RE: Custom Rules Question SOLVED(ish)

2010-03-02 Thread Michael Dilworth
The problem was multiline rules with rawbody.  Changing it
to full and things work.  (I missed that little detail in
the wiki, and there are body rules in the dist that have /is)  

A rule in-between rawbody/full?  I.e. the whole body, but not the 
headers?  Or even better, in addition to that, plain/html/etc..
scanning only the  plain or html part of the body.

Hell, I'll try to write it if anyone can give me some pointers... 
  * Can you add new targets (header/body/etc) from a plugin.
  * Where in the code do I look for the message and all its
  parts that is in memory.

I know I'm being lazy, read the code.  But hints would be 
greatly appreciated.


Custom Rules Question

2010-02-27 Thread Michael Dilworth
OK, it's late and I'm tired, and this will probably 
end up being stupid regex issue, but:

why does...
rawbody STYLE_IN_BODY /\body\.*style/si  match
rawbody STYLE_IN_BODY /\body\.*\style\/si   not match?

given a message body:


No multipart, no Mime, just straight html as a message

TIA michael...