[SOGo] BTS activities for Tuesday, June 27 2023

2023-06-27 Thread SOGo reporter
Title: BTS activities for Tuesday, June 27 2023

BTS Activities

  Home page: https://bugs.sogo.nu
  Project: SOGo
  For the period covering: Tuesday, June 27 2023

idlast updatestatus (resolution)categorysummary
	2023-06-27 13:04:05
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Calendar list and subscriptions can be enabled/disabled with the keyboard
	2023-06-27 13:16:45
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Folder Kebab menus in SOGo are marked as such
	2023-06-27 13:16:48
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	The current tab in SOGo can be controlled via keyboard
	2023-06-27 13:16:53
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Contrasts at focus of SOGo are too low
	2023-06-27 13:25:21
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Structuring SOGo via blocks
	2023-06-27 13:25:29
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Calendars can not be activated via keyboard
	2023-06-27 13:35:57
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Increase contrast ratios in controls in SOGo
	2023-06-27 13:37:48
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Search field in SOGo clearly distinguishable from background
	2023-06-27 13:41:19
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	SOGo: Button to expand view is hidden from screen readers
	2023-06-27 13:57:41
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Controls in SOGo are not translated or not translated correctly
	2023-06-27 14:01:28
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Improvement of the headline structure in SOGo
	2023-06-27 14:08:26
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Switches for displaying calendars are not linked to the labels
	2023-06-27 14:25:08
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Current day in the calendar is highlighted more clearly
	2023-06-27 14:24:44
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Improvement minimum contrasts in SOGo
	2023-06-27 14:25:41
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	At increased zoom in relevant information is cut off in SOGo
	2023-06-27 14:28:45
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Content in SOGo no longer readable when increasing text spacing
	2023-06-27 14:30:45
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	When trying different combinations of fonts and sizes, content overlaps
	2023-06-27 14:58:56
	updated (open)
	with SOGo
	Calendar titles can be controlled via keyboard
	2023-06-27 14:58:31
	feedback (open)
	Apple Calendar (Mac OS X)
	Apple Calendar App gets Error 501 when connecting
	2023-06-27 15:04:51
	feedback (open)
	Apple iPhone OS
	Wrong time Events
	2023-06-27 20:49:06
	assigned (open)
	Packaging (RedHat)
	kernel: sogod[1907582]: segfault libgnustep-base.so.1.24.9
	2023-06-27 17:16:17
	assigned (open)
	Web Mail
	Webmail calendar showing some events in 1970

Re: [SOGo] SAML login not working / Keycloak 21.1.1 / Debian bookworm

2023-06-27 Thread Claas Hilbrecht


I recompiled the sogo 5.8.4 package from Debian sid and added some  
NSLog outputs. So I can confirm that the SAML response is really ok  
and the content is fine. But it seems something in my setup is wrong.

SOGo writes the current session to the sogo_sessions_folder. This  
works fine, the content in stored in the mysql db. But after storing  
the session two errors get logged:

(process:20775): Lasso-CRITICAL **: 20:45:24.648: 2023-06-27 20:45:24  
(profile.c/:913) Trying to unref a non GObject pointer  
file=profile.c:913 pointerbybname=profile->identity  

(process:20775): Lasso-CRITICAL **: 20:45:24.648: 2023-06-27 20:45:24  
(profile.c/:916) Trying to unref a non GObject pointer  
file=profile.c:916 pointerbybname=profile->session  


I can't find the profile.c source code for now but I assumed sogo  
tried to read from the table sogo_user_profile the users profile. But  
even after creating this entry

INSERT INTO `sogo_user_profile` (`c_uid`, `c_defaults`, `c_settings`) VALUES
('claas.hilbre...@example.com', '{}', '{}');

I still get the above error... So what I'm missing?

Jun 27 18:45:24 sogod [20775]:, "GET  
/SOGo//claas.hilbre...@example.com HTTP/1.1" 302 0/0 0.015 - - 0 - 13
Jun 27 18:45:24 sogod [20775]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri  

2023-06-27 18:45:24.643 sogod[20775:20775] loginA: claas.hilbre...@example.com
2023-06-27 18:45:24.643 sogod[20775:20775] loginB: claas.hilbre...@example.com
2023-06-27 18:45:24.643 sogod[20775:20775] loginC: claas.hilbre...@example.com
2023-06-27 18:45:24.643 sogod[20775:20775] assertionA: xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"  
Version="2.0">https://auth.example.com/realms/masterhttp://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#";>http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"/>http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/>http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/>http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>KNo7JjLw1k6KyvJCzBkw6firW3TO2IvMr9Z+NiIeJqE=aDvUyS7iFXxi9ILF6byZeh1wbmqu2928G2KNa7zWGGEK0bDTv6udgHtoVnaBJ1+s4JE7G5QCBc/0KdmK+qveGwITcTXLSaSZHZuKfF3Nd1Q8HbA/m7YX9F0E8qFHBQkBCGvbSiR2Jttn2YXkGsxy+T455dV24Fl840KkM9ENiG4e2kHExHdM1aFMQbgBMxdJcWhBTkatnawBvSv5PpTvG8u0bU4UX7RlsdGnK+OnWCCe8tH1aKLUUaDRANuiEzroyVdBLbXEnmiYLru8QIx9ycckrx6NuIw6kNX73g07S5uQUS9fxemYs6BRNcHUHboL/aRPdq1XrgUDdBsTdDiFdQ==lW-L-g3kaWfrc5goQbcyY8W77J3-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G-2594070f-2a5d-452d-8a25-97a59350d785https://sogo.example.com/SOGo/saml2-signon-post"/>https://sogo.example.com/SOGo/saml2-metadataurn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:unspecifiedhttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xsi:type="xs:string">claas.hilbre...@example.comhttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";  
2023-06-27 18:45:24.643 sogod[20775:20775] identifierA:  
2023-06-27 18:45:24.645 sogod[20775:20775]  
2023-06-27 18:45:24.646 sogod[20775:20775]  
has no results.
2023-06-27 18:45:24.646 sogod[20775:20775]  
SELECT t1.c_creationdate, t1.c_id, t1.c_lastseen, t1.c_value FROM   
sogo_sessions_folder t1 WHERE t1.c_id='AY9zox6L6tlqhvTT';
2023-06-27 18:45:24.646 sogod[20775:20775]  
has results, entering fetch-mode.
2023-06-27 18:45:24.646 sogod[20775:20775]  
2023-06-27 18:45:24.646 sogod[20775:20775]  
has no results.
2023-06-27 18:45:24.646 sogod[20775:20775]  
2023-06-27 18:45:24.646 sogod[20775:20775]  
has no results.
2023-06-27 18:45:24.646 sogod[20775:20775]  
INSERT INTO sogo_sessions_folder (c_lastseen, c_creationdate, c_value,  
c_id) VALUES (1687891524, 1687891524,  

Re: [SOGo] two mailservers cannot talk to each other

2023-06-27 Thread "Uwe Cramer"
In the sogo inbox from domain-A i got this messages. 

Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
"Mail Delivery System MAILER-DAEMON@domain-A"
connect to domain-B[Public-IP-B]:25: Connection timed out

Soi think its a Problem with NAT in the OPNsense Firewall, not a sogo problem.
The packet goes out on the public interface and cannot go back on the same 

dmz-ip-A --> NAT --> wan-ip-A --->.  (IF-1)
dmz-ip-B <-- NAT <-- wan-ip-B <---'  (IF-1)

>>> "Marco Moock" (marco.mo...@urz.uni-heidelberg.de)  
>>> 27.06.2023 07:59 >>>
Am 26.06.2023 um 23:26:47 Uhr schrieb "Uwe Cramer":

> Yes, ping works. 

Are there any error messages from the MTA?
Does "telnet IP 25" works?

Marco Moock
URZ Uni Heidelberg

Re: [SOGo] two mailservers cannot talk to each other

2023-06-27 Thread Simon Lott

you need to setup your mailserver DNS MX records correctly
you have internal and external network IPs
mailservers work on domain names

it's a noob thing that any mailserver admin must know how to do hence 
why I am letting you work it out yourself but with a huge hint.yw

On 27/06/2023 02:30, "Simon Wilson" (si...@simonandkate.net) wrote:
The SOGo mailing list is not going to be able to help you with this 
question... SOGo has nothing to do with how your email gets routed, 
delivered, processed through SMTP, etc. It is an MUA for end user 
email access, not an MTA for email delivery (e.g. my setup uses 
Postfix as the MTA, SOGo as the MUA).

Wherever you do end up asking the question, you will need to provide 
some detail - your email basically says "it doesn't work - help".


On Tuesday, June 27, 2023 08:10 AEST, "\"Uwe Cramer\"" 
(uwe.cra...@intellekta.de)  wrote:

Both systems are SOGo groupware server installed on
sorry my typing error its
as app in separate domains
Yes, ping works.

*Von:* Marco Moock 
*Gesendet:* Montag, 26. Juni 2023 22:20
*Betreff:* Re: [SOGo] two mailservers cannot talk to each other
Am 26.06.2023 um 19:44:33 Uhr schrieb "S1000RR":

> i have set up two mail servers A and B für different domains A B
> both can send and receive any mailserver in the web.
> but  not each other.
> MX A internal IP-A over NAT to external IP-A  to external MX = Okay
> MX B internal IP-B over NAT to external IP-B to external MX = Okay
> MX A to MX B fails
> MB A to MX A fails

How is that related to SOGo?

Can you ping them?

Marco Moock
URZ Uni Heidelberg

Simon Wilson
M: 0400 121 116 

Please consider the environment and think before you vote.
Legal disclaimer: The information transmitted is the property of Simon Lott and 
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dissemination and other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this 
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prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender 
immediately and delete the material from any computer.