Re: SSL connectors

2017-12-05 Thread George S.

On 12/1/2017 8:44 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 01/12/17 14:57, Chris Cheshire wrote:

I see in the changelog for 8.5.24

60762: Add the ability to make changes to the TLS configuration of a
connector at runtime without having to restart the Connector. (markt)

What strikes me as odd is that SSL Certificates are still coupled to 
connectors. It seems like certificates should be coupled to Hosts since 
that's what SNI does. SNI removes the coupling between an IP and a 
virtual host name.

Pre-SNI, there was a logical reason to associate a certificate with a 
connector. The fact that you could only have one certificate on one IP, 
made the one-to-one correlation obvious. Now, with SNI, you can have 
many SSL Certificates with one IP. However, Tomcat's continuation of 
associating the SSL Certificate with the Connector, rather than the 
virtual host it's associated with is cumbersome because now when I 
configure a virtual host with an SSL certificate, I not only have to 
configure the host, but also the connector. As a database person, I try 
to follow the rule that the attributes should follow the entity. In this 
case, the attributes (SSLHostConfig) are facts about the virtual host, 
and not about the Connector (entity).

I'd like to see the Connector iterate over the virtual hosts and pick up 
the SSLHostConfig from there. Perhaps the SSLHostConfig should have an 
optional attribute "ConnectorName" to identify which Connector (assuming 
there are multiple) the SSLHostConfig should bind to for the case of 
multi-homed machines. The "ConnectorName" attribute would be used in 
multi-homed hosts to specify which (of several) connectors the 
SSLHostConfig should bind to.

Since I'm on wish lists, I wish that the Host XML snippet could be 
specified via a file in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/EngineName/Virtual.Host.Name 
via a magic name like _HOST.xml, or the like. I run anywhere from 
600-2000 virtual hosts on a machine, and my current "work-around" is to 
use the inclusion hack to bring in an external file with the defined 
virtual hosts.

Does this mean we can now update SSL certificates without bouncing the

Yes, via one of the following methods on the endpoint:

reloadSslHostConfig(String hostName)

If accessing this via JMX, they appear as operations on the ThreadPool


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George S.
*MH Software, Inc.*
Voice: 303 438 9585

How to get the AbstractEndpoint from Tomcat with tomcat-embed

2017-12-05 Thread Jesse Schulman
Now that 8.5.24 is released with new support for runtime SNI/SSLHostConfig
changes (thank you Mark!) I am trying to access the AbstractEndpoint from
our application to call these 2 new methods:

public void addSslHostConfig(SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig, boolean

public SSLHostConfig removeSslHostConfig(String hostName)

We have an instance of the Tomcat class from which we can do
getConnector(), and that Connector can provide us with the
ProtocolHandler.  With ProtocolHandler we could safely cast to
AbstractProtocol but from there the getEndpoint method is protected.

Is there a supported way to access the AbstractEndpoint via public methods
if I only have the Tomcat/Connector instances available?

Or maybe this is possible to do with JMX?  If so I would need access to the
AbstractEndpoint directly so I can pass it my SSLHostConfig objects.


re: Comments on my first 'SSL for Tomcat' write-up

2017-12-05 Thread Don Flinn
Chis Schultz and Mark Thomas,

I started a new thread as the old one was getting too long and getting off
Chris Schultz wrote -

Re: Are Symbol files of Tomcat DLLs publicly available?

2017-12-05 Thread Mark Thomas
On 05/12/17 06:47, Suvendu Sekhar Mondal wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 1:28 AM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
>> On 04/12/17 11:12, Suvendu Sekhar Mondal wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I am investigating a Tomcat crash. Actually, JRE crashed due to
>>> "access violation" error. It created a Windows memory dump file. I am
>>> trying to analyze it win WinDbg. Problem I am facing is that lots of
>>> Symbols (of tomcat7, jvm, java, tcnative-1, nio DLLs) are not
>>> available to me. As a result WinDbg is giving me a Stack filled up
>>> with DLL names and HEX values.
>>> In order to get some of them - mostly JRE related, I have already
>>> reached out to Java forum:
>>> No response so far :(.
>>> Can someone please tell me how can I get Symbol files of Tomcat DLLs
>>> like tomcat7 and tcnative-1? Are they publicly available?
>> Exactly which versions do you need?
> Sorry, Mark. I should have provide that information upfront. I am using:
> Tomcat 7.0.55
> JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_92-b14) (build 1.8.0_92-b14)
> OS version: Windows Server 2012 R2
>> I produced the binaries for the most recent of those and I probably
>> still have the necessary files sat on a VM if they are recent(ish).
>> Mark
> Yeah, I know it's not that recent. Still, if you have it please let me know.

Those versions don't help. I need to know the exact version of
tomcat7.exe and the tcnative-1.dll.


> We tried to create PDB files for Java specific DLLs from OpenJDK, but
> as you can see below, WinDbg rejected it.
> * Symbol Loading Error Summary **
> Module nameError
> tomcat7No header information available :
> srv*c:\mss*
> jvmSignature does not match :
> srv*c:\mss*
> tcnative-1 No header information available :
> srv*c:\mss*
> Thanks!
> Suvendu
> -
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Re: Are Symbol files of Tomcat DLLs publicly available?

2017-12-05 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2017-12-05 9:47 GMT+03:00 Suvendu Sekhar Mondal :
> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 1:28 AM, Mark Thomas  wrote:
>> On 04/12/17 11:12, Suvendu Sekhar Mondal wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I am investigating a Tomcat crash. Actually, JRE crashed due to
>>> "access violation" error. It created a Windows memory dump file. I am
>>> trying to analyze it win WinDbg. Problem I am facing is that lots of
>>> Symbols (of tomcat7, jvm, java, tcnative-1, nio DLLs) are not
>>> available to me. As a result WinDbg is giving me a Stack filled up
>>> with DLL names and HEX values.
>>> In order to get some of them - mostly JRE related, I have already
>>> reached out to Java forum:
>>> No response so far :(.
>>> Can someone please tell me how can I get Symbol files of Tomcat DLLs
>>> like tomcat7 and tcnative-1? Are they publicly available?
>> Exactly which versions do you need?
> Sorry, Mark. I should have provide that information upfront. I am using:
> Tomcat 7.0.55
> JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_92-b14) (build 1.8.0_92-b14)
> OS version: Windows Server 2012 R2

Is it worth debugging a version that is more than 3 years old? A lot
have been fixed since then.

tcnative-1.dll is Tomcat Native library
It can be downloaded here:

The file has *.pdb files in it.

Tomcat 7.0.55 was shipped with Tomcat Native 1.1.31. Those binaries
can be downloaded from an archive website. I do not know whether they
contain debug symbols or not.

tomcat7.exe, tomcat7w.exe are renamed Prunsrv.exe and Prunmgr.exe from
-> Browse native binaries download area... -> windows/
There are no debug symbol files in the current version

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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