Re: Architecting a heterogeneous Sling + Java EE application

2017-10-04 Thread Robert Munteanu
Hi Dmitry,

Sorry, this somehow slipped, see my answers below

On Fri, 2017-09-01 at 02:48 +0300, Dmitry wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Thanks a lot for an exhaustive explanation, things got much clearer
> now. But could you please elaborate a bit on the 3rd deployment
> option,
> specifically on what's the difference in general from the WAB
> scenario
> initially proposed by me? I thought "deploy OSGi (web-)bundle to
> Felix"
> and "deploy OSGi bundle to Sling" were equal notions, but turns out
> they aren't? (I guess the difference will be at least in using OSGi
> HttpService with the former scenario vs. Sling ResourceProvider with
> the latter.) Does it have something to do with the aforementioned
> "Sling provisioning"? Where can I read about it?

To me WABs are a transitional middle ground towards moving fully to
OSGi. I have not used them so far but by reading the spec I see that:

- a WAB requires application server support - a Web Extender
- a WAB still uses web.xml and the 'classic' JEE structure

It may make more sense to you to go the WAB route first but I suggest
you at least keep your options open and migrate to a pure OSGi setup.

Looking forward to hearing more about your progress, once there's news
about it :-)



Re: SlingPostServlet File Upload Section Documentation Needs an Update

2017-10-04 Thread Robert Munteanu
Hi Gaurav,

On Fri, 2017-09-22 at 03:58 +, Gaurav Sachdeva wrote:
> Hello,
> The following has been mentioned in the documentation regarding the
> algorithm used for selecting the primary node type of the file
> uploaded - 
> "If a @TypeHint suffixed parameter is not present or the value does
> not denote an existing non-mixin node type, the node will be created
> as an nt:file node if the parent node is of type nt:folder. Otherwise
> the node will be created with primary node type nt:resource."
> However, while playing around, I found it to be slightly different - 
> The primary node type also depends on the "name" attribute of the
>  tag. If the input tag has a name attribute which
> is NOT *, for example, name="image", then the node is created with a
> name "image" and it has properties jcr:data, jcr:lastModified and
> jcr:mimeType. However, is the name attribute is *, name="*", then it
> doesn't matter whether the parent node is of type nt:folder or
> something else, the node for uploaded file is always created with
> node type as nt:file only.
> Regards,Gaurav

Thanks for the report. Could you send a pull request with this update?

The sling site is found in Github at
te and the page you referenced is
blob/master/src/main/jbake/content/documentation/bundles/manipulating- .
