[SOGo] Extending preference pane with UIxAdditionalPreferences.wox

2012-08-20 Thread Francesco Spegni


I know it is possible to let SOGo load custom JS files using the 
SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles parameter. Using this mechanism I want to load a 
file (let's say custom.js) where I can redefine the savePreferences 
function (defined in ./WebServerResources/UIxPreferences.js).

Now I would like to modify the standard preferences window in order to 
show custom components. So far, I do this modifying the file 
Templates/Preferences/UIxPreferences.wox. I also see there is a 
UIxAdditionalPreferences.wox file. Can I put my modification into the 
latter, not touching the UIxPreferences.wox file?

In this way, my customization can be reduced to a small set of files 
that together can form a module.

Thanks to anybody can help me.

I see in the UIxPreferences.wox there is a condition:

var:if condition=shouldDisplayAdditionalPreferences
li target=additionalView
spanvar:string label:value=Additional Parameters//span
var:if condition=shouldDisplayAdditionalPreferences
div id=additionalView class=tab
var:component className=UIxAdditionalPreferences/

but I don't understand how to force the 
shouldDisplayAdditionalPreferences condition ...

Francesco Spegni

Skype: francesco.spegni

Ama le nuvole, le macchine, i libri, ma prima di tutto ama l'uomo -
Nazim Hilkmet

https://inverse.ca/sogo/listsattachment: f_spegni.vcf

[SOGo] problems with sogo and debian testing

2012-08-03 Thread Francesco Spegni


I'm trying to configure SOGo with debian testing, and following the 





apt-get install sope4.9-gdl1-mysql

to connect SOGo with MySQL I get this error message:

sogo : Depends: libgnustep-base1.20 (= 1.20.1) but it is not installable
Depends: libmemcached5 (= 0.33) but it is not installable
Depends: libmysqlclient16 (= 5.1.21-1) but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libsope-core4.9 (= 4.9.r1664.20120724) but it is not going to 
be installed
Depends: libsope-gdl1-4.9 (= 4.9.r1664.20120724) but it is not going to 
be installed

E: Broken packages

In my system I've installed the following packages:


can I tell the sope4.9-gdl1-mysql to install ignoring its dependencies? 
can the package be made compatible with the more recent libgnustep and 

I've found this email which looks very similar to my problem:


but there was no solution to that problem.

I would appreciate any help. thanks in advance.

Francesco Spegni

Skype: francesco.spegni

Ama le nuvole, le macchine, i libri, ma prima di tutto ama l'uomo -
Nazim Hilkmet

attachment: f_spegni.vcf