
"Chaz Vidal" <chaz.vi...@sahmri.com> writes:

> Hi All
> I think I have come across this bug:
> https://access.redhat.com/solutions/5075561
> Updating Ovirt to 4.3.10 shows that the kernel installed on the hosts
> is the version that has the issue:
> 3.10.0-1127.8.2.el7.x86_64
> The RedHat article suggests updating to kernel-3.10.0-1127.10.1.el7
> but running engine-upgrade-check now shows no updates available from
> my engine manager.
> Is this something I can fix myself or would the updated kernel be available?
> Appreciate the advice as new to Ovirt. Normally I would point the
> hosts to the new kernel but I think it should be updated through Ovirt
> manager, correct?

On the engine my update method is the following:

yum upgrade

So basically run engine-setup which will update the Ovirt packages, then
you can "yum upgrade" to upgrade the base system, then re-run
engine-setup just to be sure nothing broke.  Then you can reboot into
the new kernel.

The reason I do this is that engine-setup wont upgrade the full OS
(including kernel) -- it will only update the ovirt packages.

Hope this helps,

> Thanks!
> Chaz


       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
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