Re: SVN version - confused about support

2019-12-08 Thread Nathan Hartman
On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 7:03 PM Nathan Hartman 

> The 1.9.x CHANGES file details what bug fixes (and other improvements)
> there are in 1.9.9, 1.9.10, and 1.9.12. (1.9.8 and 1.9.11 were not
> released.) Only you can make the judgment call if you prefer to stick
> with 1.9.7 or want to use a different version.

Link to the 1.9.x CHANGES file:

Re: SVN version - confused about support

2019-12-08 Thread Nathan Hartman
On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 4:07 AM Bo Berglund  wrote:
> I am managing 2 svn servers, one on Windows 16 server (VisualSVN) and one on 
> Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (Apache SVN) which is used as a mirror of the first 
> using svnsync.
> On my Windows 7 dev laptop I installed the Collabnet command line svn back 
> when I started using SVN.
> These are all running 1.9.7
> Now I am setting up a new laptop with Windows 10 and I have installed the 
> Collabnet command line svn for use as a client. The offered download was 
> 1.12.2-1, which is higher than what I had on my old laptop, so I thought it 
> to be a safe bet.
> However when reading the discussion about "network connection closed" on this 
> list I came across a reply by Nathan Hartman where he writes:
> "Subversion 1.12.x is no longer a supported release, since that is a 6-month 
> Regular Release. Subversion 1.13.0 was released on October 30th and is a 
> supported release."
> I did not know this and I had assumed that Collabnet would not post a release 
> that will expire in a few months time...
> What am I supposed to do in order not to be stuck with a non-supported 
> release?
> The servers we use have not been touched (yet)...
> Best Regards,
> Bo Berglund

Hello Bo,

This page explains in detail:

To sum up:

"Supported" means that the branch continues to receive bug fixes, with
these being delivered in a point release.

"Unsupported" doesn't mean you can't use it anymore. It just means
that there won't be new point releases in that line.

There are two kinds of releases:

Long Term Support (LTS) releases. These are meant to offer long term
stability. Released every 2 years, these are supported for 4 years.
The last LTS release was 1.10.x, released April 2018 and supported
until 2022. The next LTS release is due for April 2020 and supported
until 2024.

Regular releases. These are meant as "in between" releases to bring
new features to users more quickly. Released every 6 months between
LTS releases, these are supported for only 6 months (until the next
release). 1.11.x, 1.12.x, and 1.13.x are all regular releases; only
1.13.x is supported.

You're using 1.9.7 on your servers. The latest 1.9.x release is
1.9.12, released July 2019. It contains various bug fixes, including a
fix for the bug in 1.9.7 that I mentioned the other day. Of course,
none of this does you any good if your OS package manager is not
providing these updates. You might want to investigate why that is the
case and whether there is anyone actively packaging Subversion for
Ubuntu. I use Debian Buster and I know 1.10.6 is what gets installed
on that OS.

The 1.9.x CHANGES file details what bug fixes (and other improvements)
there are in 1.9.9, 1.9.10, and 1.9.12. (1.9.8 and 1.9.11 were not
released.) Only you can make the judgment call if you prefer to stick
with 1.9.7 or want to use a different version.

I hope this is helpful.


RE: SVN version - confused about support

2019-12-08 Thread Bo Berglund
> From: Paul Hammant [] 
> Sent: den 8 december 2019 11:26
> To: Bo Berglund
> Subject: Re: SVN version - confused about support
> First of all, get good at backups, and **practice** restores to another 
> machine.

That is another really unrelated story...
I have asked around for how to actually do backups that many howto-pages on the 
web recommend before attempting the procedure they describe.

Quite often this is regarding Raspberry Pi systems (which are the more common 
stuff I work with). Invariably the response is to take an image of the SD-card 
The Raspbian system on Rpi...
Obviously that is not really the answer for a Ubuntu Server running with a 500 
GB hard disk.

On Windows there are ways to backup the system even included on the operating 
but it seems you are on your own when dealing with Ubuntu and Linux in 

Unless you mean just backing up the SVN repository files??
Those are a sum of 5.6 GB located on /var/lib/svn/

I could tar the whole tree and put that into a NAS on the network of course...
Or is there a better method using svn itself that could be used?
Notice that the Ubuntu server ia a backup SVN itself only used with svnsync 
from the main server.

> Separately get experience with nuget and chocolatey. Maybe pair with someone 
> on these.

I did not know these existed even...
However, I cannot really change the software management on already installed 
using other managers, right?

I found my notes for the Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS SVN mirror server installation 
(Jan 2017).
There I can see that svn was installed using these apt commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-mod-svn libapache2-svn libsvn-dev
sudo a2enmod dav
sudo a2enmod dav_svn
sudo service apache2 restart

Followig this there was a number of configuration file edits etc...

So given that I used apt-get to retrieve svn and got 1.9.7 I am a bit surprised 
I am not given any options to upgrade svn when I regularly do:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Why is that? I thought that all software installed via apt will be automatically
checked for updates and shown suggested candidates for upgrades when such exist.
If I do another "sudo apt install subversion" today will I then get an upgrade 
the 1.10.6 stable LTS version?

Probably not:

$ apt-cache policy subversion
  Installed: 1.9.7-4ubuntu1
  Candidate: 1.9.7-4ubuntu1
  Version table:
 *** 1.9.7-4ubuntu1 500
500 bionic/universe amd64 Packages
500 bionic/universe amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

So Ubuntu is still on 1.9.7 in their repositories?

RE: SVN version - confused about support

2019-12-08 Thread Bo Berglund
> From: Paul Hammant [] 
> Sent: den 8 december 2019 10:10
> To: Bo Berglund
> Subject: Re: SVN version - confused about support
> What is stopping you from getting fully up to date with Svn - client and 
> server?

Well, *how* can I do that?

Windows 10 client:
On the Collabnet site I only found this command line installer for Win x64:

And I have no idea how to upgrade the two servers either (I am just a user 
turned admin for SVN).

Ubuntu mirror server:
So if I installed SVN server on ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS using the Apache SVN and got 
then how do I upgrade it to the lates long time support version? It seems I 
would have
to dig into Apache internals etc, which is not my forte... 
Ubuntu 16 was upgraded to Ubuntu 18 LTS not so long ago and SVN survived 
without problems. 

Windows 16 server main SVN server:
Here I used the VisualSVN installer VisualSVN-Server-3.6.4-x64.msi two years 
ago and got SVN 1.9.7
But upgrading this to a later version seems like a dangerous endeavour when I 
read about it
on their site... Apparently one gets to 1.10.6 with the newest upgrade.
I cannot afford even a low probability chance of failure since this server
is company mission critical.

What dangers will I encounter if I leave everything as is?

Best Regards, 

Bo Berglund 


SVN version - confused about support

2019-12-08 Thread Bo Berglund
I am managing 2 svn servers, one on Windows 16 server (VisualSVN) and one on 
Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (Apache SVN) which is used as a mirror of the first 
using svnsync.

On my Windows 7 dev laptop I installed the Collabnet command line svn back when 
I started using SVN.

These are all running 1.9.7

Now I am setting up a new laptop with Windows 10 and I have installed the 
Collabnet command line svn for use as a client. The offered download was 
1.12.2-1, which is higher than what I had on my old laptop, so I thought it to 
be a safe bet.

However when reading the discussion about "network connection closed" on this 
list I came across a reply by Nathan Hartman where he writes:

"Subversion 1.12.x is no longer a supported release, since that is a 6-month 
Regular Release. Subversion 1.13.0 was released on October 30th and is a 
supported release."

I did not know this and I had assumed that Collabnet would not post a release 
that will expire in a few months time...

What am I supposed to do in order not to be stuck with a non-supported release?

The servers we use have not been touched (yet)... 

Best Regards, 

Bo Berglund