Trying to get all the 3 node cluster back fully working... clearing out all
the errors.

I noted that the HCI wizard..  I thing SHOULD have deployed a hosted engine
on the nodes, but this is not the case .. Only thor... the first node in
cluster has hosted engine.

I tried to redeploy this via the Cockpit wizard to add engine to host.. but
I think this may not have been correct repair path.

Now node in cluster shows all bricks... green (so it detects after reboot
that host is back up and working.. but hosts lists it as "red triangle"
with error "unregistered"

I also just tried on third node to "edit" -> Host Engine -> and click drop
box and choose "deploy"

only log in event is "Host medusa configuration was updated by
9/24/208:49:24 PM"    but nothing changes.

I then ran on odin (node with error)  ovirt-hosted-engine-cleanup     but
no change
[root@odin ~]# ovirt-hosted-engine-cleanup
 This will de-configure the host to run ovirt-hosted-engine-setup from
Caution, this operation should be used with care.

Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/n]
  -=== Destroy hosted-engine VM ===-
You must run deploy first
error: failed to get domain 'HostedEngine'

  -=== Stop HA services ===-
  -=== Shutdown sanlock ===-
shutdown force 1 wait 0
shutdown done 0
  -=== Disconnecting the hosted-engine storage domain ===-
You must run deploy first
  -=== De-configure VDSM networks ===-
 A previously configured management bridge has been found on the system,
this will try to de-configure it. Under certain circumstances you can loose
network connection.
Caution, this operation should be used with care.

Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/n]
  -=== Stop other services ===-
Warning: Stopping libvirtd.service, but it can still be activated by:
  -=== De-configure external daemons ===-
Removing database file /var/lib/vdsm/storage/managedvolume.db
  -=== Removing configuration files ===-
? /etc/init/libvirtd.conf already missing
- removing /etc/libvirt/nwfilter/vdsm-no-mac-spoofing.xml
? /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/answers.conf already missing
? /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf already missing
- removing /etc/vdsm/vdsm.conf
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/certs/cacert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/certs/vdsmcert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/keys/vdsmkey.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-migrate/ca-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-migrate/server-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-migrate/server-key.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-spice/ca-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-spice/server-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-spice/server-key.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-vnc/ca-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-vnc/server-cert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-vnc/server-key.pem
- removing /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/libvirt/clientcert.pem
- removing /etc/pki/libvirt/private/clientkey.pem
? /etc/pki/ovirt-vmconsole/*.pem already missing
- removing /var/cache/libvirt/qemu
? /var/run/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/* already missing
- removing /var/tmp/localvm69i1jxnd
- removing /var/tmp/localvmfyg59713
- removing /var/tmp/localvmmg5y6g52
  -=== Removing IP Rules ===-
[root@odin ~]#
[root@odin ~]#


Ideas on how to repair engine install issues on nodes?

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