
Template imports failed.
The Template import failed immediately without any errors visible in the
The VM import failed with the message "General command validation failure."

- I tried to do it through a Data Domains as recommended, but:
If created on oVirt 4.4.6, I get a Format V5 DataDomain that my oVirt 4.3.7
refuses to import.
If created first on the oVirt 4.3 DC, I get a Format V4 Domain. But then
importing it on the oVirt 4.4 DC, I get the message: "Approving this
operation will upgrade the Storage Domain format from 'V4' to 'V5'. Note
that you will not be able to attach it back to an older Data Center."

In "Administration > Providers" everything seems supported, from XEN / KVM
and even VMware (we have used all three with some success).
However oVirt is the obvious missing option...

I still have to try "Export as OVA",
is that the only supported way?

Guillaume Pavese
Ingénieur Système et Réseau


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