Are you sure the directory you tried to upgrade is a 'working copy'? The way
you describe it, it looks like it is a repository.


Subversion 1.9 and 1.8 can just use 1.6 repositories without upgrade. or you
can run 'svnadmin upgrade' on them to enable new features.




From: Hom, Margaret [] 
Sent: zaterdag 20 februari 2016 02:30
Cc: Hom, Margaret <>
Subject: upgrade Subversion from version 1.6 to svn, version 1.8.15



I installed version 1.8.15, copied the working directory from an existing
1.6 version server to this new server.   I su logged in as subvadm, cd to
working directory, cd to one of the working directory ais_repos.   I issued
the command 'svn upgrade', but   I got the error not a working copy root,
file not found error. (please see the following copy and paste).

I am new to the Subversion.  Please advise.


Margaret Hom






[sfaismh@vx63 ~]$ su - subvadm


[subvadm@vx63 ~]$ cd /subv_repos

[subvadm@vx63 subv_repos]$ cd ais_repos

[subvadm@vx63 ais_repos]$ svn upgrade

svn: E155019: Can't upgrade '/subv_repos/ais_repos' as it is not a working
copy root

svn: E000002: Working copy database '/subv_repos/ais_repos/.svn/wc.db' not

svn: E000002: Additional errors:

svn: E000002: Can't open file '/subv_repos/ais_repos/.svn/entries': No such
file or directory


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