Re: GUI interface to Subversion via web browser?

2024-05-24 Thread Sean McBride
On 24 May 2024, at 9:10, Johan Corveleyn wrote:

> What lots of people these days are looking for (myself included) is a
> modern "Code Forge" [1][2][3], like GitHub/Lab/... or like the Forgejo
> project [4] with its cloud-hosted platform Codeberg [5], but then for
> Subversion.

I've never tried, but I once considered this:

which supports svn.


Re: GUI interface to Subversion via web browser?

2024-05-23 Thread Sean McBride
On 22 May 2024, at 17:52, Yasuhito FUTATSUKI wrote:

> ViewVC 1.2.3 does not support Python 3.

The fact that their newest release, 1.2.3, still requires python 2 does not 
exactly fill me with confidence with respect to the health of the project. :(


Re: [External] : Re: Can't connect to github anymore

2024-01-16 Thread Sean McBride
On 16 Jan 2024, at 15:44, Daniel Sahlberg wrote:

> TortoiseSVN, the Windows client, has some scripts that actually allow 
> "diffing" of Word and Excel documents.

So does Araxis Merge (not affiliated, just a happy customer).


Re: SVN update not working in MacOS Sonoma

2023-10-11 Thread Sean McBride
On 6 Oct 2023, at 10:40, Daniel Sahlberg wrote:

> Pavel has confirmed that Subversion works for him without any issues on macOS 
> 14

FWIW svn 1.14.2 from MacPorts has been working for me fine throughout the macOS 
14 beta cycle, and with the final release.


Re: precommit hook to prevent large commits?

2023-03-10 Thread Sean McBride

On 30 May 2019, at 3:12, Andreas Stieger wrote:

I'm looking to update my precommit hook to reject commits that are 
larger than x megabytes.

The proposed transaction is passed as a parameter to the hook.
Hand that to svnlook (svnlook -t $TXN changed), and iterate over all 

Filter out deletions and directory changes.
For each file get size (svnlook -t $TXN filesize) and sum it up.
Evaluate and return hook as required.

Very late followup here :), but my coworker finally did this and here it 
is in case it can help anyone else:

# Detect and reject very large commits
# Total and maximum commit size in bytes

# For each item in the commit transaction, filter out deletions, get the 
size and sum it up:
# 'svnlook changed' output starts with a status code (?, A, D, U, _U, 
UU) followed by the paths of files that were added/removed/changed
# Out of this output only two filepaths should be removed, deletions 
(status code 'D') and folders (filepath ending with '/')
| egrep $'^[^D]' `

echo $SVN_STAT_OUTPUT | cut -c 2- | while read item
# Get size of each item, in theory all items are exclusively files 
or folder
# Note the '2> /dev/null' this is used to ignore stderr output from 
trying to get the size of a folder.. perhaps not the most elegant way of 
handling errors
# However since ITEM_SIZE will not increase if given a folder as 
parameter, simply ignoring stderr output handles the situation just 
"${item}" )

sum=$((ITEM_SIZE + total))
echo "$sum" > /tmp/svn_sum.txt


TOTAL=`cat /tmp/svn_sum.txt`

if [ ${TOTAL} -gt ${MAX_COMMIT_SIZE} ]; then
echo "Commit blocked! Your commit size is $TOTAL bytes, the maximum 
size is $MAX_COMMIT_SIZE bytes." 1>&2

exit 4

# All checks passed, so allow the commit.
exit 0

Re: How to accept ~ (obstructed by item of a different kind) status files?

2023-02-21 Thread Sean McBride
On 21 Feb 2023, at 15:57, Nathan Hartman wrote:

> $ svn remove --keep-local file
> $ svn add file

Thanks to you both.

Somehow, after all these years, I had no idea you could both svn remove and svn 
add a file at the same path without a commit in-between.



How to accept ~ (obstructed by item of a different kind) status files?

2023-02-21 Thread Sean McBride
Hi all,

Today I hit something I never saw before: a ~ in svn status output.

Indeed, a file that is a symlink in the repo was (deliberately) changed to a 
plain file in my working copy.  I appreciate that this could be a mistake 
generally, but when it's deliberate, how do I signal to svn that it's ok?

I guess I could always: remove, commit, re-add, commit, but can it not be done 



How much is too much data in an svn repository?

2022-09-22 Thread Sean McBride
Hi all,

Our svn repo is about 110 GB for a full checkout. Larger on the server of 
course, with all history, weighting about 142 GB.

There haven't been any performance issues, it's working great.

But now some users are interested in committing an additional 200 GB of mostly 
large binary files.

I worry about it becoming "too big".  At what point does that happen?  
Terabytes?  Petabytes?  100s of GB?



Re: svn binary packages for macOS

2021-10-06 Thread Sean McBride
On Tue, 5 Oct 2021 17:45:39 -0500, Ryan Schmidt said:

>I am a manager of MacPorts. MacPorts supports Mac OS X 10.4 and later
>and provides binaries for Mac OS X 10.6 and later. See:


Thanks!  That worked for me.  It was able to install svn 1.14.1 on macOS 

Even better, it fixed my root issue, which is that since the Sept 30 Let's 
Encrypt certificate expiration, the WANDisco 1.11.1 binaries (for whatever 
reason) fail to `svn up` but it now works with the MacPorts 1.14.1 installation.



Re: svn binary packages for macOS

2021-10-04 Thread Sean McBride
On Sun, 3 Oct 2021 09:07:04 -0400, Mark Phippard said:

>I personally use Homebrew. The SVN package is all precompiled so it is
>easy to install. Myself and other SVN devs have even improved the
>formula over the years.


Not sure if this is veering off-topic for this list, but I've tried using brew 
to install svn and it gives me:

$ brew install --build-bottle subversion

Error: The following formulae cannot be installed from bottles and must be
built from source.
  openjdk, gdbm, mpdecimal, ca-certificates, openssl@1.1, readline, sqlite, 
python@3.9, scons, pcre, autoconf@2.69, apr and utf8proc

if I try just:

$ brew install subversion

it ends with:

==> Installing subversion dependency: openjdk
==> ./configure --disable-warnings-as-errors 
==> make images
Last 15 lines from /Users/builder/Library/Logs/Homebrew/openjdk/02.make:
watchos(1.0, API_TO_BE_DEPRECATED),
 error: expected a version of the form 'major[.minor[.subminor]]'
   ... (rest of output omitted)

* All command lines available in 
=== End of repeated output ===

No indication of failed target found.
Hint: Try searching the build log for '] Error'.
Hint: See doc/building.html#troubleshooting for assistance.

make[1]: *** [main] Error 2
make: *** [images] Error 2

Do not report this issue to Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core!

These open issues may also help:
openjdk: try to reproduce java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
OpenJDK is somewhat broken on newer MacOS instances, console is flooded with 
errors when using JMeter, AdoptOpenJDK has no issues

this is on macOS 10.13.6.

I guess I should add backstory: I'm currently using WANDisco's binaries, but 
the reason I'm looking to update is because of the Let's Encrypt certificate 
expiring the other day.  I'm not totally sure, but I think the cURL and/or 
OpenSSL/LibreSSL that that svn is using is not dealing well with the expired 
cert.  So I'm looking to try a newer build.


Re: svn binary packages for macOS

2021-10-04 Thread Sean McBride
On Mon, 4 Oct 2021 17:23:56 +0200, Daniel Sahlberg said:

>I don't pretend to know anything about Macos, but WANdisco is providing
>Subversion 1.10.6 for Mac OS 10.9. Is that version of Mac OS supported by
>Fink/Homebrew/MacPorts? If not, then I think it is reasonable to keep the
>link - at least until 1.10 is EOL (or we find a client side security issue
>in 1.10, there was a CVE fix in 1.10.7 but only server side). By the way,
>the situation for Linux and Windows is just the same so we should make the
>same decision for all platforms.

That's a good point.  The WANDisco builds are still useful for old macOS.  I 
retract my suggestion to remove it.  Perhaps just put a note that they are not 

>Cornerstone was last updated 2019-12-31 so it is based on either 1.13.0 or
>1.10.6 if they used the lastest version on the time of release.

I would still include it, unlike it supports things like shelving.


Re: svn binary packages for macOS

2021-10-03 Thread Sean McBride
On Sun, 3 Oct 2021 09:07:04 -0400, Mark Phippard said:

>Homebrew and MacPorts are both listed.

I saw that, but I thought they required Xcode...

>Honestly once those projects
>supported SVN it kind of removed all of the incentive to publish a
>package. That is why we stopped providing one from CollabNet and
>removed our listing from that page. I would guess it had to do with
>why WanDisco stopped too.

I see.  Do you agree Wandisco's should be removed from the website listing at 
this point?

>If you are doing software development on OSX
>it is pretty rare to not eventually need to use Homebrew or MacPorts.
>Once you do, then installing SVN is trivial.

Most svn users at my office are not doing software development.

>I personally use Homebrew. The SVN package is all precompiled so it is
>easy to install.

Ah, so I guess Xcode is not required.  Will try...

>Myself and other SVN devs have even improved the
>formula over the years. For example, I have provided improvements over
>the years so that the JavaHL library is included by default and I
>helped to get the package fully working on the new Apple Silicon.

Thanks for your work!


svn binary packages for macOS

2021-10-03 Thread Sean McBride
Hi all,

Not sure who maintains the list of binary packages here:

But you should probably remove WANdisco from the list.  They haven't published 
one since version 1.11.1 in 2019 (for any OS):

That version of course has unfixed security issues, so should not be encouraged.

Alas, that seems to mean there are no other binary distributions for macOS, 
unless anyone knows of any?

If being open source is not required, you could list these two:



Re: Cannot locate mod_dav_svn on macosx 10.13 default apache2

2019-09-17 Thread Sean McBride
On Tue, 17 Sep 2019 21:39:18 +0200, Per Lindevall said:

>Dear Subversionists
>I had a perfectly nice working svn apache2 setup on an old Mac mini. A
>while ago I decided to update the Mac OS to OSX 10.13 High Sierra. The
>default http 2.4 don’t provide mod_dav_svn as part of the package nor do
>the homebrew version.
>I don’t find any information on why this is so. I’ve tried to locate and
>install a but I cannot find one nor a tool that can.
>Do any of you guys have any idea how to solve this situation or know any
>other way to serve svn through httpd.

Personally, I use these:

They include the module.


Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada

Re: which review tools are suitable for codes versioned by svn

2019-08-12 Thread Sean McBride
On Sun, 11 Aug 2019 12:18:54 +0800, wuzhouhui said:

>I'm searching some review tools which are suitable for codes versioned
>by Subversion, any recommends?

I've never tried it, but:



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada

Re: Can we delete file or folder in svn permanently ?

2015-06-17 Thread Sean McBride
On Wed, 17 Jun 2015 14:45:42 -0700, Mohsin said:

I want to delete file / folder from all revisions. Totally delete.

Because somebody accidentally committed something like a password?



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada

E000013: permission denied: doing 'svnadmin upgrade'

2015-05-02 Thread Sean McBride
Hi all,

I'm using svn 1.8.13 (WanDisco binaries on OS X 10.10).  I recently upgraded 
from 1.7.x, and the update has been stable for 2 weeks.  So now I've tried an 
'svnadmin upgrade' and it worked on one repo, but on another it gives:

$ svnadmin upgrade .
Repository lock acquired.
Please wait; upgrading the repository may take some time...
svnadmin: E13: Can't create temporary file from template 'svn-XX': 
Permission denied

Should I just sudo, or is this a symptom of a real problem?



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada

svn always fails with E120171, but only from some clients

2014-10-24 Thread Sean McBride
Hi there,

On some computers only, 'svn info' is always giving:

svn: E120171: Error running context: An error occurred during SSL communication

when connecting to our own svn server.  This worked previously, but stopped 
working (I think) after our self-signed certificate expired and was therefore 
replaced.  First we replaced it with another self-signed cert, then we replaced 
it with a purchased wildcard cert.

- I reproduce this with svn 1.8.10 (Wandisco binaries on OS X) on the client.
- Server runs 1.7.18 (Wandisco binaries on OS X).
- I have deleted ~/.subversion on the client, no help.
- I created an entire new user account on the client machine, no help.
- visiting in a browser (tried 
several) prompts for authentication, succeeds, and shows the expected files.
- I ran openssl s_client -showcerts -connect and it 
reports at the end:
  Verify return code: 0 (ok)

I'm now feeling pretty stuck. :(  Any suggestions on what this problem is, or 
how I can diagnose it further?

PS: First post to this list, please be gentle. :)



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada

Re: svn always fails with E120171, but only from some clients

2014-10-24 Thread Sean McBride
On Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:24:58 +0100, Philip Martin said:

Is apache using SSLVerifyClient to require the client to provide a

I'm not too familiar with apache, but I'm going to say no, which I conclude 
from this:

$ cd /Library/Server/Web/
$ grep -R -i SSLVerifyClient *

which finds nothing.

Is that a setting I should want set to something in particular?

The 1.8 client defaults to not prompting for a client cert
if no cert is configured and that will cause the error you report.  See:

I edited ~/.subversion/config and uncommented ssl-client-cert-file-prompt and 
set it to yes.  Still got E120171.

I see you are @wandisco.  Do your svn binaries have a built-in statically 
linked version of OpenSSL or do they use the OS's version?



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada