Am 13.01.2012 12:35, schrieb Martin Ott:
> Hi,
> since Version 1.2 syncevolution supports CalDAV and CardDAV. Has anyone
> a working
> config running with sogo?
> I'm trying to get my N900 to sync with sogo (v1.3.11). The initial sync
> is successfull.
> After deleting an event on the phone, the following sync aborts with the
> error (syncevolution output):
> [INFO @sogo] @sogo/calendar: deleting <%2f72.ics>
> [ERROR @sogo] @sogo/calendar: error code from SyncEvolution operation
> not allowed (remote, status 405): DELETE: bad HTTP status: <status 1.1,
> code 405, class 4, Method Not Allowed>
> which is in the sogo.log on the server:
> - - [13/Jan/2012:12:26:25 +0100] "DELETE /72.ics HTTP/1.1" 405
> 378 "-" "-"
> With Inverse SOGo Connecter the DELETE Operation is functional. Any hints?

with the help of the syncevolution developer Patrick Ohly I gotit
working - the problem was a missing / at the end of the database path

The relevant commands to create the config are as follows:

#specify peer
syncevolution --configure --template webdav
syncURL= username=foo password=bar
SSLVerifyServer=0 target-config@sogo

#explicitly configure addressbook source on CardDAV-Server
syncevolution --configure
target-config@sogo addressbook

#explicitly configure calendar source on CalDAV-Server
syncevolution --configure
target-config@sogo calendar

#local config
syncevolution --configure --template SyncEvolution_Client
syncURL=local://@sogo username= password= n900
calendar addressbook

#initial sync
syncevolution --sync slow n900 calendar addressbook

Additional calendar are also possible.


Martin Ott | Stettener Str. 6 | 71394 Kernen-Rommelshausen
fon 07151-1698452 | mobil 0176-49399967

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