lost session in Tomcat 7.040 and IE8

2013-06-13 Thread Carl Dreher
I have Tomcat 7.0.26 running on Window7 Pro.  I also have Tomcat 7.0.40 
running on a Windows 7 Home Premium.  Both have the same website.  
(Obviously, I'm doing some testing.)

In the website, a user logs on and the user ID is kept in the session.   
In one of the JSP pages I have some JavaScript attached to an html button

(I'm using Struts.)  Now, here is were it gets strange...

During testing, I found that IE8 and IE9 both run fine against Tomcat 
7.0.26.  By that I mean, after the user logs on, the user ID is kept in 
the session.  After navigating around the site, if the user then clicks 
on the above button, the Struts Action class "MyAction.do" is able to 
find the user ID in the session.

The same is true of IE9 against Tomcat 7.0.40.

But if I do the above with IE8 against the site on Tomcat 7.0.40, the 
user ID in the session is empty.

To summarize,
   | IE8 |   IE9
Tomcat 7.0.26  | ok   | ok
Tomcat 7.0.40   |fail  |  ok

Any ideas where to start looking?

- Carl Dreher

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Re: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 6/13/13 6:44 PM, Jane Muse wrote:
> I'm using the standard implementation of Realm. Here's the code
> //Validate passwords try { if (oldTomcatPassword != null &&
> !"".equals(oldTomcatPassword.trim())) { TomcatConfig tconf =
> TomcatConfig.getInstance(); String digestAlg =
> tconf.getTomcatPwdEncryptionType(); String encryptedOldPwd =
> oldTomcatPassword; if (digestAlg != null) encryptedOldPwd =
> RealmBase.Digest(oldTomcatPassword, digestAlg); if
> (!encryptedOldPwd.equals(tconf.getEncryptedTomcatPwd(tomcatUserName)))
> { errors.add("incorrectPwd", new
> ActionError("error.password.incorrect")); } }

I'm not sure this is any different than the built-in Tomcat
digest-based realms. Why not just use the available ones and discard
your own realm?

> As I said, it no longer compiles with catalina.jar from Tomcat 
> 7.0.41. This is not a surprise, that the signature would change,
> and I changed the code accordingly. Now it is:
> encryptedOldPwd = RealmBase.Digest(oldTomcatPassword, digestAlg,
> encodedType);
> Compiles fine now.
> . However, when I build with ant, it says actual and formal
> argument lists differ in length. I don't know why there's an actual
> and a formal argument list. I swapped out catalina.jar.

So, it complies "fine" except not when you build with ant? In what
situation does it compile "fine", then?

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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RE: forward request by changing the port in request url

2013-06-13 Thread Ilya Kazakevich

I do not think destination NAT is good solution because it works on TCP
layer and knows nothing about domain names and URLs (both are application
level (http) knowledge). So you would need to use separate  IP/port  for
that and in case you have it you can bind tomcat there directly) So
application-layer forwarding proxy (nginx, squid, apache) is way to go.

Hardware cisco solutions could handle it too but I they are too big  for
such a simple task (unless you have really many users)


>-Original Message-
>From: Martin Gainty [mailto:mgai...@hotmail.com]
>Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 2:28 AM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: RE: forward request by changing the port in request url
>for IP Redirecting and or automatic Network Address Translations (e.g. Port
>80 redirects to Port 81)
>you will need a proxy server
>please contact supp...@cisco.com
>for product and service options
>Viel Gluck
>> i have two service running under tomcat. One service is default i.e.
>> catalina on port 8080 and 8443 second service is catalina_new on port
>and 8444.
>> i have application abc.war deployed in webapps_new service which is
>running on port 8081. This application is not there in webapps.
>> i want if any request coming on port 8080 for application abc, it is
>> forwarded to port 8081.(same for ssl port 8443->8444) Is there any way to
>the same.
>> Thanks
>> Anil

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RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Jane Muse
I'm using the standard implementation of Realm. Here's the code

//Validate passwords
try {
if (oldTomcatPassword != null && 
TomcatConfig tconf = TomcatConfig.getInstance();
String digestAlg = 
String encryptedOldPwd = oldTomcatPassword;
if (digestAlg != null)
encryptedOldPwd = 
RealmBase.Digest(oldTomcatPassword, digestAlg);
(!encryptedOldPwd.equals(tconf.getEncryptedTomcatPwd(tomcatUserName))) {
errors.add("incorrectPwd", new 

As I said, it no longer compiles with catalina.jar from Tomcat 7.0.41. This is 
not a surprise, that the signature would change, and I changed the code 
accordingly. Now it is:

encryptedOldPwd = RealmBase.Digest(oldTomcatPassword, digestAlg, encodedType);

Compiles fine now.

. However, when I build with ant, it says actual and formal argument lists 
differ in length. I don't know why there's an actual and a formal argument 
list. I swapped out catalina.jar.

188: error: method Digest in class RealmBase cannot be applied to given types;
[javac] encryptedOldPwd = 
RealmBase.Digest(oldTomcatPassword, digestAlg, encodedType );
[javac]   required: String,String
[javac]   found: String,String,String
[javac]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
[javac] 2 errors
[javac] 1 warning

-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:chuck.caldar...@unisys.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 1:41 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> From: Jane Muse [mailto:jm...@rocketsoftware.com]
> Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> I had catalina.jar in WEB-INF/lib.

Very, very bad move.

> It's needed because we have an implementation of Realm to store an 
> encrypted tomcat password users enter in the webapp.

Your custom implementation of Realm should be in Tomcat's lib directory, not 
the webapp's.  See:

Such a Realm should not be tied into the operation of any webapp, other than 
configuring the webapp to use it.

> If I remove it and add the catalina.jar from tomcat_home/lib to the 
> classpath

Not sure what you mean by adding it to the classpath; please explain.

> I have to change the signature from
> org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.Digest(String, String) to 
> org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.Digest(String, String, String).

That's because internal Tomcat APIs often change between levels.  You certainly 
cannot count on using an older version of Realm with a newer Tomcat (or vice 

> Should I not be writing code that needs classes from catalina.jar?

It would certainly be desirable not to be dependent on internal Tomcat classes. 
 Why do you think a Realm should be storing a password (encrypted or not) 
anywhere?  A Realm would normally be reading a password from some controlled 
storage, not writing to it.
 - Chuck

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RE: forward request by changing the port in request url

2013-06-13 Thread Ilya Kazakevich
What is "request for application"? How would any software know this request
is for abc app?
You should use different URLs (servlet contexts) or different domain names. 

Then you may install nginx or apache or squid or something else that would
forward your requests to the following tomcats. But you need to configure
tomcat valve to store remote_addr.
I will give you an example for nginx and domain names.

Say, your DNS zone is "example.com." You create 2 subdomains
"abc.example.com" and "def.example.com" both with same IP (A record).
You install nginx on it listening port 80. You configure it to pass requests
for abc.example.com to localhost:8080 and requests for def.example.com to

You open browser and navigate to abc.example.com. Nginx accepts your request
and makes request to localhost:8080 where tomcat with app abc sits. Tomcat
answers to nginx and it forwards it to you.

That is pretty common solution.

Ilya Kazakevich,
JetBrains Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

>-Original Message-
>From: Anil Goyal -X (anigoyal - Aricent Technologies at Cisco)
>Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:00 PM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: forward request by changing the port in request url
>i have two service running under tomcat. One service is default i.e.
>on port 8080 and 8443 second service is catalina_new on port 8081 and 8444.
>i have application abc.war deployed in webapps_new service which is
>running on port 8081. This application is not there in webapps.
>i want if any request coming on port 8080 for application abc, it is
>to port 8081.(same for ssl port 8443->8444) Is there any way to do the

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RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Martin Gainty
you can swap out one jar for another

Ant has no idea which container it is communicating with unless you tell it

catalina.jar is tied to the Servlet Spec so 
you cannot change catalina unless you change the accompanying Servlet Spec

so you've already done that why not write a Quick and Dirty ant taskdef

I'll pick this up on us...@ant.apache.org


Viel Gluck

Martin Gainty 
Jogi és Bizalmassági kinyilatkoztatás/Verzicht und 
Vertraulichkeitanmerkung/Note de déni et de confidentialité

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> From: jm...@rocketsoftware.com
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1
> Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 20:19:07 +
> I had catalina.jar in WEB-INF/lib. It's needed because we have an 
> implementation of Realm to store an encrypted tomcat password users enter in 
> the webapp. If I remove it and add the catalina.jar from tomcat_home/lib to 
> the classpath, I have to change the signature from 
> org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.Digest(String, String) to 
> org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.Digest(String, String, String). Then the 
> code compiles ok, but I get this error when building with ant to make a war 
> file:
> error: method Digest in class RealmBase cannot be applied to given types;
> [javac] encryptedOldPwd = RealmBase.Digest(oldTomcatPassword, digestAlg,null);
> Should I not be writing code that needs classes from catalina.jar?
> Thanks,
> Jane
> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:09 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1
> Hash: SHA256
> Jane,
> On 6/13/13 12:38 PM, Jane Muse wrote:
> > In the archives I thought the only unreleased versions would be 
> > specified "beta". Please let me know if this is not the case.
> I'll admit it's not clear from the version number which versions are beta, 
> released, etc. You have to look at the ChangeLog:
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/changelog.html
> Each release contains a release date and (optionally) a comment on the 
> quality of the build. The first non-beta version of Tomcat 7.0.x was 7.0.6. 
> Tomcat 7.0.1 (distinct from 7.0.10) was actually "not released"
> probably because it was broken for some reason.
> When the Tomcat team rolls a release, there is a vote. If there aren't enough 
> "yes" votes (or any "no" votes), the release is abandoned but the number 
> isn't re-used.
> Anyhow, there's no reason to attempt to migrate from Tomcat 6.0.x to Tomcat 
> 7.0.x by shooting for an "early" version of Tomcat 7.0.x: you should go for 
> the latest.
> Also, if you mistype and say "Tomcat 7.0.1" instead of "Tomcat 7.0.10"
> or "Tomcat 7.0.4" instead of "Tomcat 7.0.40" (or "Tomcat 7.0.41"), don't get 
> an offended when people tell you you are doing it wrong.
> Just say "whoops, I meant 7.0.40" and move on.
> Back to your original problem... have you modified the Tomcat 7 installation 
> in any way -- other than dropping your WAR file/exploded WAR into the 
> webapps/ directory)?
> Also, do you have any Tomcat-related JAR files in your webapp's WEB-INF/lib 
> directory?
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
> Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
> dO/70UaIg69t4TsgIJApzd+ReSMbzrThby4Ok+EkYOEXLC1tZgbbQpTQdx0sjqXc
> k7fJl9oRQ/O9UP4lj+PR1iWL0zTX/Ze+eTQ

RE: forward request by changing the port in request url

2013-06-13 Thread Martin Gainty
for IP Redirecting and or automatic Network Address Translations (e.g. Port 80 
redirects to Port 81)

you will need a proxy server 

please contact supp...@cisco.com

for product and service options


Viel Gluck

Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung


 Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene Empfaenger 
sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede unbefugte Weiterleitung 
oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig. Diese Nachricht dient lediglich dem 
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Aufgrund der leichten Manipulierbarkeit von E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung 
fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen.


> From: anigo...@cisco.com
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Subject: forward request by changing the port in request url
> Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:00:12 +
> i have two service running under tomcat. One service is default i.e. catalina 
> on port 8080 and 8443
> second service is catalina_new on port 8081 and 8444.
> i have application abc.war deployed in webapps_new service which is running 
> on port 8081. This application is not there in webapps.
> i want if any request coming on port 8080 for application abc, it is 
> forwarded to port 8081.(same for ssl port 8443->8444)
> Is there any way to do the same.
> Thanks
> Anil

Re: TCNative with FIPS OpenSSL throws fingerprint error in FIPS mode

2013-06-13 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 6/13/13 5:27 PM, Steve Nickels wrote:
>>> I figured out the problem. The error was due to my system
>>> rebasing the libeay32.dll library from its desired base address
>>> of 0xFB0. According to OpenSSL documents, this is supposed
>>> to generate a specific error message of 
>> because I wasn't
>>> seeing that, I didn't think that was the problem.
>> Interesting. Do you think it was being swallowed-up somewhere?
>> Like I said, tcnative/FIPS hasn't gotten a huge amount of
>> exposure.
> I think the error message issue might be a problem with OpenSSL 
> itself. As far as I can tell, tcnative is simply parroting back
> the error message that OpenSSL gives it.

It is, but the function we are using says it gets the "first" error
from the error queue. I suppose we could drain the entire error queue
looking for all messages and concatenate them together or something.
We aren't inspecting the entire error queue.

>> Do you think there are ways it could be improved? Better error
>> checking, etc.? I implemented it as simply as I possibly could.
> The biggest problem seems to be that something in Tomcat on Windows
>  is interfering with OpenSSL's normal base address request 
> (0xFB0). Normally this doesn't matter, but with the FIPS
> build, if the base address of the library is moved from what it
> expects, the result is a fingerprint error when FIPS mode is
> enabled.

This could be a problem on *NIX as well -- any library may be
re-located by the loader for any reason.

> I ran the openssl utility on the same system as Tomcat, and
> Process Explorer shows that its copy of libeay32.dll stays at the
> correct address. Additionally, I tested the FIPS-compatible
> libeay32.dll on a different server with Tomcat, and had the same
> problem. This seems to indicate that the memory address issue is
> specific to Tomcat, not the server.

Or running within a JVM which has a significant amount of native code
that gets loaded first, which may cause the loader to re-locate the
library when it finally gets loaded.

Any interest in trying some Java-based testing using libtcnative?

> I can't tell from Process Explorer why libeay32.dll is being
> rebased (I didn't see any other libraries under tomcat7.exe that
> were obviously taking up the same address space). I think it's
> going to take someone with more experience with both Windows and
> Tomcat than I to figure that one out. I suppose it might be worthy
> of a bug report, at least.

That would be good -- bug reports have more visibility than mailing
list posts, and it's a good place to collect information all in one place.

I'm curious: what base address did you use when you changed it?

> If the fix for the memory rebasing issue ends up being that
> OpenSSL needs to be configured with a different base address, that
> would be good to include in the build documentation for tcnative.
> The file \jni\native\srclib\BUILDING would be a good place for such
> a note. But, if the interfering Tomcat piece were to be found and
> resolved, you wouldn't need it.

I suspect this is an OS-related thing that Tomcat can't really affect.
Note that (other than tcnative and the win32 service-launcher), Tomcat
doesn't have any native code at all, so it can't really affect this
kind of stuff. Tomcat just issues a System.loadLibrary() call and lets
the JVM and OS take over.

>>> With my test application, the original base address was not
>>> being changed by the OS, according to process explorer, which
>>> is why it worked with the original build.
>>> Thanks for your help!
>> No problem. If there were any other gotchas you found when
>> building tcnative/FIPS/win32 could you let us know? Actually,
>> creating a Wiki page is easy to do and you could help others who
>> are trying to do the same thing.
> One minor issue I found when building tcnative on Windows was that
>  the BUILDING file in the \jni\native directory in 
> tomcat-native-1.1.27-win32-src.zip appears to contain UNIX build 
> instructions. This probably isn't appropriate, since the zip file
> is specific to win32.

That's a good point. Could you log that in Bugzilla as well? There are
(brief) building instructions on http://tomcat.apache.org/native-doc/
but they should probably also be in the BUILDING file.

> If there's a good place to put a wiki page about this, let me
> know, and I can try to add something.

Really anywhere under http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/FAQ would be
great. If I were looking for information about this, I'm not sure
where I'd look first. Perhaps under "Security"?

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


RE: TCNative with FIPS OpenSSL throws fingerprint error in FIPS mode

2013-06-13 Thread Steve Nickels
> > I figured out the problem. The error was due to my system rebasing the
> > libeay32.dll library from its desired base address of 0xFB0.
> > According to OpenSSL documents, this is supposed to generate a
> > specific error message of
> because I wasn't
> > seeing that, I didn't think that was the problem.
> Interesting. Do you think it was being swallowed-up somewhere? Like I said,
> tcnative/FIPS hasn't gotten a huge amount of exposure.

I think the error message issue might be a problem with OpenSSL itself. As far 
as I can tell, tcnative is simply parroting back the error message that OpenSSL 
gives it.

> Do you think there are ways it could be improved? Better error checking,
> etc.? I implemented it as simply as I possibly could.

The biggest problem seems to be that something in Tomcat on Windows is 
interfering with OpenSSL's normal base address request (0xFB0). Normally 
this doesn't matter, but with the FIPS build, if the base address of the 
library is moved from what it expects, the result is a fingerprint error when 
FIPS mode is enabled.

I ran the openssl utility on the same system as Tomcat, and Process Explorer 
shows that its copy of libeay32.dll stays at the correct address. Additionally, 
I tested the FIPS-compatible libeay32.dll on a different server with Tomcat, 
and had the same problem. This seems to indicate that the memory address issue 
is specific to Tomcat, not the server.

I can't tell from Process Explorer why libeay32.dll is being rebased (I didn't 
see any other libraries under tomcat7.exe that were obviously taking up the 
same address space). I think it's going to take someone with more experience 
with both Windows and Tomcat than I to figure that one out. I suppose it might 
be worthy of a bug report, at least.

> (I also noticed a small bug when checking the code around FIPS_mode_set in
> tcnative: the OpenSSL docs say that if
> FIPS_mode_set(x) is successful and x != 0, then the function returns x. The
> check in there is against 1 and not x. So that could afford to be fixed.)
> > However, process explorer showed that the base address of libeay32.dll
> > in the tomcat7.exe process was not at its correct base address. I
> > recompiled OpenSSL with a new base address, verified that the new dll
> > wasn't being rebased, and then turned on FIPS mode, and it worked.
> Wow, that could certainly confuse things.
> Again, I don't know anything about building on win32, but is that the kind of
> thing that we could better-document (or document /at all/) somewhere in
> the source bundle? Is there a project file that could contain such a hint 
> that a
> casual DIY user like you would have consulted?

If the fix for the memory rebasing issue ends up being that OpenSSL needs to be 
configured with a different base address, that would be good to include in the 
build documentation for tcnative. The file \jni\native\srclib\BUILDING would be 
a good place for such a note. But, if the interfering Tomcat piece were to be 
found and resolved, you wouldn't need it.

> > With my test application, the original base address was not being
> > changed by the OS, according to process explorer, which is why it
> > worked with the original build.
> >
> > Thanks for your help!
> No problem. If there were any other gotchas you found when building
> tcnative/FIPS/win32 could you let us know? Actually, creating a Wiki page is
> easy to do and you could help others who are trying to do the same thing.

One minor issue I found when building tcnative on Windows was that the BUILDING 
file in the \jni\native directory in tomcat-native-1.1.27-win32-src.zip appears 
to contain UNIX build instructions. This probably isn't appropriate, since the 
zip file is specific to win32.

If there's a good place to put a wiki page about this, let me know, and I can 
try to add something.

--Steve Nickels
Ipswitch, Inc. 

Re: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 6/13/13 4:40 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Jane Muse [mailto:jm...@rocketsoftware.com] Subject: RE:
>> Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1
>> I had catalina.jar in WEB-INF/lib.
> Very, very bad move.
>> It's needed because we have an implementation of Realm to store
>> an encrypted tomcat password users enter in the webapp.
> Your custom implementation of Realm should be in Tomcat's lib
> directory, not the webapp's.  See: 
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/realm-howto.html#What_is_a_Realm?
>  Such a Realm should not be tied into the operation of any webapp,
> other than configuring the webapp to use it.
>> If I remove it and add the catalina.jar from tomcat_home/lib to
>> the classpath
> Not sure what you mean by adding it to the classpath; please
> explain.
>> I have to change the signature from 
>> org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.Digest(String, String) to 
>> org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.Digest(String, String,
>> String).
> That's because internal Tomcat APIs often change between levels.
> You certainly cannot count on using an older version of Realm with
> a newer Tomcat (or vice versa).
>> Should I not be writing code that needs classes from
>> catalina.jar?
> It would certainly be desirable not to be dependent on internal
> Tomcat classes.  Why do you think a Realm should be storing a
> password (encrypted or not) anywhere?  A Realm would normally be
> reading a password from some controlled storage, not writing to
> it.


I'm interested in what the custom realm does. Tomcat's realms all
support simple hashing via MessageDigest (i.e. no salting, iteration,
password-hashing algorithms, etc.) which is often enough for most
people (yet I'm not one of them).

If you are symmetrically-encrypting your passwords, you are setting
yourself up for security problems.

If you want to implement something more elaborate (say, you want to
implement bcrypt password-hashing instead of MD5), then you'll have to
do it yourself. I've been threatening to write-up some patches to
allow pluggable password-mangling algorithms into Tomcat Realms, but I
have not bothered to do so, yet. If there was more interest in such
things, I might be persuaded to be a little more diligent.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
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RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Jane Muse [mailto:jm...@rocketsoftware.com] 
> Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> I had catalina.jar in WEB-INF/lib.

Very, very bad move.

> It's needed because we have an implementation of Realm to store an 
> encrypted tomcat password users enter in the webapp.

Your custom implementation of Realm should be in Tomcat's lib directory, not 
the webapp's.  See:

Such a Realm should not be tied into the operation of any webapp, other than 
configuring the webapp to use it.

> If I remove it and add the catalina.jar from tomcat_home/lib to the 
> classpath

Not sure what you mean by adding it to the classpath; please explain.

> I have to change the signature from 
> org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.Digest(String, String) to 
> org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.Digest(String, String, String).

That's because internal Tomcat APIs often change between levels.  You certainly 
cannot count on using an older version of Realm with a newer Tomcat (or vice 

> Should I not be writing code that needs classes from catalina.jar?

It would certainly be desirable not to be dependent on internal Tomcat classes. 
 Why do you think a Realm should be storing a password (encrypted or not) 
anywhere?  A Realm would normally be reading a password from some controlled 
storage, not writing to it.
 - Chuck

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RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Jane Muse
I had catalina.jar in WEB-INF/lib. It's needed because we have an 
implementation of Realm to store an encrypted tomcat password users enter in 
the webapp.  If I remove it and add the catalina.jar from tomcat_home/lib to 
the classpath, I have to change the signature from 
org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.Digest(String, String) to 
org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase.Digest(String, String, String). Then the 
code compiles ok, but I get this error when building with ant to make a war 

error: method Digest in class RealmBase cannot be applied to given types;
[javac] encryptedOldPwd = 
RealmBase.Digest(oldTomcatPassword, digestAlg,null);

Should I not be writing code that needs classes from catalina.jar?



-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:09 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

Hash: SHA256


On 6/13/13 12:38 PM, Jane Muse wrote:
> In the archives I thought the only unreleased versions would be 
> specified "beta". Please let me know if this is not the case.

I'll admit it's not clear from the version number which versions are beta, 
released, etc. You have to look at the ChangeLog:


Each release contains a release date and (optionally) a comment on the quality 
of the build. The first non-beta version of Tomcat 7.0.x was 7.0.6. Tomcat 
7.0.1 (distinct from 7.0.10) was actually "not released"
probably because it was broken for some reason.

When the Tomcat team rolls a release, there is a vote. If there aren't enough 
"yes" votes (or any "no" votes), the release is abandoned but the number isn't 

Anyhow, there's no reason to attempt to migrate from Tomcat 6.0.x to Tomcat 
7.0.x by shooting for an "early" version of Tomcat 7.0.x: you should go for the 

Also, if you mistype and say "Tomcat 7.0.1" instead of "Tomcat 7.0.10"
or "Tomcat 7.0.4" instead of "Tomcat 7.0.40" (or "Tomcat 7.0.41"), don't get an 
offended when people tell you you are doing it wrong.
Just say "whoops, I meant 7.0.40" and move on.

Back to your original problem... have you modified the Tomcat 7 installation in 
any way -- other than dropping your WAR file/exploded WAR into the webapps/ 

Also, do you have any Tomcat-related JAR files in your webapp's WEB-INF/lib 

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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RE: forward request by changing the port in request url

2013-06-13 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] 
> Subject: Re: forward request by changing the port in request url

> > Once you have a ROOT webapp, you can deploy the standard URL
> > rewrite filter therein to send the request anywhere you want:
> > http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/

> I don't think that can be used for proxying, can it?

No, not proxying, but I didn't read anything into the OP's requirements that it 
had to be.

> I read the OP as saying there were two separate services, so it's 
> not a simple forward or redirect.

Redirect works as long as the filter changes the port number to the desired one.

 - Chuck

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Re: forward request by changing the port in request url

2013-06-13 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 6/13/13 2:23 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Anil Goyal -X (anigoyal - Aricent Technologies at Cisco)
>> [mailto:anigo...@cisco.com] Subject: forward request by changing
>> the port in request url
>> i have application abc.war deployed in webapps_new service which
>> is running on port 8081. This application is not there in
>> webapps.
> You should install at least a ROOT application for that
> service/host.
>> i want if any request coming on port 8080 for application abc, it
>> is forwarded to port 8081.(same for ssl port 8443->8444) Is there
>> any way to do the same.
> Once you have a ROOT webapp, you can deploy the standard URL
> rewrite filter therein to send the request anywhere you want:
> http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/

I don't think that can be used for proxying, can it? I read the OP as
saying there were two separate services, so it's not a simple forward
or redirect.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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RE: forward request by changing the port in request url

2013-06-13 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Anil Goyal -X (anigoyal - Aricent Technologies at Cisco) 
> [mailto:anigo...@cisco.com] 
> Subject: forward request by changing the port in request url

> i have application abc.war deployed in webapps_new service which is running 
> on port 8081. This application is not there in webapps.

You should install at least a ROOT application for that service/host.

> i want if any request coming on port 8080 for application abc, it is 
> forwarded 
> to port 8081.(same for ssl port 8443->8444)
> Is there any way to do the same.

Once you have a ROOT webapp, you can deploy the standard URL rewrite filter 
therein to send the request anywhere you want:


 - Chuck

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Re: forward request by changing the port in request url

2013-06-13 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 6/13/13 2:00 PM, Anil Goyal -X (anigoyal - Aricent Technologies at
Cisco) wrote:
> i have two service running under tomcat. One service is default
> i.e. catalina on port 8080 and 8443 second service is catalina_new
> on port 8081 and 8444.
> i have application abc.war deployed in webapps_new service which is
> running on port 8081. This application is not there in webapps. i
> want if any request coming on port 8080 for application abc, it is
> forwarded to port 8081.(same for ssl port 8443->8444) Is there any
> way to do the same.

Tomcat does not come with any HTTP proxying capabilities out of the
box. If you want to do that kind of thing, you'll have to use some
kind of 3rd-party software.

Apache httpd is god at this kind of thing: reverse-proxying is
something it can do out-of-the-box.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] 
> Subject: Re: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> I'll admit it's not clear from the version number which versions are
> beta, released, etc. You have to look at the ChangeLog:

It's easier to look in the archives if all you want to know is the status of 
each released version:


 - Chuck

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Re: TCNative with FIPS OpenSSL throws fingerprint error in FIPS mode

2013-06-13 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 6/13/13 1:57 PM, Steve Nickels wrote:
> I figured out the problem. The error was due to my system rebasing 
> the libeay32.dll library from its desired base address of
> 0xFB0. According to OpenSSL documents, this is supposed to
> generate a specific error message of 
> wasn't seeing that, I didn't think that was the problem.

Interesting. Do you think it was being swallowed-up somewhere? Like I
said, tcnative/FIPS hasn't gotten a huge amount of exposure.

Do you think there are ways it could be improved? Better error
checking, etc.? I implemented it as simply as I possibly could.

(I also noticed a small bug when checking the code around
FIPS_mode_set in tcnative: the OpenSSL docs say that if
FIPS_mode_set(x) is successful and x != 0, then the function returns
x. The check in there is against 1 and not x. So that could afford to
be fixed.)

> However, process explorer showed that the base address of 
> libeay32.dll in the tomcat7.exe process was not at its correct
> base address. I recompiled OpenSSL with a new base address,
> verified that the new dll wasn't being rebased, and then turned on
> FIPS mode, and it worked.

Wow, that could certainly confuse things.

Again, I don't know anything about building on win32, but is that the
kind of thing that we could better-document (or document /at all/)
somewhere in the source bundle? Is there a project file that could
contain such a hint that a casual DIY user like you would have consulted?

> With my test application, the original base address was not being 
> changed by the OS, according to process explorer, which is why it 
> worked with the original build.
> Thanks for your help!

No problem. If there were any other gotchas you found when building
tcnative/FIPS/win32 could you let us know? Actually, creating a Wiki
page is easy to do and you could help others who are trying to do the
same thing.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Jane Muse [mailto:jm...@rocketsoftware.com] 
> Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> In the archives I thought the only unreleased versions would be specified 
> "beta". Please let me know if this is not the case. 

No, the description of alpha, beta, and stable as the terms apply to Tomcat 
releases is given here:


7.0.1 never even made it to the alpha stage, and therefore didn't get into the 
archives.  That's often true for early versions of a particular branch, and 
occasionally happens with later ones when an oops is discovered during testing. 
 (You'll notice that there is no 7.0.36 in the archives.)

 - Chuck

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Re: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 6/13/13 12:38 PM, Jane Muse wrote:
> In the archives I thought the only unreleased versions would be
> specified "beta". Please let me know if this is not the case.

I'll admit it's not clear from the version number which versions are
beta, released, etc. You have to look at the ChangeLog:


Each release contains a release date and (optionally) a comment on the
quality of the build. The first non-beta version of Tomcat 7.0.x was
7.0.6. Tomcat 7.0.1 (distinct from 7.0.10) was actually "not released"
probably because it was broken for some reason.

When the Tomcat team rolls a release, there is a vote. If there aren't
enough "yes" votes (or any "no" votes), the release is abandoned but
the number isn't re-used.

Anyhow, there's no reason to attempt to migrate from Tomcat 6.0.x to
Tomcat 7.0.x by shooting for an "early" version of Tomcat 7.0.x: you
should go for the latest.

Also, if you mistype and say "Tomcat 7.0.1" instead of "Tomcat 7.0.10"
or "Tomcat 7.0.4" instead of "Tomcat 7.0.40" (or "Tomcat 7.0.41"),
don't get an offended when people tell you you are doing it wrong.
Just say "whoops, I meant 7.0.40" and move on.

Back to your original problem... have you modified the Tomcat 7
installation in any way -- other than dropping your WAR file/exploded
WAR into the webapps/ directory)?

Also, do you have any Tomcat-related JAR files in your webapp's
WEB-INF/lib directory?

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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forward request by changing the port in request url

2013-06-13 Thread Anil Goyal -X (anigoyal - Aricent Technologies at Cisco)
i have two service running under tomcat. One service is default i.e. catalina 
on port 8080 and 8443
second service is catalina_new on port 8081 and 8444.

i have application abc.war deployed in webapps_new service which is running on 
port 8081. This application is not there in webapps.
i want if any request coming on port 8080 for application abc, it is forwarded 
to port 8081.(same for ssl port 8443->8444)
Is there any way to do the same.


RE: TCNative with FIPS OpenSSL throws fingerprint error in FIPS mode

2013-06-13 Thread Steve Nickels
I figured out the problem. The error was due to my system rebasing the 
libeay32.dll library from its desired base address of 0xFB0. According to 
OpenSSL documents, this is supposed to generate a specific error message of 
that, I didn't think that was the problem.

However, process explorer showed that the base address of libeay32.dll in the 
tomcat7.exe process was not at its correct base address. I recompiled OpenSSL 
with a new base address, verified that the new dll wasn't being rebased, and 
then turned on FIPS mode, and it worked.

With my test application, the original base address was not being changed by 
the OS, according to process explorer, which is why it worked with the original 

Thanks for your help!

--Steve Nickels,
Ipswitch, Inc.

> -Original Message-
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:17 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: TCNative with FIPS OpenSSL throws fingerprint error in FIPS
> mode
> Hash: SHA256
> Steve,
> On 6/12/13 6:54 PM, Steve Nickels wrote:
> >>> I'm fairly confident that the OpenSSL library I'm using is valid and
> >>> uncorrupted (I've used a couple different copies: an existing set of
> >>> binaries being used successfully in another product internally, and
> >>> a newly built version which I have successfully used the openssl
> >>> utility against, without error).
> >>
> >> Can you write a simple C program to link against OpenSSL and try to
> >> start it in FIPS mode? Does that work without error? Feel free to
> >> just steal code from tcnative to put-together a Frankenstein's
> >> monster of code just to see if it works.
> >
> > I've done so, and verified that my OpenSSL build seems to be working
> > correctly, both in FIPS mode and not. My test program creates SHA-1
> > and MD5 hashes of a simple string value. With FIPS mode off, both
> > hashes are returned. With FIPS mode on, the SHA-1 hash is returned,
> > and the MD5 hash generates the expected "disabled for fips" error.
> > There was no error at the point of FIPS_mode_set(1), which seems to
> > indicate that the self tests passed. This matches what I saw when I
> > used the openssl.exe utility that was compiled with OpenSSL (version
> > OpenSSL 1.0.1c-fips 10 May 2012).
> >
> > Using this same OpenSSL build in tcnative, however, results in the
> > fingerprint error when Tomcat starts up with FIPS mode enabled.
> >
> >
> >>> My assumption is that I'm not building/linking OpenSSL correctly
> >>> into tcnative.
> >>
> >> ...and you are building tcnative by hand because the OpenSSL Tomcat
> >> provides is not build with FIPS compatibility, right? You will have
> >> to make sure you have a FIPS-compatible OpenSSL (please post the
> >> result of "openssl.exe version") and you will definitely have to
> >> re-build tcnative against it because otherwise all the FIPS stuff
> >> will generate errors before even trying to call FIPS_mode_set on
> >> OpenSSL.
> >
> > Correct. I get the expected "FIPS not available" error when I turn on
> > FIPS mode using the stock tcnative-1.dll library that comes with
> > Tomcat. The FIPS-compatible OpenSSL build I have reports as "OpenSSL
> > 1.0.1c-fips 10 May 2012".
> >
> >
> >> I notice that Tomcat distributes openssl.exe and not openssl.dll (or
> >> similar). Are you building openssl.exe or openssl.dll when you build
> >> OpenSSL?
> >
> > Building OpenSSL on Windows results in three distributable files:
> > libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, and openssl.exe. I copy the first two into
> > Tomcat\bin, along with tcnative-1.dll, in order to make OpenSSL
> > available to tcnative. It also results in libeay32.lib and
> > ssleay32.lib, which are used in the tcnative compile process.
> What happens is you put openssl.exe in there alongside the .dll files?
> With your test program, was anything in the PATH (or current
> directory) other than the two .dll files? (I'm just trying to figure out why
> Tomcat ships with openssl.exe at all... I thought it was all 
> statically-linked).
> I presume you are not building a statically-linked tcnative.dll (which would
> include the OpenSSL code), right?
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
> Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
> 4rv
> uz44hZh6kpAyfE6ZKdmmm9WOw0X2g6Fq/rYDlYJlX0V/357AXQ33CttDXauU5
> eGs
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> 8mqfNEVSrMJy1kxbXmVyvE/Nmv2eLsVZGyOAkqIMEeZFuloLuRBAK9o+EGJiL
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> 0/53
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> s
> x9QiPMVZ

RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Jane Muse
In the archives I thought the only unreleased versions would be specified 
"beta". Please let me know if this is not the case. 

-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:chuck.caldar...@unisys.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:25 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> From: Jane Muse [mailto:jm...@rocketsoftware.com]
> Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> Just saying, I wasn't using a 3 year unreleased version. Maybe a 3 
> year version, yes. Here's my original email:

> "I'm getting a class cast exception when starting up tomcat 7.0.1. 
> I've migrated from 6.0.18 to 7.0.1. I got the same error when 
> migrating directly to 7.0.4. The error is:"

Exactly.  You referenced only 7.0.1 (never released) and 7.0.4, which never 
made it out of beta.  You never told us that you meant 7.0.10 and 7.0.41 until 
today.  We can't read your mind, only what you actually write.

 - Chuck

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For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Jane Muse [mailto:jm...@rocketsoftware.com] 
> Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> Just saying, I wasn't using a 3 year unreleased version. Maybe a 3 year 
> version, yes. Here's my original email:

> "I'm getting a class cast exception when starting up tomcat 7.0.1. I've 
> migrated from 6.0.18 to 7.0.1. I got the same error when migrating directly
> to 7.0.4. The error is:"

Exactly.  You referenced only 7.0.1 (never released) and 7.0.4, which never 
made it out of beta.  You never told us that you meant 7.0.10 and 7.0.41 until 
today.  We can't read your mind, only what you actually write.

 - Chuck

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this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its 
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RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Jane Muse
Just saying, I wasn't using a 3 year unreleased version. Maybe a 3 year 
version, yes. Here's my original email:

"I'm getting a class cast exception when starting up tomcat 7.0.1. I've 
migrated from 6.0.18 to 7.0.1. I got the same error when migrating directly to 
7.0.4. The error is:"

-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:chuck.caldar...@unisys.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 8:52 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> From: Jane Muse [mailto:jm...@rocketsoftware.com] 
> Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> Who says I was using a 3 year old unreleased level?

Your subject line.

> I tried an easier migration - Tomcat 6.0.18 to 7.0.10.

The "logic" of that completely escapes me.

 - Chuck

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RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Jane Muse [mailto:jm...@rocketsoftware.com] 
> Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> Who says I was using a 3 year old unreleased level?

Your subject line.

> I tried an easier migration - Tomcat 6.0.18 to 7.0.10.

The "logic" of that completely escapes me.

 - Chuck

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this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its 
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Re: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread chris derham
> Who says I was using a 3 year old unreleased level?

You did when you set the subject line to "Class cast exception when
starting tomcat 7.0.1" Charles was hinting that 7.0.1 wasn't released


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RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

2013-06-13 Thread Jane Muse
Who says I was using a 3 year old unreleased level? I had started out with 
Tomcat 7.0.41 and when I got the class cast exception, I tried an easier 
migration - Tomcat 6.0.18 to 7.0.10. I downloaded 7.0.10 from the archives. As 
I said, the problem was due to using catalina.jar in my WEB-INF lib, and not 
due to using 7.0.10.


-Original Message-
From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:chuck.caldar...@unisys.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 3:18 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> From: Jane Muse [mailto:jm...@rocketsoftware.com] 
> Subject: RE: Class cast exception when starting tomcat 7.0.1

> Problem was solved by removing an old catalina.jar for WEB-INF/lib.

The fact that you had a Tomcat-supplied jar in WEB-INF/lib is even scarier than 
using a three-year-old unreleased level.  Tomcat-supplied jars must *NEVER* be 
placed anywhere other than in Tomcat's lib directory.  Sounds like you need to 
do a comprehensive audit of your webapp development and deployment process.

 - Chuck

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RE: TCNative with FIPS OpenSSL throws fingerprint error in FIPS mode

2013-06-13 Thread Steve Nickels
> >> I notice that Tomcat distributes openssl.exe and not openssl.dll (or
> >> similar). Are you building openssl.exe or openssl.dll when you build
> >> OpenSSL?
> >
> > Building OpenSSL on Windows results in three distributable files:
> > libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, and openssl.exe. I copy the first two into
> > Tomcat\bin, along with tcnative-1.dll, in order to make OpenSSL
> > available to tcnative. It also results in libeay32.lib and
> > ssleay32.lib, which are used in the tcnative compile process.
> What happens is you put openssl.exe in there alongside the .dll files?

Nothing different. Openssl.exe is simply the openssl utility program, and it is 
the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll libraries that provide the underlying 

> With your test program, was anything in the PATH (or current
> directory) other than the two .dll files? (I'm just trying to figure out why
> Tomcat ships with openssl.exe at all... I thought it was all 
> statically-linked).

Only libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll were in the same directory as my test 

My guess is that openssl.exe ships with Tomcat to allow users to create and 
manage SSL server certificates, as a helpful utility. I believe you are correct 
that the tcnative build that ships with Tomcat statically links the OpenSSL 
libraries, as my copy of Tomcat did not have libeay32.dll or ssleay32.dll, but 
still was able to provide SSL services through the original tcnative library.

> I presume you are not building a statically-linked tcnative.dll (which would
> include the OpenSSL code), right?

I believe so, but am not positive. It seems the Visual Studio tcnative build 
statically links the APR library, but it doesn't seem to work unless 
libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll are present, so I think that means OpenSSL is not 
statically linked.

--Steve Nickels
Ipswitch, Inc.

Re: OOME issue in Tomcat 6.0.18(with SSL)

2013-06-13 Thread André Warnier

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 6/13/13 12:59 AM, Chirag Dewan wrote:
A little more digging in and I found out that only with SSL,tomcat 
is creating a large number of sessions. I can see in the logs for


INFO: SessionListener:

Now,in case of HTTPS I see a large number of such logs. So I
believe for HTTPS requests it is creating a session for every
request as compared to HTTP?

That seems odd, as web applications usually create sessions regardless
of the use of HTTP versus HTTPS. I suppose it's your web application,
so it could be doing anything at all.

This is my SSL setting in client:

public HttpTLSProtocolSocketFactory() { try { this.sslcontext =
SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); TrustManager[] arrayOfTrustManager =
{ new DummyX509TrustManager() }; this.sslcontext.init(null,
arrayOfTrustManager, null); } catch (Exception localException) { 
this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to created SSLContext: " +

localException.getMessage()); } }

public Socket createSocket(String paramString, int paramInt1,
InetAddress paramInetAddress, int paramInt2, HttpConnectionParams
paramHttpConnectionParams) throws IOException,
UnknownHostException, ConnectTimeoutException { if
(paramHttpConnectionParams == null) throw new
IllegalArgumentException("Parameters may not be null"); int i =
paramHttpConnectionParams.getConnectionTimeout(); SSLSocketFactory
localSSLSocketFactory = this.sslcontext.getSocketFactory(); if (i
== 0) return localSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(paramString,
paramInt1, paramInetAddress, paramInt2); Socket localSocket =
localSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(); InetSocketAddress
localInetSocketAddress1 = new InetSocketAddress(paramInetAddress,
paramInt2); InetSocketAddress localInetSocketAddress2 = new
InetSocketAddress(paramString, paramInt1); 
localSocket.connect(localInetSocketAddress2, i); return

localSocket; }

Can different sockets create different sessions?

This isn't an SSL session issue, it's an HttpSession issue. The client
is irrelevant, except that you are not handling the Set-Cookie
response header Tomcat is likely sending to you. If you sent that
Cookie back to the server, you would likely eliminate all those extra
sessions and instead only create one (HTTP) session per client thread.

So for HTTP I am not creating any new sessions,same should be the 
case for HTTPS. Right?

Only you know what your web application is doing.

The only thing which differs in my is the SSLSocketFactory 
Implementation, which creates sockets.

Look at your webapp's code, not the client code.

You might want to write an HttpSessionListener that fires whenever an
HttpSession is created. Do something like this:

  public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se)
new Throwable("Trace for session creation").printStackTrace();

It looks like you already have an HttpSessionListener (that's where
the INFO message above comes from), so maybe you could just modify
that one.

This will dump stack traces to stdout and tell you exactly where the
sessions are being created. then you can probably figure out why they
are being created in the first place.

Just a shot in the dark here : isn't there some set of conditions whereby Tomcat would set 
a cookie sent back to the client, who would return it when the connection is HTTP, but not 
when the connection is HTTPS ?

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Re: OOME issue in Tomcat 6.0.18(with SSL)

2013-06-13 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 6/13/13 12:59 AM, Chirag Dewan wrote:
> A little more digging in and I found out that only with SSL,tomcat 
> is creating a large number of sessions. I can see in the logs for
> INFO: SessionListener:
> sessionDestroyed('2E8DE01EE3F0D166FEFC8A45353CD9ED')
> Now,in case of HTTPS I see a large number of such logs. So I
> believe for HTTPS requests it is creating a session for every
> request as compared to HTTP?

That seems odd, as web applications usually create sessions regardless
of the use of HTTP versus HTTPS. I suppose it's your web application,
so it could be doing anything at all.

> This is my SSL setting in client:
> public HttpTLSProtocolSocketFactory() { try { this.sslcontext =
> SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); TrustManager[] arrayOfTrustManager =
> { new DummyX509TrustManager() }; this.sslcontext.init(null,
> arrayOfTrustManager, null); } catch (Exception localException) { 
> this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to created SSLContext: " +
> localException.getMessage()); } }
> public Socket createSocket(String paramString, int paramInt1,
> InetAddress paramInetAddress, int paramInt2, HttpConnectionParams
> paramHttpConnectionParams) throws IOException,
> UnknownHostException, ConnectTimeoutException { if
> (paramHttpConnectionParams == null) throw new
> IllegalArgumentException("Parameters may not be null"); int i =
> paramHttpConnectionParams.getConnectionTimeout(); SSLSocketFactory
> localSSLSocketFactory = this.sslcontext.getSocketFactory(); if (i
> == 0) return localSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(paramString,
> paramInt1, paramInetAddress, paramInt2); Socket localSocket =
> localSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(); InetSocketAddress
> localInetSocketAddress1 = new InetSocketAddress(paramInetAddress,
> paramInt2); InetSocketAddress localInetSocketAddress2 = new
> InetSocketAddress(paramString, paramInt1); 
> localSocket.bind(localInetSocketAddress1); 
> localSocket.connect(localInetSocketAddress2, i); return
> localSocket; }
> Can different sockets create different sessions?

This isn't an SSL session issue, it's an HttpSession issue. The client
is irrelevant, except that you are not handling the Set-Cookie
response header Tomcat is likely sending to you. If you sent that
Cookie back to the server, you would likely eliminate all those extra
sessions and instead only create one (HTTP) session per client thread.

> So for HTTP I am not creating any new sessions,same should be the 
> case for HTTPS. Right?

Only you know what your web application is doing.

> The only thing which differs in my is the SSLSocketFactory 
> Implementation, which creates sockets.

Look at your webapp's code, not the client code.

You might want to write an HttpSessionListener that fires whenever an
HttpSession is created. Do something like this:

  public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se)
new Throwable("Trace for session creation").printStackTrace();

It looks like you already have an HttpSessionListener (that's where
the INFO message above comes from), so maybe you could just modify
that one.

This will dump stack traces to stdout and tell you exactly where the
sessions are being created. then you can probably figure out why they
are being created in the first place.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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Re: TCNative with FIPS OpenSSL throws fingerprint error in FIPS mode

2013-06-13 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 6/12/13 6:54 PM, Steve Nickels wrote:
>>> I'm fairly confident that the OpenSSL library I'm using is
>>> valid and uncorrupted (I've used a couple different copies: an
>>> existing set of binaries being used successfully in another
>>> product internally, and a newly built version which I have
>>> successfully used the openssl utility against, without error).
>> Can you write a simple C program to link against OpenSSL and try
>> to start it in FIPS mode? Does that work without error? Feel free
>> to just steal code from tcnative to put-together a Frankenstein's
>> monster of code just to see if it works.
> I've done so, and verified that my OpenSSL build seems to be
> working correctly, both in FIPS mode and not. My test program
> creates SHA-1 and MD5 hashes of a simple string value. With FIPS
> mode off, both hashes are returned. With FIPS mode on, the SHA-1
> hash is returned, and the MD5 hash generates the expected "disabled
> for fips" error. There was no error at the point of
> FIPS_mode_set(1), which seems to indicate that the self tests
> passed. This matches what I saw when I used the openssl.exe utility
> that was compiled with OpenSSL (version OpenSSL 1.0.1c-fips 10 May
> 2012).
> Using this same OpenSSL build in tcnative, however, results in the
> fingerprint error when Tomcat starts up with FIPS mode enabled.
>>> My assumption is that I'm not building/linking OpenSSL
>>> correctly into tcnative.
>> ...and you are building tcnative by hand because the OpenSSL
>> Tomcat provides is not build with FIPS compatibility, right? You
>> will have to make sure you have a FIPS-compatible OpenSSL (please
>> post the result of "openssl.exe version") and you will definitely
>> have to re-build tcnative against it because otherwise all the
>> FIPS stuff will generate errors before even trying to call 
>> FIPS_mode_set on OpenSSL.
> Correct. I get the expected "FIPS not available" error when I turn
> on FIPS mode using the stock tcnative-1.dll library that comes with
> Tomcat. The FIPS-compatible OpenSSL build I have reports as
> "OpenSSL 1.0.1c-fips 10 May 2012".
>> I notice that Tomcat distributes openssl.exe and not openssl.dll
>> (or similar). Are you building openssl.exe or openssl.dll when
>> you build OpenSSL?
> Building OpenSSL on Windows results in three distributable files:
> libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, and openssl.exe. I copy the first two
> into Tomcat\bin, along with tcnative-1.dll, in order to make
> OpenSSL available to tcnative. It also results in libeay32.lib and
> ssleay32.lib, which are used in the tcnative compile process.

What happens is you put openssl.exe in there alongside the .dll files?

With your test program, was anything in the PATH (or current
directory) other than the two .dll files? (I'm just trying to figure
out why Tomcat ships with openssl.exe at all... I thought it was all

I presume you are not building a statically-linked tcnative.dll (which
would include the OpenSSL code), right?

- -chris
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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Re: http request (no only session) replication in cluster

2013-06-13 Thread Ja kub
Thx for response, I will inform guys from business about what You have
written, and let them consider it


On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 4:10 PM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Jakob,
> On 6/11/13 5:04 PM, Ja kub wrote:
> > requirement is system should be possible to process 160 req/sec
> > (200 is better to multiply) and system is kind of failover proxy
> > itself
> >
> > there are 2 backing webservices, each can answer max 20s, it there
> > is timeout on first, I must call the second, if there is timeout on
> > second I send soap fault to client, so usually it shouldn't be more
> > than 20s per req, guys say that normally it is 7-10
> > seconds/request, but in worst case it is 2*20s*160 requests/s ~=
> > 6400 pending requests (and according to deal we must fulfill worst
> > case)
> If you have 2 member nodes and one of them starts to slow down, then
> you'll see pretty much all requests re-tried on the second node, which
> will slow down that one. I think you'll end up seeing a storm of
> requests bouncing back and forth.
> Worse, the initial request will continue processing on the 1st node,
> ignorant of the fact that the lb has given up and tried the other
> node. It's just going to fall apart from there.
> Honestly, this should be able to be handled at your lb -- can't you
> set a time-out there?
> > even if there are so many requests they are pending on sockets, I
> > try to do it with NIO, asynchronous servlets and async cxf - both
> > async cxf webservice is exposed by me, and I also call backing ws
> > with async cxf I think even one tomcat on one server should be able
> > to serve such 6400 pending requests with 160req/s, apart from proxy
> > there are also 4-6 inserts into database (cli req, resp; 1st ws
> > call, resp; 2nd ws call, resp
> >
> > how do You assess such architecture/attitude ? do You expect
> > problems with async exposed webservice based on async servlet and
> > NIO, and async cxf ws client ? afaik cxf use thread locals, are
> > they all right with tomcat async servlets ? (I don't define
> > threadlocals by myself, only cxf possibly does)
> It's not a socket-resource issue, it's a raw work-load issue: you have
> a large amount of load and it looks like you can't handle it very
> well. I would recommend more nodes, first, and then seriously consider
> whether re-trying on a second node is appropriate if the first node
> takes too long.
> What you should probably do is actually profile your code to find out
> what is taking so long. Using tricks like ThreadLocals can shed
> microseconds off of a request, not whole seconds.
> You might want to consider whether you can do less work during a
> request -- perhaps split a single transaction into more than one. Or,
> just acknowledge that sometimes a transaction can take 10-20 seconds
> (or 50?) and manage the clients' expectations.
> You also need to find out where your bottleneck is: RDBMSs, slow
> disks, slow network links, etc. can all be much more significant than
> things like software stack and exact implementation of your code. If
> you are missing an index on a relational table, transactions that
> should take a second or two can take tens of seconds.
> Start there: profile your application, find out what is slow, and fix
> that. Don't try to work-around the problem with surprising
> transactional re-tries, because they likely won't work the way you
> hoped. Hey, once you fix your performance problem, perhaps you won't
> need additional hardware. Also, your users will be very happy to see a
> speed improvement.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
> Comment: GPGTools - http://gpgtools.org
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
> v0uWcuukEtT8/8dNUBW2SGSE4OwDyH41Nsx7ZVo4W+lTnzduVbjXSvU4lXNDiY19
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> DlTZrs1CNhqMBjNqUDUFkiiempf9kFkQhrao50CAilix95/VhdWkDjFcFSKKQ0/J
> =miI6
> -
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