On Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 4:34 AM tfe...@swissonline.ch
<tfe...@swissonline.ch> wrote:
> Hi
> I just tried to restore my engine backup taken from release to a 
> newer oVirt installation release
> The restore process fails with a FATAL error.
> I was under the impression that backups from all 4.3 versions were supposed 
> to be restorable on 4.4.

This used to be true, but was changed in 4.4.3:

https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1881119 [RFE] Make engine-backup refuse to
restore a backup from a version earlier than 4.3.10

Was filed due to:

https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1820642 [cinderlib] Cinderlib DB is
missing a backup and restore option [RHV clone - 4.3.10]

> My installation is a single-box all-in-one (Standalone Engine installed 
> together with oVirt node).

Please upgrade first to 4.3.10.

We did this to make sure the backup included the cinderlib db, if set up.
It's not really needed if you do not use cinderlib, but I didn't
consider making this requirement optional, as the documentation
already says to upgrade to latest 4.3 first, so I assumed it's not
really needed (and we did have concrete cases in the past, where
upgrading from an older version was broken, see e.g. the discussion in
bug 1366900, especially comment 7 and comment 15).

If that's a problem, you can edit the engine-backup script, reverting
the patch linked from the first bug above. It's enough to remove the
'if 4.3/.../fi' (lines 1281-1290).

Best regards,
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