I have recently changed the authentication of our SOGo instance (together with Dovecot and Postfix) to use e-mail addresses (in the form "u...@example.net") instead of account names (in the form "user"). Sadly I made a mistake whilst doing this (which I have done before on other systems successfully). I restarted the SOGo daemons and logged into a few accounts via webmail before running "sogo-tool rename-user" commands.

When I realised my mistake I shut everything down and immediately ran:

    "sogo-tool rename-user user u...@example.net"

for each user on the system.

Sadly this was too late and I seem to have broken the settings for several users who now have duplicate entries for their calendar and contacts.

"sogo-tool user-preferences get settings usera Contacts" gives:

Contacts: {"FolderShowAlarms": {"us...@example.net:Contacts\/3E92-539F0080-1-5AAFDB80": 0, "userb:Contacts\/personal": 0, "us...@example.net:Contacts\/personal": 0}, "FolderDisplayNames": {"us...@example.net:Contacts\/personal": "Userb Address Book (Userb <us...@example.net>)"}, "DragHandleVertical": "365", "SubscribedFolders": ["us...@example.net:Contacts\/personal"]}

I have checked the folder_info table in MySQL and only one version of each address book/calendar actually exists and is correct with the new u...@example.net format in both the c_path and c_path2 columns.

Can anyone suggest an easy way for me to fix the mess I have made? I could unsubscribe from all the calendar/address books and stop sharing them. This may help but wouldn't fix the personal ones. I'm afraid that if I try and edit them manually I will make a typo somewhere and cause a bigger mess!

All suggestions very gratefully received...


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