
I have a strange problem with Sogo 2.05a from Debian backports:
I cannot select a contact.

This is the with many different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Iceweasel).

This is what chromium says in the javascript console:
Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on draggable prior to
initialization; attempted to call method 'destroy'
jQuery.extend.error jquery.js?lm=1353011304:551
(anonymous function) jquery-ui.js?lm=1382992844:5
jQuery.extend.each jquery.js?lm=1353011304:660
jQuery.fn.jQuery.each jquery.js?lm=1353011304:271
b.fn.(anonymous function) jquery-ui.js?lm=1382992844:5
configureDraggables ContactsUI.js?lm=1376647632:1499
initContacts ContactsUI.js?lm=1376647632:1340
_createResponder.responder prototype.js?lm=1289939606:5575
fire prototype.js?lm=1289939606:5734
_methodized prototype.js?lm=1289939606:438
fireContentLoadedEvent prototype.js?lm=1289939606:5820

I've contact with Jeroen Dekkers who created the Debian package.
He cannot reproduce the error. Is here somebody with an idea?

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer, Groningen


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