AUTO: Walter Heestermans/TMME is out of the office. (returning 22/07/2013)

2013-07-05 Thread Walter . Heestermans

I am out of the office until 22/07/2013.

I will respond to your message as soon as possible. For urgent issues,
contact WebSphere Support group for Java-WebSphere related activities or
unix.admin group for Unix-WebSphere-Jetty related activities

Note: This is an automated response to your message  "Re: Share info across
different sessions & servers" sent on 6/07/2013 1:49:01.

This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

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Re: Share info across different sessions & servers

2013-07-05 Thread Vince Stewart
hi Jose,
here is a working demo for exchanging messages between remote hosts using

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ByteMessage;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.Channel;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ChannelException;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.Member;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.MembershipListener;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ChannelListener;
import org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.StaticMember;

 * @author vince
 * demonstration of tribes messaging between remote hosts
 * three jar files are required

   compile and run with following arguments
   java -jar jarfileName.jar ss
   java -jar jarfileName.jar xx.xx.xx.xx 

  where jarfileName is whatever you call your jar file
  ss is the literal argument "ss" for the machine designated as
"superserver" (sort of arbitrary)

  for machines other than superserver:
  xx.xx.xx.xx is the IPv4 address for the superserver machine
   is relevant port number

  Note that tribes normally uses port 4000. However if you run the
application at superserver first
  you will then know which port number tribes is using (could be 4001, 4002

  Note also that if the superserver is part of a LAN, there will be a
router involved;
  the remote applications will then need to point to the router IP address
and the router port that
  is redirected to the machine/port running tribes (more of this below)

  If non-superserver machines use a router, these also have to have
appropriate redirections set up.

 Some log output refers to clustering functionality operating.
 This does not seem to interfere with the messaging operations used.
 I have not looked into any possible mechanisms to suppress clustering
 A very important limitation to remote messaging (and a possible solution)
is discussed here.

public class TribesRemote {
static TribesRemote tribesRemote;
static Charset UTF8=Charset.forName("UTF-8");
static int membersOnLine=0;
ChannelListener msgListener;// = new MyMessageListener(this);
MembershipListener mbrListener;// = new MyMemberListener();
StaticMember superServerStaticMember;
boolean amSuperServer=false;
private long lastMessageReceived;
String remoteHostIPv4Address;
int remoteHostPort;
Channel myChannel;

public static void log(String s){
System.out.println("INFO:  "+s);

public static void log(Exception ex){
System.out.println("ERROR  "+ex.getMessage());
//Logger.getLogger(TribesRemote.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null,
ex);//uncomment here for detailed error msg

public static void main(String[]args) throws IOException, ChannelException{
TribesRemote.tribesRemote=new TribesRemote(args);

TribesRemote(String[] args) throws IOException, ChannelException{
remoteHostIPv4Address="xx.xx.xx.xx"; //actual superserver address may be
placed here
remoteHostPort=4000; //actual superserver port may be placed here
log("TribesRemote has been lauched with zero arguments");
String argz="";
for(int i=0;i1){   // otherwise subservers can be started using two
 remoteHostIPv4Address=args[0]; // IPv4 adddress in xx.xx.xx.xx format
where x is numeric
 remoteHostPort=Integer.parseInt(args[1]); //the port number which tribes
starts on
 if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ss")){ ///NB superserver started with
singular argument "ss"
 log("this is deginated superserver and will wait for members to introduce

 //tribes always uses 4000 if available (otherwise
it uses 4001, 4002 etc)
 //this application will output the actual tribes
address => std output
 //but setting remoteHostPort to 4000 may not be
appropriate if you have a router
 //if you have a router then the remote host needs
to know the IPv4 for the router and
 //the redirection port number pointing to a tribes
socket for a LAN machine
 //for example:
 //the remote router has fixed IP address say
 //the remote machine running tribes (on p4000) has
fixed LAN address say
 //(in Linux you set 

Expected Delay when Switching to New Version of Application Using Parallel Deployment (Tomcat 7.0.27)

2013-07-05 Thread Majors, Jeremy
For a simple web application, what is the expected delay when switching to new 
version of an application when using the parallel deployment process?  I'm 
trying to do timings right now with a single Hello World JSP and sometimes 
there is a delay of up to 4 seconds when the new version of the application is 
deployed (running 5 users simultaneously using Jmeter with cookies turned off), 
but other times I don't see this behavior.  Does anyone know if it is expected 
for there to be a slight hiccup in response times when the applications are 
deployed via parallel deployment?  I understand that many applications will 
have initialization logic and that may cause a delay, but I'm wondering if I 
should expect tomcat to introduce a very small delay when switching from the 
old version to the new version and if so, how long should I expect that process 
to take.

Please let me know if I haven't been clear.


Re: websockets questions

2013-07-05 Thread Howard W. Smith, Jr.
On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 3:40 AM, André Warnier  wrote:

> We're still one level remote of thinking of any implementation, and trying
> to understand
> 1) how exactly websockets works

Most websocket implementations (RI/glassfish, atmosphere, tomcat, etc...)
are open source, so diving in the code is definitely an 'option' for
understanding how websockets work.

> 2) if that general "technology" is, today, sufficently mature and stable
> for us to develop an application based on it, or we should wait another 6
> months, a year,..

honestly, I think it is sufficiently mature, since websockets are becoming
the trend (incorporated in RI/glassfish/JavaEE7, I've seen recent tomcat
7.0.35+ releases that had websocket changes, no need to mention how 'alive'

i think it is more a question of feasibility for you and your team to join
in on the trend/fun...

> But we are a small outfit, and the fact that Google may be using it (with
> a backup team of 50 developers to shore up their implementation) does not
> really help us.

funny. google's backup team of 50 developers versus how many open source
developers using/coding atmosphere, tomcat, glassfish-websockets
(grizzly?). :)

> The reason why I put this question on the Tomcat users list is because it
> is a list I'm subscribed to, because I know that it is a good-quality list
> with little "noise", because I know that Mark and Rainer are - to various
> degrees probably - involved in Tomcat support for websockets.


> for the moment the general information available on websockets seems
> otherwise a bit "scarce".
true, but websocket open source code is plentiful and available. :)

> This being said, the information already gathered here on this list tends
> to vindicate my posting on it. It has already cleared up a number of points
> for us, and added a couple of questions which we did not think of asking.
> Thanks.
IMO (or maybe based on fact/history), not much chatter about websockets on
tomcat user list, but if you find your way to atmosphere google groups mail
list, there will be plenty of chatter over there. I will not encourage you
to venture over to atmosphere google groups and ask questions such as this,
since I'm sure the desire/goal over there is to post topics related to
'using atmosphere and any questions/issues while attempting to use
atmosphere and atmosphere's trunk (latest version(s))'. i'm definitely
someone that love to use latest versions of open source software.

sometime ago, when I migrated from glassfish to tomcat/tomee (so I could do
websockets, um, more effortlessly in my web app), I came across the fact
that Jeanfrancois (Atmosphere developer/committer) had something to do with
the websocket implementation in glassfish/RI, i think it is called grizzly,
but I could be wrong. I'm not as versed with glassfish/RI as I used to
be..when I was a glassfish 'user'. :)

FYI, at the moment, i'm not writing low level websocket client/server code;
i'm using PrimeFaces Push only/entirely, which is PrimeFaces + atmosphere.

definitely not trying to encourage you to use a certain framework; one
thing I like about Tomcat list is that there is a wide range of topics that
I can listen to and/or chime-in on, when interested and when feasible. :)

I love this user community (mail list).

Re: websockets questions

2013-07-05 Thread André Warnier

Howard W. Smith, Jr. wrote:

On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 1:43 PM, Pierre Goupil wrote:

Regarding browser support, a framework like Atmosphere handles pretty well
having WebSockets when they are available and falling-back to another Comet
implementation (such as long-polling or http-streaming) when they are not.

agreed, but I think the goal/desire, here, is to not use Atmosphere.

Correct.  In truth, we're not sure that we want to use Tomcat either.
We're still one level remote of thinking of any implementation, and trying to 
1) how exactly websockets works
2) if that general "technology" is, today, sufficently mature and stable for us to develop 
an application based on it, or we should wait another 6 months, a year,..

We know that there are a series of "web application frameworks" which support websockets. 
Unfortunately, these are not frameworks which we are using right now, and we don't really 
want to change our tools in the middle of the river.

We also know that there are a number of organisations which already use it in 
But we are a small outfit, and the fact that Google may be using it (with a backup team of 
50 developers to shore up their implementation) does not really help us.

The reason why I put this question on the Tomcat users list is because it is a list I'm 
subscribed to, because I know that it is a good-quality list with little "noise", because 
I know that Mark and Rainer are - to various degrees probably - involved in Tomcat support 
for websockets. So I figured that there was some solid knowledge of the protocol available 
here.  I am also on the Apache httpd list, and I've done some searches on the WWW in 
general, and for the moment the general information available on websockets seems 
otherwise a bit "scarce".

This being said, the information already gathered here on this list tends to vindicate my 
posting on it. It has already cleared up a number of points for us, and added a couple of 
questions which we did not think of asking. Thanks.

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