Differences between tomcat 5.5.9 and tomcat 5.5.20

2007-02-05 Thread Claudio Chiossi

I'm new of this mailing list.
I want to know the differences between tomcat 5.5.9 and 5.5.20 because 
I've a webapplication that work fine under tomcat 5.5.9 but under tomcat 
5.5.20 it has many problem about connection to DB.



Ing. Claudio Chiossi

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RE: Differences between tomcat 5.5.9 and tomcat 5.5.20

2007-02-05 Thread Tim Lucia
 -Original Message-
 From: Claudio Chiossi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 5:11 AM
 To: users@tomcat.apache.org
 Subject: Differences between tomcat 5.5.9 and tomcat 5.5.20
 I'm new of this mailing list.
 I want to know the differences between tomcat 5.5.9 and 5.5.20 because

Have you looked at the changelog?



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Unable to run Tomcat 5.5.20 as a Windows service under jdk 1.6

2007-02-05 Thread Grassi Fabio
On some machines only and only under jdk 1.6 I'm not able to run Tomcat
as a Windows service. Installation of the service goes all right, but
when I try to start the service I get the following error in
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Debugging Service...
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Starting service...
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [173  javajni.c] [error] Impossibile trovare il
modulo specificato.
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [924  prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [1179 prunsrv.c] [error] ServiceStart returned 1
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Debug service finished.
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Procrun finished.

I'm out of options, any idea?
TIA, Fabio.
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AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread Bill Bailey


I am trying to run Tomcat 5.5.20 behind Win32 Apache HTTPD 2.2.4 with
SSL (downloaded from apachelounge.com) using the AJP connector. 


I have a virtual host configured on both Tomcat and Apache HTTPD.


Everything works fine if I configure my Apache HTTPD virtual host to run
unsecured on port 80, but if I set it up to run secured on port 443, it
appears that when it forwards an https request to Tomcat, Tomcat is
redirecting Apache to http://www.resourcepoint.org
http://www.resourcepoint.org/ . If I also have the port 80 virtual
host configured in Apache HTTPD, it simply resubmits the http request to
Tomcat which happily processes it (but obviously this is not what was
wanted since I am now running unsecured). If the Apache HTTPD port 80
virtual host hasn't been configured, Apache can't find a suitable
virtual host and tries to serve up the document from htdocs and, of
course, fails.


I can see in Apache HTTPD log files where it is successfully getting the
https request and I can see a connection accepted on port 8009 in the
tomcat log files (followed by a line containing Location =
http://www.resourcepoint.org/index.jsp). Finally, in the case where the
Apache HTTPD port 80 virtual host is not configured I can see entries in
the Apache HTTPD error file where it says the file could not be found in
htdocs (because that isn't where it is).


My question is: 


Why doesn't Tomcat process this https request? Why is it redirecting
Apache to an http URL? Am I missing some configuration parameter that
I'm unaware of?


I have included fragments of both my Apache and Tomcat configuration
files below.


Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.


Bill Bailey

Senior Developer / DBA

Northland, A Church Distributed


Apache Virtual Host Configuration Fragment


NameVirtualHost xxx.xx.xx.x:443


VirtualHost xxx.xx.xx.x:443


  # General setup for the virtual host


  ServerName www.resourcepoint.org:443

  DocumentRoot E:\Apache2\vhosts\resourcepoint

  ServerAlias www.resourcepoint.org:443

  ErrorLog logs/resourcepoint-ssl-error_log

  CustomLog logs/resourcepoint-ssl-access_log common


  Directory E:/Apache2/vhosts/resourcepoint


... directory stuff in here ...




  Location / 


ProxyPass ajp://

ProxyPassReverse ajp://




  ... SSL stuff here ...



Tomcat Virtual Host Configuration Fragment


Service name=Catalina


  !-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --


  Connector port=










 disableUploadTimeout=true /


  !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --


  Connector port=8009 







 proxyPort=443 /


  !-- Define the top level container in our container hierarchy --


  Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=www.resourcepoint.org


Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm
resourceName=UserDatabase /


Host name=localhost appBase=webapps /


Host name=www.resourcepoint.org 







Context path= docBase=ROOT debug=1/


  Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger/








Re: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread David Delbecq
Not speaking of tomcat, as far as i know https and virtual hosting do
not mix very well unless the same certificate is used for all hosts.

En l'instant précis du 02/05/07 15:53, Bill Bailey s'exprimait en ces


 I am trying to run Tomcat 5.5.20 behind Win32 Apache HTTPD 2.2.4 with
 SSL (downloaded from apachelounge.com) using the AJP connector. 


 I have a virtual host configured on both Tomcat and Apache HTTPD.


 Everything works fine if I configure my Apache HTTPD virtual host to run
 unsecured on port 80, but if I set it up to run secured on port 443, it
 appears that when it forwards an https request to Tomcat, Tomcat is
 redirecting Apache to http://www.resourcepoint.org
 http://www.resourcepoint.org/ . If I also have the port 80 virtual
 host configured in Apache HTTPD, it simply resubmits the http request to
 Tomcat which happily processes it (but obviously this is not what was
 wanted since I am now running unsecured). If the Apache HTTPD port 80
 virtual host hasn't been configured, Apache can't find a suitable
 virtual host and tries to serve up the document from htdocs and, of
 course, fails.


 I can see in Apache HTTPD log files where it is successfully getting the
 https request and I can see a connection accepted on port 8009 in the
 tomcat log files (followed by a line containing Location =
 http://www.resourcepoint.org/index.jsp). Finally, in the case where the
 Apache HTTPD port 80 virtual host is not configured I can see entries in
 the Apache HTTPD error file where it says the file could not be found in
 htdocs (because that isn't where it is).


 My question is: 


 Why doesn't Tomcat process this https request? Why is it redirecting
 Apache to an http URL? Am I missing some configuration parameter that
 I'm unaware of?


 I have included fragments of both my Apache and Tomcat configuration
 files below.


 Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.


 Bill Bailey

 Senior Developer / DBA

 Northland, A Church Distributed


 Apache Virtual Host Configuration Fragment


 NameVirtualHost xxx.xx.xx.x:443


 VirtualHost xxx.xx.xx.x:443


   # General setup for the virtual host


   ServerName www.resourcepoint.org:443

   DocumentRoot E:\Apache2\vhosts\resourcepoint

   ServerAlias www.resourcepoint.org:443

   ErrorLog logs/resourcepoint-ssl-error_log

   CustomLog logs/resourcepoint-ssl-access_log common


   Directory E:/Apache2/vhosts/resourcepoint


 ... directory stuff in here ...




   Location / 


 ProxyPass ajp://

 ProxyPassReverse ajp://




   ... SSL stuff here ...



 Tomcat Virtual Host Configuration Fragment


 Service name=Catalina


   !-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --


   Connector port=










  disableUploadTimeout=true /


   !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --


   Connector port=8009 







  proxyPort=443 /


   !-- Define the top level container in our container hierarchy --


   Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=www.resourcepoint.org


 Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm
 resourceName=UserDatabase /


 Host name=localhost appBase=webapps /


 Host name=www.resourcepoint.org 







 Context path= docBase=ROOT debug=1/


   Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger/









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Re: Tomcat launch problem

2007-02-05 Thread Stefan Baramov
Steve Vanspall wrote:

 I know this probably doesn't belong here, but a lack of other forums
 is causing an issue.

 I have tomcat 5.5.20 set up and it runs without a hitch in standalone

 I use the sydeo tomcat plugin for eclipse, and it doesn't run claiming
 a 'The markup declarations contained or pointed to by the document
 type declaration must be well-formed.' with every web.xml file it
 tries to load (even the ones for apps that come out of the box with
 tomcat ie. ones I did not modify)

 Like i said starting tomcat on windows normally works fine.

 The reason i am posting here is hopefully people can enlighten me on
 the process tomcat goes through on startup.

 I am running Win2k (yes there are still some of us doing this ;))
 Java 1.5.0 update 11
 Eclipse is started up using the same JDK and the plugin is configured
 to start tomcat using the same JDK

 I know that the plugin launches tomcat by starting up the main method
 in 'org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap' with tools.jar in the

 Can't anyone tell me what the difference could between launching
 tomcat in this way and lauching tomcat using the service monitor in
 windows, or even the catalina.bat file.

 Part of me think there's something each web.xml refers to that is
 causing the problem, but not sure where.

 this is one of the stack traces

 SEVERE: Parse Fatal Error at line 1 column 3: The markup declarations
 contained or pointed to by the document type declaration must be
 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup declarations contained or
 pointed to by the document type declaration must be well-formed.













at org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.parse(Digester.java:1561)






at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(HostConfig.java:1122)


at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(StandardHost.java:718)
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(Catalina.java:551)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Re: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread Hassan Schroeder

On 2/5/07, Bill Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

To start with --

Apache Virtual Host Configuration Fragment

NameVirtualHost xxx.xx.xx.x:443

NameVirtualHosting and SSL don't go together -- yank that

VirtualHost xxx.xx.xx.x:443

Put the real IP that belongs to the SSL cert there

  ServerName www.resourcepoint.org:443

  DocumentRoot E:\Apache2\vhosts\resourcepoint

  ServerAlias www.resourcepoint.org:443

The server name and alias should not have the port # appended
In the example, the name and alias are the same, which makes no
sense. And if you're proxying everything, you don't need to specify
a DocumentRoot. However,

ProxyPass ajp://
ProxyPassReverse ajp://

that's wrong -- those two directives take two arguments, e.g

  ProxyPass / ajp://

Fix those, and make sure your config files at least passes the config
test ( $APACHE_HOME/bin/apachectl -t )

Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Tomcat launch problem

2007-02-05 Thread Varley, Roger
 Well, check you Sysdeo Plugin settingts. See if they point to a
 different server.xml file. From the stack trace it appears the
 server.xml is broken. Usually this file is found in
 tomcat/conf/server.xml but Sysdeo plugin might have changed it.

Could this be caused by Tomcat using a different version of Xerces when it 
starts under Eclipse. I know I've read of problems when Tomcat gets hold of the 
wrong version of Xerces (and Xalan as well) in the past, but I can't remember 
where I've read it. Perhaps someone elses memory may be jogged.



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RE: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread Bill Bailey
Thanks for your suggestions. However, I still have the same problem.

I removed the NameVirtualHost entry for port 443, removed the port from
the ServerName, removed the DocumentRoot and ServerAlias completely, and
added the / to both the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse entries after
removing the Location element (I should mention that I had tried that
previously and then changed to the single argument version inside a
Location / element as an experiment which, by the way, works fine as
long as the connection is via port 80). In fact, several of the things I
changed this time around were introduced by my desperation to find some
combination that works.

I still get the same problem. If I connect to https: I am immediately
redirected to the http: version of the URL. If the port 80 virtual host
is set up under Apache HTTPD it processes it and if not, I get an error
saying Apache could not find whatever file I'm trying to access.

I also want to emphasize that the connection to Apache via SSL is
working fine. I see the entries in the log files indicating Apache got
the request. I can even see in the Tomcat logs where Apache forwarded
the request on the port specified in the ProxyPass directives. But ... I
can also see an entry in the Tomcat log where it appears to send a
redirect using http: as the scheme. Thus, my conclusion that it is my
Tomcat configuration rather than my Apache HTTPD configuration that is
the cause of the problem.

I have pasted the latest fragments of the Apache HTTPD configuration
files below in case I've still missed the point of one or more of your

The only change to the Tomcat configuration is the addition of a
separate AJP connector specifically for the unsecured connection.

Thanks for any additional ideas or input.

Apache HTTPD Configuration Fragments

## SSL Virtual Host Context

# General setup for the virtual host

ServerName www.resourcepoint.org
ErrorLog logs/resourcepoint-ssl-error_log
CustomLog logs/resourcepoint-ssl-access_log common

Directory E:/Apache2/vhosts/resourcepoint

... directory stuff here ...


ProxyPass / ajp://
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://

... SSL stuff here ...


Just in case it helps, here is the port 80 virtual host configuration
which works just fine.

# Use name-based virtual hosting.

# VirtualHost

ServerName www.resourcepoint.org:80
DocumentRoot E:\Apache2\vhosts\resourcepoint
ServerAlias www.resourcepoint.org:80
ErrorLog logs/resourcepoint-error_log
CustomLog logs/resourcepoint-access_log common

Directory E:/Apache2/vhosts/resourcepoint

... directory stuff here ...


# Note that this approach with single argument
# nested in a Location element works just fine
# for the non-SSL, port 80 virtual host.

Location / 

ProxyPass ajp://
ProxyPassReverse ajp://



Tomcat Configuration (Server.xml)

  Service name=Catalina

!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --

Connector port=
   minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   disableUploadTimeout=true /

!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
Connector port=8009 
   proxyPort=443 /

Connector port=8010 
   proxyPort=80 /

!-- Define the top level container in our container hierarchy --

Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=www.resourcepoint.org

  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm
resourceName=UserDatabase /

  Host name=localhost appBase=webapps /

  Host name=www.resourcepoint.org 

Context path= docBase=ROOT debug=1/


Re: Tomcat launch problem

2007-02-05 Thread Steve Vanspall
I thought that was the problem, but thought I had removed all references 
to the Xerces that my app uses.

It turns out I had all my tomcat projects adding themselves to the tomct 

I know i had a good reason at the time, but that was the cause of the 



Varley, Roger wrote:

Well, check you Sysdeo Plugin settingts. See if they point to a
different server.xml file. From the stack trace it appears the
server.xml is broken. Usually this file is found in
tomcat/conf/server.xml but Sysdeo plugin might have changed it.

Could this be caused by Tomcat using a different version of Xerces when it 
starts under Eclipse. I know I've read of problems when Tomcat gets hold of the 
wrong version of Xerces (and Xalan as well) in the past, but I can't remember 
where I've read it. Perhaps someone elses memory may be jogged.



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Re: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


Bill Bailey wrote:
 !-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --

This one is irrelevant to this discussion, right? Your AJP connector is
the only one not working.

 !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
 Connector port=8009 
  proxyPort=443 /

If you are using Apache to do all your SLL, then why do you have
secure=true and scheme=https on the AJP connector?

 Connector port=8010 
  proxyPort=80 /

I'm guessing that you are using this connector and not the other one.
Apache forwards the request to Tomcat, which sees that secure is set
to false, the scheme is http and the port is 80. So, it sends a
redirect to get the user /out/ of HTTPS, because it's configured to do so.

I would remove (at least) the secure and scheme attributes from your
connector and try that. Tomcat should not care about the security status
of the browser-Apache httpd connection.

I believe this is the problem.

- -chris
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Re: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread Rainer Jung

It should be OK, it's not named based virtual hosts in his case.

You should be posting this to the httpd user list, since you are using 
mod_proxy_* and not mod_jk. You might get help here too, but it's more a 
question concerning an httpd standard module.

From general experience: the answer might depend on which component is 
actually producing the redirect: tomcat, you application or some 
framework used. In general the ajp protocol transports knowledge about 
using https on the apache side to your servelt container, such that it 
is able to produce correct self-referring URLs. If the redirect comes 
from some other component, this could produce wrong redirects.



David Delbecq wrote:

Not speaking of tomcat, as far as i know https and virtual hosting do
not mix very well unless the same certificate is used for all hosts.

En l'instant précis du 02/05/07 15:53, Bill Bailey s'exprimait en ces



I am trying to run Tomcat 5.5.20 behind Win32 Apache HTTPD 2.2.4 with
SSL (downloaded from apachelounge.com) using the AJP connector. 


I have a virtual host configured on both Tomcat and Apache HTTPD.


Everything works fine if I configure my Apache HTTPD virtual host to run
unsecured on port 80, but if I set it up to run secured on port 443, it
appears that when it forwards an https request to Tomcat, Tomcat is
redirecting Apache to http://www.resourcepoint.org
http://www.resourcepoint.org/ . If I also have the port 80 virtual
host configured in Apache HTTPD, it simply resubmits the http request to
Tomcat which happily processes it (but obviously this is not what was
wanted since I am now running unsecured). If the Apache HTTPD port 80
virtual host hasn't been configured, Apache can't find a suitable
virtual host and tries to serve up the document from htdocs and, of
course, fails.


I can see in Apache HTTPD log files where it is successfully getting the
https request and I can see a connection accepted on port 8009 in the
tomcat log files (followed by a line containing Location =
http://www.resourcepoint.org/index.jsp). Finally, in the case where the
Apache HTTPD port 80 virtual host is not configured I can see entries in
the Apache HTTPD error file where it says the file could not be found in
htdocs (because that isn't where it is).


My question is: 


Why doesn't Tomcat process this https request? Why is it redirecting
Apache to an http URL? Am I missing some configuration parameter that
I'm unaware of?


I have included fragments of both my Apache and Tomcat configuration
files below.


Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.


Bill Bailey

Senior Developer / DBA

Northland, A Church Distributed


Apache Virtual Host Configuration Fragment


NameVirtualHost xxx.xx.xx.x:443


VirtualHost xxx.xx.xx.x:443


  # General setup for the virtual host


  ServerName www.resourcepoint.org:443

  DocumentRoot E:\Apache2\vhosts\resourcepoint

  ServerAlias www.resourcepoint.org:443

  ErrorLog logs/resourcepoint-ssl-error_log

  CustomLog logs/resourcepoint-ssl-access_log common


  Directory E:/Apache2/vhosts/resourcepoint


... directory stuff in here ...




  Location / 


ProxyPass ajp://

ProxyPassReverse ajp://




  ... SSL stuff here ...



Tomcat Virtual Host Configuration Fragment


Service name=Catalina


  !-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --


  Connector port=










 disableUploadTimeout=true /


  !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --


  Connector port=8009 







 proxyPort=443 /


  !-- Define the top level container in our container hierarchy --


  Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=www.resourcepoint.org


Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm
resourceName=UserDatabase /


Host name=localhost appBase=webapps /


Host name=www.resourcepoint.org 







Context path= docBase=ROOT debug=1/


  Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger/









Re: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread Hassan Schroeder

On 2/5/07, Bill Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ServerName www.resourcepoint.org:80
ServerAlias www.resourcepoint.org:80

again, the port # doesn't belong there, and there's no sense
to defining a ServerAlias the same as the ServerName

# Note that this approach with single argument
# nested in a Location element works just fine

ProxyPass ajp://
ProxyPassReverse ajp://

Personally I prefer to follow the documentation, even when
something seems to work otherwise... :-)

Connector port=8009
   proxyPort=443 /

+1 on Christopher's comment -- AJP doesn't do https; I would remove
that from this connector and see what happens.

Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Unable to run Tomcat 5.5.20 as a Windows service under jdk 1.6

2007-02-05 Thread Ken Menzel
- Original Message - 
From: Grassi Fabio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 6:15 AM
Subject: Unable to run Tomcat 5.5.20 as a Windows service under jdk 

On some machines only and only under jdk 1.6 I'm not able to run 

as a Windows service. Installation of the service goes all right, but
when I try to start the service I get the following error in

[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Debugging Service...
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Starting service...
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [173  javajni.c] [error] Impossibile trovare il
modulo specificato.
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [924  prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [1179 prunsrv.c] [error] ServiceStart returned 1
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Debug service finished.
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Procrun finished.

I'm out of options, any idea?

I was hoping someone would answer you as I am having a similar problem 
with JDK 1.6.  I uninstalled 1.6 and installed 1.5 everything seems 
fine.  You can find the 1.5 download on the previous release page. 
Tomcat 5.5.20, on Windows 2003 brand new servers from Dell.

[ some cut ]
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [info] Starting service...
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [173  javajni.c] [error] The specified module 
could not be found.
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [924  prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java 
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\bin\client\jvm.dll

[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [1179 prunsrv.c] [error] ServiceStart returned 1
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [info] Run service finished.
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [info] Procrun finished.

And here after downgrading to 1.5.
[2007-02-05 15:02:51] [info] Service Tomcat5 name Apache Tomcat
[2007-02-05 15:02:51] [info] Service Tomcat5 installed
[2007-02-05 15:02:51] [info] Procrun finished.
[2007-02-05 15:02:52] [info] Updating service...
[2007-02-05 15:02:52] [info] Service Tomcat5 updated
[2007-02-05 15:02:52] [info] Update service finished.
[2007-02-05 15:02:52] [info] Procrun finished.
[2007-02-05 15:02:53] [info] Updating service...
[2007-02-05 15:02:53] [info] Service Tomcat5 updated
[2007-02-05 15:02:53] [info] Update service finished.
[2007-02-05 15:02:53] [info] Procrun finished.
[2007-02-05 15:02:55] [info] Running Service...
[2007-02-05 15:02:55] [info] Starting service...
[2007-02-05 15:02:56] [info] Service started in 1109 ms.

Sorry I can't say any more than that.  Hope it helps.


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RE: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread Bill Bailey
Chris and Hassan,

I removed the secure and scheme options to no avail; still seeing the
same behavior. Since the waters are getting a bit muddy, let me back up
and say what my goals are and maybe someone can suggest a change in
direction. Let me apologize in advance for the length of this message,
but I did not want to omit any detail that might shed light on the

I have a J2EE (Struts) Application running in Tomcat. I want to use
Apache HTTPD to provide the HTTPS connections and simply proxy all
requests to the Tomcat container. I want to use Tomcat only as a J2EE
container. I have not even configured SSL on Tomcat nor do I really want
to. I have set up SSL in Apache HTTPD and I can see convincing evidence
in the log files that Apache is accepting connections on port 443 and
attempting to handle them.

Another constraint is that I want the web site to be accessible by just
its hostname and domain (e.g. https://www.resourcepoint.org) and I don't
want to require a servlet context path to be typed as part of the URL
every time one accesses the site. This is why I created the virtual host
on Apache.

However, I found that I had problems if I deployed my application in
Tomcat using other than the ROOT context. The Struts tags I am using all
throughout my application embed the servlet context path in all of the
URL's generated by those tags. This means that a request for


after being forwarded to my Tomcat application (deployed to
/resourcepoint for example) would return a page with embedded URL's that
look like


So the context (which I don't want visible to the end users) has
'escaped' into the browser world. I found that this was not a problem if
I made my application appear in the ROOT context for the server, but
didn't want to remove the standard ROOT applications (manager, etc.) for
the local host. Therefore, I decided to have a second virtual host on
the Tomcat side.

I configured it all as described above initially using just HTTP because
we were only in testing. Everything worked just fine.

I only ran into problems when I configured the additional virtual host
on Apache for SSL. Although Apache shows clearly in its log files that
it has accepted my HTTPS request AND although I can also see clearly in
the Tomcat log files that it has accepted a request on port 8009, the
next thing I see in the Tomcat logs is a redirect to the equivalent
http: URL.

I do not believe the redirect is coming from my application because I
see no evidence it gets far enough for any of my application code to
even execute. The default page for the application is index.jsp and the
redirect I see in the Tomcat logs is for this page, not any of the pages
it might forward to. One of my next tests is going to be to replace this
JSP with a vanilla HTML file to eliminate for certain the possibility
that my application is doing this unwanted redirect, but I'm reasonably
confident that it isn't.

My experimenting with proxyName, proxyPort, scheme, and secure on the
AJP connector were just that: experimentation. I tried almost every
combination including having none of them configured and I got the same
result with all the ones I tried. 

According to my interpretation of the documentation, these attributes
don't do much other than cause Tomcat to return the specified values for
the host, port, scheme, and secure attributes when you call the
corresponding Tomcat API calls (e.g. Request.isSecure(),
Request.getPort(), etc.) so it is not surprising in retrospect that
changing them hasn't altered the behavior.

Finally, I should mention that I have another application deployed on
this same platform (Apache SSL with Tomcat behind) that works perfectly.
The only difference is that in this other application there is no
virtual host on the Tomcat side; the Apache virtual host sends all
requests to the default host using the servlet context path of the

If you've made it this far, thank you for your attention and any help
you can provide will be most appreciated.

Bill Bailey
Senior Developer / DBA
Northland, A Church Distributed

-Original Message-
From: Hassan Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 1:26 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

On 2/5/07, Bill Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ServerName www.resourcepoint.org:80
 ServerAlias www.resourcepoint.org:80

again, the port # doesn't belong there, and there's no sense
to defining a ServerAlias the same as the ServerName

 # Note that this approach with single argument
 # nested in a Location element works just fine

 ProxyPass ajp://
 ProxyPassReverse ajp://

Personally I prefer to follow the documentation, even when
something seems to work otherwise... :-)

 Connector port=8009

webapp, ServletContextListener and log files

2007-02-05 Thread Hugues Ferland

I use Tomcat 5.5 with Java 1.6.0-b105 on a Debian Linux.

I have a context defined and want all of its logging to be in its own logfile. 
The first thing I tried is to modify the file logging.properties, in the conf 
directory of my Tomcat installation, adding a handler for my new context.

This looked good until I added a ServletContextListener. Now what is logged 
during the execution of the method contextInitialized, is written to  
catalina_.log (the logfile defined in the Tomcat startup script).

I'd like that to be logged in the same logfile as the rest of the context. I 
would really appreciate any help.



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Re: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread Hassan Schroeder

On 2/5/07, Bill Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So the context (which I don't want visible to the end users) has
'escaped' into the browser world. I found that this was not a problem if
I made my application appear in the ROOT context for the server, but
didn't want to remove the standard ROOT applications (manager, etc.) for
the local host. Therefore, I decided to have a second virtual host on
the Tomcat side.

whoa, you lost me here. The manager is a separate Context -- there's
no reason you can't have your app as the ROOT context on the default
host. Still,

One of my next tests is going to be to replace this
JSP with a vanilla HTML file to eliminate for certain the possibility
that my application is doing this unwanted redirect, but I'm reasonably
confident that it isn't.

Not a perfect test, since your app might have some Filter doing stuff
that's non-obvious :-)

Anyway, here's my suggestion: replace your current app with a very
skeletal web app, just an index.html, say, so you know there's nothing
wierd going on. Try that. If that still doesn't work, change your httpd
proxy to use mod_proxy_http and forward to your 8080 port.  At the
worst, you can sniff that traffic to see what's really happening :-)

This really shouldn't be this hard  -- I've set up a similar config (but
with multiple virtual hosts) pretty recently, and there was nothing to

Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread Bill Bailey
Thanks, Charles.

The main reason for deploying behind httpd rather than standalone was to
leave a bit more flexibility in the event we decide to deploy one or
more other non-J2EE (e.g. PHP) web applications to this same server at a
later date, should that become desirable or necessary. I've also heard
that the httpd SSL implementation is faster than Tomcat, but perhaps
that is now a thing of the past.

Thanks for setting me straight on the ROOT context. I got the same
comment from someone else. This will probably be the next thing I try
since I have this working in a similar configuration for another

At this point, any approach that works is a good one, but even though I
may not have needed to take the approach I selected, I'm still curious
to know what I did wrong. So if anyone sees the reason why this approach
could never have worked or sees an error in my configuration, I'd still
be interested.

Thanks again.

Bill Bailey

-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 3:25 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

 From: Bill Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: RE: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections
 I have a J2EE (Struts) Application running in Tomcat. I want
 to use Apache HTTPD to provide the HTTPS connections and simply
 proxy all requests to the Tomcat container.

It seems like you're going through a lot of unnecessary work  headaches
to put httpd in front of Tomcat; if you don't have some other pressing
need, why not just run Tomcat standalone?  It handles SSL quite nicely.

 Another constraint is that I want the web site to
 be accessible by just its hostname and domain (e.g.
 https://www.resourcepoint.org) and I don't want to
 require a servlet context path to be typed as part
 of the URL every time one accesses the site.

Then simply deploy your application as ROOT.

 I found that this was not a problem if I made my
 application appear in the ROOT context for the server,
 but didn't want to remove the standard ROOT applications 
 (manager, etc.) for the local host.

You laboring under a misconception - the only ROOT application in Tomcat
is its default welcome page; manager, admin, the examples, etc., are all
deployed as independent applications and are still available even if
ROOT has been replaced.

 Therefore, I decided to have a second virtual host on
 the Tomcat side.

You're going through a lot (a whole lot) more work than you need to.

 - Chuck

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RE: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

2007-02-05 Thread Bill Bailey

Thanks for your help. I am going to try making my app the ROOT context
for the default host and get rid of the virtual hosts on the Tomcat
side. If that still doesn't work, I'll try some of your troubleshooting

I actually tried using mod_proxy_http once in my many attempts to find a
solution and had problems there, too, but I've been through so many
iterations now, I won't swear to exactly what I did or didn't try.

You are right. This really shouldn't be this hard. And I didn't expect
it to be when I started (after all, I did this for another application
in far less time), but once I committed to an approach I was like an old
dog with a bone and refused to let it go until I got it working. Maybe a
new direction will be the ticket to getting me past this.

Thanks again.

Bill Bailey

-Original Message-
From: Hassan Schroeder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 3:33 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: AJP Connector - Problems Proxying HTTPS Connections

On 2/5/07, Bill Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So the context (which I don't want visible to the end users) has
 'escaped' into the browser world. I found that this was not a problem
 I made my application appear in the ROOT context for the server, but
 didn't want to remove the standard ROOT applications (manager, etc.)
 the local host. Therefore, I decided to have a second virtual host on
 the Tomcat side.

whoa, you lost me here. The manager is a separate Context -- there's
no reason you can't have your app as the ROOT context on the default
host. Still,

 One of my next tests is going to be to replace this
 JSP with a vanilla HTML file to eliminate for certain the possibility
 that my application is doing this unwanted redirect, but I'm
 confident that it isn't.

Not a perfect test, since your app might have some Filter doing stuff
that's non-obvious :-)

Anyway, here's my suggestion: replace your current app with a very
skeletal web app, just an index.html, say, so you know there's nothing
wierd going on. Try that. If that still doesn't work, change your httpd
proxy to use mod_proxy_http and forward to your 8080 port.  At the
worst, you can sniff that traffic to see what's really happening :-)

This really shouldn't be this hard  -- I've set up a similar config (but
with multiple virtual hosts) pretty recently, and there was nothing to

Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Problem with Multiple Instances with Tomcat

2007-02-05 Thread Peter Ng

Hey all,

I'm having an issue when trying to run multiple instances of tomcat  
per user.  I have been trying to sort through the problem for a while  
and I can't seem to understand why its giving me this issue.  The  
issue is upon starting tomcat up in a user directory

$CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh -Dcatalina.base=/path/to/base

I have CATALINA_HOME, CATALINA_BASE, and JAVA_HOME set properly.  i  
get this exception:

Feb 5, 2007 5:24:37 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig  
SEVERE: Parse error in application web.xml file at jndi:/localhost/ 

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.Container
at org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.endElement 


It appears that there is something wrong with the webapps web.xml  
file.  But when I simply take that webapp and place it into the  
$CATALINA_HOME webapps directory and fire tomcat up from  
$CATALINA_HOME, it all works perfectly fine, including the servlet  
that this exception seemingly fails on.  So it appears that my  
web.xml file is valid and working, along with my code.

Now I believe there is a classpath problem, because it works in the  
$CATALINA_HOME dir, but not with the $CATALINA_BASE dir.  I also  
tried placing a copy of catalina.jar into my user directory libs and  
I pass the problem above, but I get this exception instead:

SEVERE: Parse error in application web.xml file at jndi:/localhost/ 
org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext addChild
at org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.endElement 

Any one have any suggestions?  I have a feeling that its a simple  
problem to fix, but I'm missing something.

Thanks a bunch!

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Install WAR via docBase within servlet.xml

2007-02-05 Thread Detlev Beutner
Hi there,

I have a WAR which normally should be deployed via myName.xml into
/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost, with docBase=AbsolutePathToWar.

Within that xml snippet, Context path=/myName
docBase=/webs/web123/tomcat/application.war debug=0 is used.

So I can call www.server.com/myName and it works.

Now I want to call myName.server.com instead.

I have tried to remove myName.xml from /tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost and
added the following snippet within server.xml:

Host appBase=webapps name=myName.server.com  Context path=
docBase=/webs/web123/tomcat/application.war debug=0 ...

But it doesn't work, the application got undeployed (empty dirs), I even
deleted the empty dirs and restarted tomcat, nothing (seems as if tomcat
doesn't care about the context at all)...

I definitely want to run the application from the WAR (for upgrading
reasons), and the WAR definitely should NOT be put into the webapps
directory to get deployed (as it worked with the myName.xml deployment).

How to configure this?!

Thanks in advance

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Tomcat 4.1.35 coming soon

2007-02-05 Thread Mark Thomas

The necessary votes permitting, I am planning to release 4.1.35 in the
next week or so. Currently, Bugzilla shows no open bugs and 134 open
enhancements against 4.1.35. If you have a bug to report against
4.1.34 or a patch for one of the open enhancements now is the time to
add it to Bugzilla.


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Still have log4j and CLASSPATH problems on linux

2007-02-05 Thread Oren Livne

 Dear Gaurav and everyone,

Thanks so much for your help. The explanations were good and helped me 
better understand how the tomcat classloader works. However, I still 
have a problem running my web application. In short, the exception is 
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Category; see below. 
I tried removing files, moving jar files, and sometimes got Logger not 
found, or inconsistent hierarchy --you have more than one logger. By 
the way, it all works perfectly on my windows desktop with MyEclipse 5.1 
and the same classpath, or at least I think it's the same.

I know it's because commons-logging.jar, commons-logging-api.jar and 
log4-1.2.11.jar ahve some API conflicts. I didn't understand the 
explanations on why, and didn't find anywhere the steps to follow to get 
it to work (which is all I care about!). Can someone please help outline 
the steps I need to do to get my app to work?

Thanks so much in advance.
Here's my system info and the stack trace I get when I access my app 
after tomcat is started:

- Tomcat 6.0.7-beta
- My web app uses Struts 1.3.5 and Hibernate 3.2.1 GA
- $tomcat_home/lib contains: (I copied the Struts and Hibernate libs 
over here)

ant-1.6.5.jar  concurrent-1.3.2.jar oro-2.0.8.jar

ant-launcher-1.6.5.jar ehcache-1.2.3.jarservlet-api.jar
antlr-2.7.6.jarejb3-persistence.jar standard.jar
asm-attrs.jar  hibernate3.jar   
bsf-2.3.0.jar  jaas.jar 
c3p0-0.9.0.jar jacc-1_0-fr.jar  
catalina-ant.jar   jasper-el.jar
catalina.jar   jasper-jdt.jar   

cglib-2.1.3.jarjaxen-1.1-beta-7.jar syndiag2.jar
checkstyle-all.jar jboss-cache.jar  

cleanimports.jar   jboss-common.jar tomcat-dbcp.jar
commons-chain-1.1.jar  jboss-system.jar 
commons-collections-2.1.1.jar  jdbc2_0-stdext.jar   

commons-digester-1.6.jar   jgroups-2.2.8.jarversioncheck.jar
commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar   jsp-api.jar  

commons-io-1.1.jar jstl.jar xerces-2.6.2.jar
commons-lang-2.2.jar   jta.jar  xml-apis.jar
commons-logging-1.0.4.jar  junit-3.8.1.jar

- my webapp WEB-INF/lib contains:

- Exception stack trace:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: 

*root cause*
javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
*root cause*
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

RE: Unable to run Tomcat 5.5.20 as a Windows service under jdk 1.6

2007-02-05 Thread Per Johnsson

I digged in the source of the service and posted some days ago, but I
have also problems. I think there is some underneeth problem with either
windows 2003 or some settup (user rights/permissions?)

The strange thing in all this is that I managed to run 1.6 with the
service on one machine of 4, so there is probobly some strange
configuration which makes it mess up.

This was my latest conclusion and if someone could dig more into this
and come up with some ide I'm more than happy!


I tried to look at the sources:

I'm not a really into C but someone here could maybe see whats wrong, I
have come to the conclusion that the method: serviceStart()

Is failing on row (~946):
/* Set the environment using putenv, so JVM can use it */
/* Create the JVM glbal worker */
gWorker = apxCreateJava(gPool, _jni_jvmpath); if
(IS_INVALID_HANDLE(gWorker)) {  apxLogWrite(APXLOG_MARK_ERROR Failed
creating java %S, _jni_jvmpath);  return 1; }

I have tried reinstall both tomcat5.5.20, reinstall jre1.6.0 and
jdk1.6.0 tried all the different options in the java virtual machine
setting in service, from default to jre/client/jvm.dll, jdk/client and
server jvm.dll...

I have run out of options, and I haven't got the knowledge to debug this
furhter, so...

Does anyone know what the IS_INVALID_HANDLE(gWorker) is checking? 
Or why the apxCreateJava(..) is failing why?

/Per Jonsson

-Original Message-
From: Ken Menzel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: den 5 februari 2007 21:10
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Unable to run Tomcat 5.5.20 as a Windows service under jdk

- Original Message -
From: Grassi Fabio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: users@tomcat.apache.org
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 6:15 AM
Subject: Unable to run Tomcat 5.5.20 as a Windows service under jdk

On some machines only and only under jdk 1.6 I'm not able to run Tomcat
as a Windows service. Installation of the service goes all right, but
when I try to start the service I get the following error in

[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Debugging Service...
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Starting service...
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [173  javajni.c] [error] Impossibile trovare il
modulo specificato.
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [924  prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [1179 prunsrv.c] [error] ServiceStart returned 1
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Debug service finished.
[2007-02-05 12:04:27] [info] Procrun finished.

I'm out of options, any idea?

I was hoping someone would answer you as I am having a similar problem
with JDK 1.6.  I uninstalled 1.6 and installed 1.5 everything seems
fine.  You can find the 1.5 download on the previous release page. 
Tomcat 5.5.20, on Windows 2003 brand new servers from Dell.

[ some cut ]
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [info] Starting service...
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [173  javajni.c] [error] The specified module
could not be found.
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [924  prunsrv.c] [error] Failed creating java
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0\bin\client\jvm.dll
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [1179 prunsrv.c] [error] ServiceStart returned 1
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [info] Run service finished.
[2007-02-05 13:17:26] [info] Procrun finished.

And here after downgrading to 1.5.
[2007-02-05 15:02:51] [info] Service Tomcat5 name Apache Tomcat
[2007-02-05 15:02:51] [info] Service Tomcat5 installed
[2007-02-05 15:02:51] [info] Procrun finished.
[2007-02-05 15:02:52] [info] Updating service...
[2007-02-05 15:02:52] [info] Service Tomcat5 updated
[2007-02-05 15:02:52] [info] Update service finished.
[2007-02-05 15:02:52] [info] Procrun finished.
[2007-02-05 15:02:53] [info] Updating service...
[2007-02-05 15:02:53] [info] Service Tomcat5 updated
[2007-02-05 15:02:53] [info] Update service finished.
[2007-02-05 15:02:53] [info] Procrun finished.
[2007-02-05 15:02:55] [info] Running Service...
[2007-02-05 15:02:55] [info] Starting service...
[2007-02-05 15:02:56] [info] Service started in 1109 ms.

Sorry I can't say any more than that.  Hope it helps.


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File permission problem not understood

2007-02-05 Thread Alan Chandler
I have just upgraded my Debian Etch system from tomcat5 to tomcat5.5

Now when I start my applications I am getting the following

javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to initialize application 
servlet: access denied 

the root cause of this is ...
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied 

The file refered to exists and is accessable by tomcat
ls -l /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps/blog/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/hivemodule.xml


-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat55 nogroup  1035 2006-01-26 19:13 hivemodule.xml

so I puzzled as what I need to do to fix it.

Can anyone help please
Alan Chandler