[SOGo] New feature request

2013-09-30 Thread sr42354
it would be nice to have a copy and paste function on the events in the
like this, we could copy an event and paste it several times at different time.
Best regards.

Re: [SOGo] Sogo and funambol installation

2013-04-29 Thread sr42354
Hello Arnaud,
I think we have the same problem! 
Do you have error on the log file /opt/Funambol/logs/ds-server/ds-server.log?
What is your situation now?
Best Regards!

[SOGo] how to sync calendar with android through funambol

2013-04-23 Thread sr42354

I have read that it was not possible to syncronize contact with funambol when
sogo was configured with ldap authentification but what about with Calendar?

I'm trying to sync calendar through funambol and I can read some error I don't
really understand...

[2013-04-23 14:48:40,902] [funambol.sogo] [INFO]
[8EC35518013DDC6CF63EFABE498A10A0] [] [fac-10-352376050986460]
[samuel.r] [sogo-cal] getNewItemKeys(2013-04-23 14:38:05.799(1366720685),
2013-04-23 14:48:40.523(1366721320))
[2013-04-23 14:48:40,902] [funambol.sogo] [ERROR]
[8EC35518013DDC6CF63EFABE498A10A0] [] [fac-10-352376050986460]
[samuel.r] [sogo-cal] Exception during getNewSyncItemsKeys():
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de
« . »
  Position: 12
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de
« . »
  Position: 12

[2013-04-23 14:48:40,904] [funambol.sogo] [ERROR]
[8EC35518013DDC6CF63EFABE498A10A0] [] [fac-10-352376050986460]
[samuel.r] [sogo-cal] Exception during getDeletedSyncItemsKeys():
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de
« . »
  Position: 12
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de
« . »
  Position: 12

[2013-04-23 14:48:40,904] [funambol.sogo] [INFO]
[8EC35518013DDC6CF63EFABE498A10A0] [] [fac-10-352376050986460]
[samuel.r] [sogo-cal] getDeletedItemKeys(2013-04-23 14:38:05.799(1366720685),
2013-04-23 14:48:40.523(1366721320))
[2013-04-23 14:48:40,905] [funambol.sogo] [ERROR]
[8EC35518013DDC6CF63EFABE498A10A0] [] [fac-10-352376050986460]
[samuel.r] [sogo-cal] Exception during getDeletedSyncItemsKeys():
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de
« null »
  Position: 20
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de
« null »
  Position: 20

nothing goes wrong from the smartphone, Authentification seems ok since I just
have an error if I do a mistake on the login and/or password.

The client I'm using is FunV10 under Android, I try this one because It's used
by this french High school ( ECP )

Thank a lot helping me! :)-- 