We have an old subversion version 1.4.3 (r23084) running on Solaris.
We would like to upgrade to use new hardware on Linux based OS (CentOS 6.9), 
possibly version 1.8.x or 1.9.x

Our plan is to installed and configure the latest SVN on CentOS 6.9. Then go 
through dump and load of the repository as described in various online post and 
documentations.  The repository is quite large…guessing the size to be in the 
order of 20-40GB

Before we start undertaking such tasks

1.      Does anyone know if there are there any problem/gotcha in migrating the 

2.      Does anyone know how long it would take to export the repository of 
this size?  This will give us an estimate how long to schedule down time and 
cut off time.

Thanks for any insight.

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