I finally have a working install of Samba4, SOGo, and OpenChange. It’s still in the testing stages, but I can access mail and calendar from Outlook, Caldav/IMAP, and the web page. All data stays in sync, and it all looks stable.

I installed the darn thing so many times, I decided to script it. The following is the script I use to install a complete Samba Active Directory domain, SOGo, and Openchange server. This script comes with no warranty. It’s license is GPLv2. If you improve the script in any way, let me know.

The script prompts for data before it does anything. However, it still asks for an Administrator password just after it installs Samba4. The prompt will appear at the bottom of the screen.

There’s still work to be done… clean up, maybe moving to bind9 instead of Samba4 DNS. Let me know what you’d like to see, and I’ll try to do it.

The script is at http://majentis.com/?p=344


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