
I just upgraded my engine from 4.1.9 to 4.2.8 to 4.3.x yesterday.  One
issue I hit along the way was a complaint about repos being listed more
than once:

Repository virtio-win-stable is listed more than once in the configuration
Repository centos-sclo-rh-release is listed more than once in the configuration

I also received errors like:

 [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found
Trying other mirror.

Even after I did a yum erase on ovirt-release40 (and ovirt-release41) I
noticed that the 4.0 and 4.1 yum repositories (and dependencies)
configurations were left in /etc/yum.repos.d/.   Is there a reason these
files are not removed when the associated release packages are removed?



       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       de...@ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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