I am trying to re-install a host from the web UI in oVirt 4.3.5, but it always 
fails and goes to "Setting Host state to Non-Operational"

From the engine.log I see the following WARN/ERROR:
2019-10-16 16:32:57,263-04 WARN  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-43) [491c8bd9] EVENT_ID: 
VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_DOMAIN(522), Host host1.example.com cannot access the 
Storage Domain(s) <UNKNOWN> attached to the Data Center Default-DC1. Setting 
Host state to Non-Operational.
2019-10-16 16:32:57,271-04 WARN  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-43) [491c8bd9] EVENT_ID: 
VDS_ALERT_FENCE_TEST_FAILED(9,001), Power Management test failed for Host 
host1.example.com.There is no other host in the data center that can be used to 
test the power management settings. 
2019-10-16 16:32:57,276-04 WARN  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-43) [491c8bd9] EVENT_ID: 
CONNECT_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED(995), Failed to connect Host host1.example.com to 
Storage Pool Default-DC1
2019-10-16 16:35:06,151-04 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.InitVdsOnUpCommand] 
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-137245) [] Could not connect host 
'host1.example.com' to pool 'Default-DC1': Error storage pool connection: 
msdUUID=4b87a5de-c976-4982-8b62-7cffef4a22d8, masterVersion=1, hostID=1, 
domainsMap={u'8c2df9c6-b505-4499-abb9-0d15db80f33e': u'active', 
u'4b87a5de-c976-4982-8b62-7cffef4a22d8': u'active', 
u'5d9f7d05-1fcc-4f99-9470-4e57cd15f128': u'active', 
u'fe24d88e-6acf-42d7-a857-eaf1f8deb24a': u'active'}",)
2019-10-16 16:35:06,248-04 WARN  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-91) [690baf86] EVENT_ID: 
VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_DOMAIN(522), Host host1.example.com cannot access the 
Storage Domain(s) <UNKNOWN> attached to the Data Center Default-DC1. Setting 
Host state to Non-Operational.
2019-10-16 16:35:06,256-04 WARN  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-91) [690baf86] EVENT_ID: 
VDS_ALERT_FENCE_TEST_FAILED(9,001), Power Management test failed for Host 
host1.example.com.There is no other host in the data center that can be used to 
test the power management settings. 
2019-10-16 16:35:06,261-04 WARN  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-91) [690baf86] EVENT_ID: 
CONNECT_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED(995), Failed to connect Host host1.example.com to 
Storage Pool Default-DC1
2019-10-16 16:37:46,011-04 ERROR 
[org.ovirt.vdsm.jsonrpc.client.reactors.ReactorClient] (SSL Stomp Reactor) [] 
Connection timeout for host 'host1.example.com', last response arrived 1501 ms 
2019-10-16 16:41:57,095-04 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.InitVdsOnUpCommand] 
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engine-Thread-137527) [17f3aadd] Could not connect 
host 'host1.example.com' to pool 'Default-DC1': Error storage pool connection: 
msdUUID=4b87a5de-c976-4982-8b62-7cffef4a22d8, masterVersion=1, hostID=1, 
domainsMap={u'8c2df9c6-b505-4499-abb9-0d15db80f33e': u'active', 
u'4b87a5de-c976-4982-8b62-7cffef4a22d8': u'active', 
u'5d9f7d05-1fcc-4f99-9470-4e57cd15f128': u'active', 
u'fe24d88e-6acf-42d7-a857-eaf1f8deb24a': u'active'}",)
2019-10-16 16:41:57,199-04 WARN  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-22) [508ddb44] EVENT_ID: 
VDS_SET_NONOPERATIONAL_DOMAIN(522), Host host1.example.com cannot access the 
Storage Domain(s) <UNKNOWN> attached to the Data Center Default-DC1. Setting 
Host state to Non-Operational.
2019-10-16 16:41:57,211-04 WARN  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-22) [508ddb44] EVENT_ID: 
VDS_ALERT_FENCE_TEST_FAILED(9,001), Power Management test failed for Host 
host1.example.com.There is no other host in the data center that can be used to 
test the power management settings. 
2019-10-16 16:41:57,216-04 WARN  
(EE-ManagedThreadFactory-engineScheduled-Thread-22) [508ddb44] EVENT_ID: 
CONNECT_STORAGE_POOL_FAILED(995), Failed to connect Host host1.example.com to 
Storage Pool Default-DC1

Any ideas why this might be happening?
I have researched, however I have not been able to find a solution.


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