I have a 3 node Hyperconverged setup with gluster and added 3 new nodes to the 
cluster for a total of 6 servers.

I am now taking advantage of more compute power but cant scale out my storage 

Current Hyperconverged setup:
- host1.mydomain.com ---> Bricks: engine data1 vmstore1 
- host2.mydomain.com ---> Bricks: engine data1 vmstore1
- host3.mydomain.com ---> Bricks: engine data1 vmstore1 

From these 3 servers we get the following Volumes:
- engine(host1:engine, host2:engine, host3:engine)
- data1  (host1:data1, host2:data1, host3:data1)
- vmstore1  (host1:vmstore1, host2:vmstore1, host3:vmstore11)

The following are the newly added servers to the cluster, however as you can 
see there are no gluster bricks
- host4.mydomain.com
- host5.mydomain.com
- host6.mydomain.com

I know that the bricks must be added in sets of 3 and per the first 3 hosts 
that is how it was deployed thru the web UI.

-how can i extend the gluster volumes engine, data1 and vmstore using host4, 
host5 and host6?
-Do I need to configure gluster volumes manually through the OS CLI in order 
for them to span amongst all 6 servers?
-If I configure the fail storage scenario manually will oVirt know about it?, 
will it still be hyperconverged?

I have only seen 3 host hyperconverged setup examples with gluster,  but have 
not found examples for 6, 9 or 12 host cluster with gluster.
I know it might be a lack of understanding from my end on how ovirt and gluster 
integrate with one another.

If you can point me in the right direction would be great.

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