Hi Rowland!

I am happy to report that I just found the problem!!

When I created the users in ldap I gave unique values to uiNumber and

These should be set to the save value as the dovecot vmail account as 5000.

Permissions prohibited mail to be delivered through dovecot.

Thanks for the help.


On 08/01/2014 12:26, "Rowland Penny" <rpenny241...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On 08/01/14 11:48, gert.ho...@securityicon.com wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Its been a while since I have configured a production server and also
>>since I
>> have used a mailing list so please forgive me if a miss a few details.
>> Here is the scenario:
>> I am experimenting with a virtual server environment. I have SOGo
>>running on a
>> Ubuntu 12.04 server with Postfix, Dovecot and SAMBA4.
>> I have a separate LDAP server running on the same version of Ubuntu. I
>> phpmyldap to administer this LDAP server. I have created the structures
>> the LDAP server with this tool.
>What LDAP server? Samba4 uses an AD server
>> I used various installation guides but decided to use apt-get to
>>install SOGo
>> and openchange on what is the mail server.
>> The basic configurations is according to teh following guides:
>> http://www.openchange.org/cookbook/backends/sogo/index.html
>> The problem is this:
>> Jan  8 12:30:03 mail postfix/pipe[6078]: 48081320D97:
>> relay=dovecot, delay=1785, delays=1785/0/0/0.03, dsn=4.3.0,
>> (temporary failure)
>> I have created this using a ldif file. The moment I add the object class
>> posixAccount to the object the mail fails to deliver.However I am able
>>to send and receive mail fine if I create an object without
>> the posixAccount objectClass.
>> This is a problem for me as we are looking to implement a single sign on
>> environment for all technologies.
>This is not a problem, the 'posixAccount' objectClass is an auxillary
>class of the objectClass 'user' in AD and as such does not need to be
>added and in fact shouldn't be added.
>> Any ideas?


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