dear sogo-users,

I've got a sogo setup on my server which is pretty standard (except for nginx as a webserver, I guess). It's working quite well (except for the fact that I can't store umlauts with contacts in the webinterface, but I haven't looked into that yet), and my apple computer at home did neatly integrate with it (addressbook and iCal).

Now I want to connect my thunderbird 10 ESR to my sogo-server (e. g. with sogo-connector). I can install the plugin (installed lightning 1.2.3 as mentioned in the docs), thunderbird doesn't complain.

but I can't see any evidence of the presence of the sogo-plugin, I can't connect to a remote addressbook or so (I don't have the option in the menu). The error-console of thunderbird does not complain about anything. In thunderbird-preferences the contact-preferences of sogo show up, so the plugin must be loaded.

My workstation is a 64bit debian linux (stable) with thunderbird 10 ESR. Any help would really be appreciated, as thunderbird connector (or even better integrator) would solve a lot of problems for me.



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