How to use js:ColumnChart

2021-01-24 Thread akost

I'm playing around with Apache Royal since I have some old Flex/as3
application that I might want to migrate. With Flex I used 
and with Royal I'm now trying to use  but with no success.
It was some years ago so I probably am missing something obviously :). 

I'm trying to use the chart together with the samples in  Apache Royale Tour
de Jewel    using the attached code.
Does anyone have a code sample using js:ColumnChart or is it not possible?


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Re: [EXTERNAL] Popup and Databinding with Crux (RE: Popup and Databinding)

2021-01-24 Thread Carlos Rovira
Hi Maria Jose,

I think that could be probably a false positive due to some catching. If
there's no code the problem should arise.
Can't see other explanation.


El sáb, 23 ene 2021 a las 19:47, Maria Jose Esteve ()

> Hi, "I have an X-file"
> Yesterday, after spending all afternoon with this problem, following
> Brian's directions, he added the dispatchers "ADD_BEAN" and "REMOVE_BEAN"
> and everything worked. Then he created a bead [1] for Jewel Popup and
> everything worked fine too.
> At night, after compiling the SDK, I cleaned up the bead code so that I
> could share it with you, but before that I did one last test: I unloaded
> the new bead (addBead) and tried again, “surprisingly” EVERYTHING WORKED
> WELL. Without bead, without ADD_BEAN, ...
> Does this have any explanation for you?
> @Brian could you verify in your code that the ADD_BEAN is indeed missing?
> I will be attentive to your opinions.
> [1]
> *public* *class* PopUpContentActiveCrux *extends* DispatcherBead
> {
> *public* *function* PopUpContentActiveCrux() {}
> *private* *var* viewBead:PopUpView;
> *override* *public* *function* *set* strand(value:IStrand):void
> {
> *super*.strand = value;
> viewBead = _strand.getBeadByType(PopUpView) *as* PopUpView;
> listenOnStrand("closePopUp", closePopUpHandler);
> listenOnStrand("showingPopUp", addContentListeners);
> }
> *public* *function* addContentListeners(event:Event):void
> {
> *if*(viewBead && viewBead.content)
> {
> dispatchEvent(*new* BeanEvent(BeanEvent.ADD_BEAN,viewBead.
> content));
> viewBead.content.addEventListener("closePopUp"
> , closePopUpHandler);
> }
> }
> *protected* *function* closePopUpHandler(event:Event = null):void
> {
> *if*(viewBead && viewBead.content)
> {
> dispatchEvent(*new* BeanEvent(BeanEvent.
> REMOVE_BEAN,viewBead.content));
> viewBead.content.removeEventListener("closePopUp"
> , closePopUpHandler);
> }
> }
> Thx
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Carlos Rovira 
> *Enviado el:* sábado, 23 de enero de 2021 16:35
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: [EXTERNAL] Popup and Databinding with Crux (RE: Popup and
> Databinding)
> Yeah, that would be very cool Maria Jose :)
> El vie, 22 ene 2021 a las 21:11, Maria Jose Esteve ()
> escribió:
> Yes, it seemed to me too . I will clean the code and share it (maybe
> tomorrow).
> Hiedra.
> *De:* Carlos Rovira 
> *Enviado el:* viernes, 22 de enero de 2021 20:09
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* Re: [EXTERNAL] Popup and Databinding with Crux (RE: Popup and
> Databinding)
> Cool, thanks Brian :)
> Maybe we could create a bead for PopUp to make if you use Crux to
> streamline the use...
> someone is encouraged to create this and contribute? :)
> El vie, 22 ene 2021 a las 20:03, Maria Jose Esteve ()
> escribió:
> It works perfect for me.
> I have another mxml that I dynamically load in with the same problem, I'm
> going to try it there too but it sure works.
> Thanks for the help Brian.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Brian Raymes 
> *Enviado el:* viernes, 22 de enero de 2021 18:02
> *Para:*
> *Asunto:* RE: [EXTERNAL] Popup and Databinding with Crux (RE: Popup and
> Databinding)
> Here is how I’m making that work. Dispatch an ADD_BEAN before adding the
> content to the PopUp. This wires it up for crux.
> I’m also dispatching REMOVE_BEAN when the popup is closed to ensure it is
> removed when not needed.
> var searchPopup:SearchPopup = new SearchPopup();
> . . .
> dispatchEvent(new BeanEvent(BeanEvent.ADD_BEAN, searchPopup));
> . . .
> popup = new PopUp();
> popup.content = searchPopup;
> addElement(popup);
> = true;
> Hope this helps.
> Brian
> *From:* Maria Jose Esteve 
> *Sent:* Friday, January 22, 2021 2:40 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Popup and Databinding with Crux (RE: Popup and
> Databinding)
> Hi,
> I am experiencing an error similar to wkoch, the Databinding in a Popup
> does not work, in my case using crux.
> I have an mxml, TopesDetPerson, that shows the detail of a record. My mvc
> model is injected and binded and it works perfectly if we insert it into
> the main mxml (SectionContent) but stops working if I create it
> programmatically. This is an excerpt from the build and upload code:
> private var popupLimitsDetail:PopUp;
> public function viewLimitsDetail():void
> {
> var pp:TopesDetPerson;
> if(!popupLimitsDetail)
> {
> popupLimitsDetail = new PopUp();

Re: Showing Local HTML

2021-01-24 Thread Carlos Rovira

some of the things you need to do in Flex due to Flash Player are not
needed anymore in Royale. The Player was very good in many things but had
the problem that it was a sandbox that needed special ways to interact with
the browser and js. You need to change your mindset and take advantage of
that, while keeping the good things we still get from the Flex world that
are not outside of Royale in other js technologies ;). Think on Royale as
the "best of both worlds".

So, since Royale compiles to js, you can interact directly with html and
use for example IFrame (there's an implementation in HTML.swc lib), also
you can use native js libraries in many ways.

Some links to help you:

1.- This is a project for a small product browser integrated in a webpage.
The royale app use a js library with @externs (a good way to put a js lib
to play in Royale with AS3). The library is for create a PDF from a web
page. Also the project shows how to integrate the app in the webpage to
adapt its width and height to the web page so you don't know it's a royale

2.- Externs:

3.- ExternalInterface (But I think you should go with Externs since this
seems to me and old Flex concept not needed in Royale)



El vie, 22 ene 2021 a las 22:31, Bilbosax ()

> In my AIR app that I am converting to Royale, I have a Google Map html file
> that I would display using an ANE by Distriqt called NativeWebView.  It
> created a webView on the mobile device that you could upload your local
> html
> file to, and it created an AirBridge that allowed actionscript to call
> Javascript functions or vice versa.  A beautiful and useful piece of code.
> How would I do something like this on Royale?  Is there a component that
> allows you to load local html files and pass information back and forth
> with
> Javascript (like the old stageWebView or htmlLoader)?
> --
> Sent from:

Carlos Rovira
Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
*Apache Software Foundation*