Post (ubuntu) Config:
Find out what the ethX number it detected, or that you want to use with:
Ifconfig -a

Edit this file: replace eth0 with eth1 or whatever you want. Reboot. Network 
will work now.
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

I pre-installed webmin and a few other things on my vm prior to cloning.

From: administrator []
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 4:59 PM
Subject: [SOGo] HowTo: SOGo ZEG Appliance to Physical Machine over LAN
Importance: High

You guys are gonna love me for this. :) It's a little something I picked up and 
built upon when I first started doing P2V and V2P transitions for my first 
Ubuntu server. Purely over the network SOGo Appliance ->

You will need:

An unbuntu 'desktop' ISO, as well as a physically burned disc. Virtualbox on 
some pc, a new target physical machine (doesn't matter what's on it, but it's 
contents will be replaced.)

1) Import the SOGo ZEG appliance into virtualbox

2) Change the cd-rom image loaded into that appliance vm -> the Ubuntu desktop 

3) fire it up and let it boot to the live desktop

4) fire up the target machine using the Ubuntu live desktop cd (bridged 
networking enabled)

5) On the VM, type the following into the command line:

sudo su

apt-get install pv

dd if=/dev/hda | pv |gzip -9 | nc -l -p 3333

6) On the target pc's console (in the Ubuntu desktop live environment, replace 
the /dev/hda with your target hard drive. In my case I only had 1 hd on my 
target test physical box)

sudo su

apt-get install pv

nc 3333 | gunzip -d | pv |  dd of=/dev/had

note: the replace the ip above with the ip of the vm.and /dev/hda with your 
target drive

7) Open up gparted (you might have to reboot), resize the partition to full 
disk size and you're done the new pc. :)

Only one wasted disc, progress visible. Also works on just specific partitions 
or to make disc images. The volumes being copied to/from cannot be mounted. 
This will also work for upgrading to a completely new server etc... it's not 
specific to anything except that it's linux with a linux-generic kernel image 
(unless you want to feel pain).


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