Re: Session Persistence Problems -- Epilog

2019-04-11 Thread Jerry Malcolm

On 4/11/2019 5:05 PM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

On 4/11/2019 4:22 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 4/11/19 15:29, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

Alternatively, if I had a better understanding of how sessions are
managed by both TC and the browser, it might help me figure out
what is going wrong.  I know a session key is generated by TC and
sent back in a response.  And I'm assuming that the browser must
return that session key on subsequent calls.  But if there are
several webapps on domain, how does the browser differentiate which
session key to send back on a subsequent response?  Is it just
understood that the first 'folder' level under the domain (i.e.
context name) is always a different session key?
( vs. myDomain/account)?   Or does the browser
send all session keys back per domain and let TC figure out which
one, if any, to use?   Again, just looking for a little education

Do you know if HTTP cookies or URL-parameters are being used for
session-management? If you aren't sure, try logging-in to your
application and look at the URLs and cookies.

Typically, a web application will use cookies with the name
JSESSIONID. If the session identifier is tracked in the URL, then
you'll see ";jsessionid=[id]" in your URLs after the path but before
the query string.

It's very easy to "lose" a URL-tracked session id because every single
URL generated by your application must include that parameter. A sinle
miss can cause the session to be lost by the client. If you are using
SSO (always with a cookie), it can mask the dropping of the session in
this way.

It's harder to "lose" a session cookie since the browser typically
manages that. Cookies are tracked per web-application using each
application's path. The browser should only return a single cookie for
a given path. If you have applications that share a URL space (e.g.
/master and /master/sub and /master/sub2) then things can get very
confusing for the browser and the server. It's best not to overlap
URL-spaces in this way.

Are you using clustering or anything else like that which might also
cause session-ids to change?

- -chris

Thank you so much for the info... I think we're getting somewhere 
I am definitely using cookies and not url parms for the session id. 
(no clustering).  I went into the firefox debugger and located the 
cookie storage for the site.  I found a cookie for each webapp context 
that I am using.  That makes sense.   I think I know what is 
happening.  Correct my assumptions here:

I have a webapp with context /order.  There is a JSESSIONID cookie for 
/order as expected. I assume that every time I send a URL from the 
browser with the /order context, the browser will correctly send the 
/order session cookie.  So far, so good...

But I have a rewrite rule "/storefront" that maps to one of the 
/order urls.  I assume the browser knows nothing about rewrites, so 
the browser is going to assume that "/storefront" is simply a 
different webapp context that it doesn't have a session id cookie for, 
and therefore doesn't send anything.  Therefore, when the rewritten 
url becomes another /order url, TC gets an /order request but with no 
session id, and therefore creates a new session and sends it back for 
the browser to store (replace) as the /order session id.

So assuming I have analyzed this correctly, that can explain precisely 
what I'm seeing.   Understanding the problem is a big step... But now 
I have to figure out how to get around it and make it do what I want.  
At this point, I see three options:

1) remove all rewrites from httpd.  That is going to be massive, very 
difficult, and non-trivial.  And I'll also have to come up with way to 
handle multi-client variations, etc. that I have been mapping by 
simply using different rewrites on each site.  This one is not even 
close to my first choice

2) Could I perhaps send my own additional JSESSIONID cookies with the 
current "/order" session id for the rewrite 'fake contexts' such as 
"/storefront" so that the browser will basically send a copy of the 
/order session id with the /storefront url?

3) I really don't care to have separate sessions for each webapp 
context anyway.  In fact, I'd prefer it if there was one session / 
sessionId for the enter application (all 10 contexts).  Is there any 
way to send the session id cookie keyed as simply "/" instead of 
"/"?  All URLs to the domain whether rewrite aliases or 
actually urls would match this one JSESSIONID cookie and therefore 
would always send the JSESSIONID.  If that would work, that would 
solve everything and all rewrites would still work as they do now.

Recommendation for which way to go?  #3 is my favorite (but I like to 
dream...).  But if #2 will work, I'll go with it.  Just desperately 
trying to prevent having to do #1

Thanks again for all the help.


I found the 'perfect' answer to my problem (I thought) 

Re: Session Persistence Problems

2019-04-11 Thread John Dale
This is a great information.

I'd like to stray a little off topic if that's okay .. still in the
same ballpark.

I like to invent new doodads in software and see if I can do it better.

Over the years, like many, I built-up a library of things that worked
best for me over the years.  One of those was the delegation of
context management to my own code.  I have Alias and Domain objects in
my database that allow me to map URL's to domains (HTML5 applications
that use some really lightweight server side JSON components).  It
works great and I can change configuration by updating the database.
Awesome for deployment and configuration management.

For now, I put a "deviceId" in localStorage on the browser (I'm only
concerned in supporting modern browsers), and I send that with every
request.  Device is an object in my database as well, and I look up
the device ID at the start of processing, which then can be associated
with any number of other data/field level security measures.  Rest
assured, now, I've worked all this out, and I have developed dozens of
applications that all work great.  I could move deviceId to the header
if I wanted to, or maybe a cookie.  So far, I like it, it's fast, it's
simple, and works great to solve session affinity problems.

Local storage is mapped to the root domain, so I have access to my
deviceId regardless of the context.

My question is this .. how could this come back to bite me?  I've
enjoyed the convenience of SSO for all contexts deployed under a
particular domain, but I would have a little code to write to do
single sign on across domains because of the way the browser manages
localStorage (I would do a simple token exchange to SSO, but I haven't
had that use case, yet).

I have always struggled to shoe-horn some of the session management
into my (sometimes admittedly advanced and unpredictable) application

Would love to hear your thoughts.

Have a good one,


On 4/11/19, Jerry Malcolm  wrote:
> On 4/11/2019 4:22 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> Jerry,
>> On 4/11/19 15:29, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>> Alternatively, if I had a better understanding of how sessions are
>>> managed by both TC and the browser, it might help me figure out
>>> what is going wrong.  I know a session key is generated by TC and
>>> sent back in a response.  And I'm assuming that the browser must
>>> return that session key on subsequent calls.  But if there are
>>> several webapps on domain, how does the browser differentiate which
>>> session key to send back on a subsequent response?  Is it just
>>> understood that the first 'folder' level under the domain (i.e.
>>> context name) is always a different session key?
>>> ( vs. myDomain/account)?   Or does the browser
>>> send all session keys back per domain and let TC figure out which
>>> one, if any, to use?   Again, just looking for a little education
>>> here
>> Do you know if HTTP cookies or URL-parameters are being used for
>> session-management? If you aren't sure, try logging-in to your
>> application and look at the URLs and cookies.
>> Typically, a web application will use cookies with the name
>> JSESSIONID. If the session identifier is tracked in the URL, then
>> you'll see ";jsessionid=[id]" in your URLs after the path but before
>> the query string.
>> It's very easy to "lose" a URL-tracked session id because every single
>> URL generated by your application must include that parameter. A sinle
>> miss can cause the session to be lost by the client. If you are using
>> SSO (always with a cookie), it can mask the dropping of the session in
>> this way.
>> It's harder to "lose" a session cookie since the browser typically
>> manages that. Cookies are tracked per web-application using each
>> application's path. The browser should only return a single cookie for
>> a given path. If you have applications that share a URL space (e.g.
>> /master and /master/sub and /master/sub2) then things can get very
>> confusing for the browser and the server. It's best not to overlap
>> URL-spaces in this way.
>> Are you using clustering or anything else like that which might also
>> cause session-ids to change?
>> - -chris
> Thank you so much for the info... I think we're getting somewhere I
> am definitely using cookies and not url parms for the session id. (no
> clustering).  I went into the firefox debugger and located the cookie
> storage for the site.  I found a cookie for each webapp context that I
> am using.  That makes sense.   I think I know what is happening.
> Correct my assumptions here:
> I have a webapp with context /order.  There is a JSESSIONID cookie for
> /order as expected. I assume that every time I send a URL from the
> browser with the /order context, the browser will correctly send the
> /order session cookie.  So far, so good...
> But I have a rewrite rule "/storefront" that maps to one of

Tomcat(9.0.13) Error in DEV Server

2019-04-11 Thread Hua, Gary - Saint Louis, MO - Contractor

 Sorry on my previous email I have some graphic contents that can not be 
displayed.   Now I change it to texts so you can see them

From: Hua, Gary - Saint Louis, MO - Contractor 
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 4:29 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Tomcat(9.0.13) Error in DEV Server

Tomcat Experts:

The Tomcat server works fine in my local computer with  
application "TOPS" in Eclipse.  I deployed the TOPS application to our DEV web 
server eagnmnmed1f45 under webapps.

After I started the Tomcat  server (9.0.13) in DEV server and 
entered the TOPS home page URL  http://eagnmnmed1f45:9080/TOPS-WEB/ 
(It is http://localhost:8080/TOPS-WEB/  in my local computer)   in 
the browser,   it was re-directed to   
https://eagnmnmed1f45:9443/TOPS-WEB/ following error:

The website cannot display the page

  HTTP 500

Most likely causes:

  *   The website is under maintenance.
  *   The website has a programming error.

What you can try:


Refresh the page.Refresh the page.


Go back to the previous page.Go back to the 
previous page.

[More information]

More information

 -f catalina.out
5307 [main] WARN org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider - Could not find 
configuration [LegDistanceImpl]; using defaults.
5764 [main] INFO org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory - Not binding 
factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
0 [main] INFO filter.ResponseOverrideFilter  - Filter initialized. Response 
buffering is enabled
1648 [main] INFO tiles.TilesPlugin  - Tiles definition factory loaded for 
module ''.
1652 [main] INFO validator.ValidatorPlugIn  - Loading validation rules file 
from '/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml'
1652 [main] INFO validator.ValidatorPlugIn  - Loading validation rules file 
from '/WEB-INF/validation.xml'
1738 [main] INFO tiles.TilesPlugin  - Factory already exists for module ''. The 
factory found is from module ''. No new creation.
05-Apr-2019 11:18:01.913 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start 
Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-9080"]
05-Apr-2019 11:18:01.928 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start 
Starting ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-9443"]
05-Apr-2019 11:18:01.932 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start 
Server startup in 12256 ms
53654 [https-jsse-nio-9443-exec-5] INFO tiles.TilesRequestProcessor  - Tiles 
definition factory found for request processor ''.
Error connecting to LDAP server.
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at Method)

Re: Session Persistence Problems

2019-04-11 Thread Jerry Malcolm

On 4/11/2019 4:22 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 4/11/19 15:29, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

Alternatively, if I had a better understanding of how sessions are
managed by both TC and the browser, it might help me figure out
what is going wrong.  I know a session key is generated by TC and
sent back in a response.  And I'm assuming that the browser must
return that session key on subsequent calls.  But if there are
several webapps on domain, how does the browser differentiate which
session key to send back on a subsequent response?  Is it just
understood that the first 'folder' level under the domain (i.e.
context name) is always a different session key?
( vs. myDomain/account)?   Or does the browser
send all session keys back per domain and let TC figure out which
one, if any, to use?   Again, just looking for a little education

Do you know if HTTP cookies or URL-parameters are being used for
session-management? If you aren't sure, try logging-in to your
application and look at the URLs and cookies.

Typically, a web application will use cookies with the name
JSESSIONID. If the session identifier is tracked in the URL, then
you'll see ";jsessionid=[id]" in your URLs after the path but before
the query string.

It's very easy to "lose" a URL-tracked session id because every single
URL generated by your application must include that parameter. A sinle
miss can cause the session to be lost by the client. If you are using
SSO (always with a cookie), it can mask the dropping of the session in
this way.

It's harder to "lose" a session cookie since the browser typically
manages that. Cookies are tracked per web-application using each
application's path. The browser should only return a single cookie for
a given path. If you have applications that share a URL space (e.g.
/master and /master/sub and /master/sub2) then things can get very
confusing for the browser and the server. It's best not to overlap
URL-spaces in this way.

Are you using clustering or anything else like that which might also
cause session-ids to change?

- -chris

Thank you so much for the info... I think we're getting somewhere I 
am definitely using cookies and not url parms for the session id. (no 
clustering).  I went into the firefox debugger and located the cookie 
storage for the site.  I found a cookie for each webapp context that I 
am using.  That makes sense.   I think I know what is happening.  
Correct my assumptions here:

I have a webapp with context /order.  There is a JSESSIONID cookie for 
/order as expected. I assume that every time I send a URL from the 
browser with the /order context, the browser will correctly send the 
/order session cookie.  So far, so good...

But I have a rewrite rule "/storefront" that maps to one of the 
/order urls.  I assume the browser knows nothing about rewrites, so the 
browser is going to assume that "/storefront" is simply a different 
webapp context that it doesn't have a session id cookie for, and 
therefore doesn't send anything.  Therefore, when the rewritten url 
becomes another /order url, TC gets an /order request but with no 
session id, and therefore creates a new session and sends it back for 
the browser to store (replace) as the /order session id.

So assuming I have analyzed this correctly, that can explain precisely 
what I'm seeing.   Understanding the problem is a big step... But now I 
have to figure out how to get around it and make it do what I want.  At 
this point, I see three options:

1) remove all rewrites from httpd.  That is going to be massive, very 
difficult, and non-trivial.  And I'll also have to come up with way to 
handle multi-client variations, etc. that I have been mapping by simply 
using different rewrites on each site.  This one is not even close to my 
first choice

2) Could I perhaps send my own additional JSESSIONID cookies with the 
current "/order" session id for the rewrite 'fake contexts' such as 
"/storefront" so that the browser will basically send a copy of the 
/order session id with the /storefront url?

3) I really don't care to have separate sessions for each webapp context 
anyway.  In fact, I'd prefer it if there was one session / sessionId for 
the enter application (all 10 contexts).  Is there any way to send the 
session id cookie keyed as simply "/" instead of "/"?  All URLs 
to the domain whether rewrite aliases or actually urls would match this 
one JSESSIONID cookie and therefore would always send the JSESSIONID.  
If that would work, that would solve everything and all rewrites would 
still work as they do now.

Recommendation for which way to go?  #3 is my favorite (but I like to 
dream...).  But if #2 will work, I'll go with it.  Just desperately 
trying to prevent having to do #1

Thanks again for all the help.


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Re: [OT] Session Persistence Problems

2019-04-11 Thread tomcat

On 11.04.2019 22:56, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

On 4/11/2019 3:11 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 4/10/19 23:56, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

The only thing I can come up with is that I'm using some
RewriteRules in httpd to map the complex url paths to single words
like "/product". (SEO advisor told me to do that...)

Do you allow crawlers to crawl the authenticated parts of your
application? If not, then you are wasting your time with all that.

Only a portion of the site is authenticated.  But whether or not it is an SEO 
advantage, I
use this to customize the precise URL for different clients who use the same 
code on
different domains. /product maps to a slightly different URL for clientA on 
domain A
installation vs for clientB on domain B installation.  So without some 
recoding, I need to keep using rewrites.

But whether the merits are there for doing rewrites, the only thing I am 
concerned about
is if doing rewrites is causing my sessions to mess up. Hence my question about 
how the
browser and TC decide what session key to use for a particular url.

I honestly don't know. But searching Google for "java sessions" seems to provide quite a 
few links to enlighten one on the matter.
Just looking at the titles, it does not seem to be Tomcat-related or browser-related per 
se, and more related to Java itself, or more probably to the Java Servlet Specification 
(which is also found easily in the web).

(See e.g. :
Chapter 7 : sessions)

(ok, Chapter 7, item 7.1.1 Cookies, also says
"Containers may allow the name of the session tracking cookie to be customized
through container specific configuration."
So I guess that something in there may be specific to Tomcat also.
Back to the Tomcat docs then.
Hmm. Not particularly easy to find "sessions" in there, but I found this :
Look at "sessionCookieName".
So it looks like you can, at the level of a Context (in other words, one webapp), set the 
cookie name into which to save the session-id for that webapp.

That seems to go some way into answering your question.

In any case, like me just now, it seems that you're gonna learn something about 

(Note: It /is/ also browser-related, but probably only because the (any) browser will 
"remember" the cookies sent by an application, and return them to the server each time the 
browser accesses that same server later. And because such Java session-id's, most of the 
time, are stored in cookies). If I remember well, most of the time, such a cookie has the 
name "JSESSIONID". In the browser, find the place were you can view the cookies, and 
search for the ones related to your application server (by DNS name). Then look at the 
cookies which your browser stores for that site.

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Tomcat(9.0.13) Error in DEV Server

2019-04-11 Thread Hua, Gary - Saint Louis, MO - Contractor
Tomcat Experts:

The Tomcat server works fine in my local computer with  
application "TOPS" in Eclipse.  I deployed the TOPS application to our DEV web 
server eagnmnmed1f45 under webapps.

After I started the Tomcat  server (9.0.13) in DEV server and 
entered the TOPS home page URL  http://eagnmnmed1f45:9080/TOPS-WEB/ 
(It is http://localhost:8080/TOPS-WEB/  in my local computer)   in 
the browser,   I got the following error:


 -f catalina.out
5307 [main] WARN org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider - Could not find 
configuration [LegDistanceImpl]; using defaults.
5764 [main] INFO org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory - Not binding 
factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
0 [main] INFO filter.ResponseOverrideFilter  - Filter initialized. Response 
buffering is enabled
1648 [main] INFO tiles.TilesPlugin  - Tiles definition factory loaded for 
module ''.
1652 [main] INFO validator.ValidatorPlugIn  - Loading validation rules file 
from '/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml'
1652 [main] INFO validator.ValidatorPlugIn  - Loading validation rules file 
from '/WEB-INF/validation.xml'
1738 [main] INFO tiles.TilesPlugin  - Factory already exists for module ''. The 
factory found is from module ''. No new creation.
05-Apr-2019 11:18:01.913 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start 
Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-9080"]
05-Apr-2019 11:18:01.928 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start 
Starting ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-9443"]
05-Apr-2019 11:18:01.932 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start 
Server startup in 12256 ms
53654 [https-jsse-nio-9443-exec-5] INFO tiles.TilesRequestProcessor  - Tiles 
definition factory found for request processor ''.
Error connecting to LDAP server.
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at Method)
at Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Re: Session Persistence Problems

2019-04-11 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 4/11/19 15:29, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> Alternatively, if I had a better understanding of how sessions are 
> managed by both TC and the browser, it might help me figure out
> what is going wrong.  I know a session key is generated by TC and
> sent back in a response.  And I'm assuming that the browser must
> return that session key on subsequent calls.  But if there are
> several webapps on domain, how does the browser differentiate which
> session key to send back on a subsequent response?  Is it just
> understood that the first 'folder' level under the domain (i.e.
> context name) is always a different session key?
> ( vs. myDomain/account)?   Or does the browser 
> send all session keys back per domain and let TC figure out which
> one, if any, to use?   Again, just looking for a little education
> here

Do you know if HTTP cookies or URL-parameters are being used for
session-management? If you aren't sure, try logging-in to your
application and look at the URLs and cookies.

Typically, a web application will use cookies with the name
JSESSIONID. If the session identifier is tracked in the URL, then
you'll see ";jsessionid=[id]" in your URLs after the path but before
the query string.

It's very easy to "lose" a URL-tracked session id because every single
URL generated by your application must include that parameter. A sinle
miss can cause the session to be lost by the client. If you are using
SSO (always with a cookie), it can mask the dropping of the session in
this way.

It's harder to "lose" a session cookie since the browser typically
manages that. Cookies are tracked per web-application using each
application's path. The browser should only return a single cookie for
a given path. If you have applications that share a URL space (e.g.
/master and /master/sub and /master/sub2) then things can get very
confusing for the browser and the server. It's best not to overlap
URL-spaces in this way.

Are you using clustering or anything else like that which might also
cause session-ids to change?

- -chris
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: [OT] Session Persistence Problems

2019-04-11 Thread Jerry Malcolm

On 4/11/2019 3:11 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 4/10/19 23:56, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

The only thing I can come up with is that I'm using some
RewriteRules in httpd to map the complex url paths to single words
like "/product". (SEO advisor told me to do that...)

Do you allow crawlers to crawl the authenticated parts of your
application? If not, then you are wasting your time with all that.

Only a portion of the site is authenticated.  But whether or not it is 
an SEO advantage, I use this to customize the precise URL for different 
clients who use the same code on different domains. /product maps to a 
slightly different URL for clientA on domain A installation vs for 
clientB on domain B installation.  So without some signification 
recoding, I need to keep using rewrites.

But whether the merits are there for doing rewrites, the only thing I am 
concerned about is if doing rewrites is causing my sessions to mess up.  
Hence my question about how the browser and TC decide what session key 
to use for a particular url.

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Re: maxActive and maxWaitMillis set to "-1" in Tomcat 8.5

2019-04-11 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 4/11/19 16:42, Louis Zipes wrote:
> I'm upgrading from 7.0.54 to 8.5 and I know that MaxActive


> and maxWaitMillis replace MaxActive and MaxWait respectively but my
>  third party vendor provided the old parameters as set to '-1'
> when they packaged the application with 7.0.54.> My questions is
> what does '-1' mean for MaxActive and maxWaitMillis parameters?
> Is it infinite?  Is it dangerous to continue to use those values or
> should I do something like 200/10,000 respectively?

The complete documentation is available here:

maxTotal = -1 means "no limit"
maxWaitMillis = -1 means "wait forever"

IMHO, maxTotal = infinite is completely insane. Even if the limit is
huge (like 1000), there should definitely be a limit on the
connection-pool size.

Also, for me, maxWaitMillis = infinite is insane. If a connection
isn't available after some reasonable amount of time, waiting longer
isn't going to help. It probably means that something is terribly
wrong with your service. You WANT these attempts to fail instead of
holding-up a request-processing thread which will bring-down your web

For development, I'd set maxTotal=1 to make sure you don't have any
connection leaks. For production, it's up to you. We run a service
which typically has 200-300 logged-in users per Tomcat node and we
have a modest maxTotal="10" and maxWait="1" on each node.

- -chris
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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RE: maxActive and maxWaitMillis set to "-1" in Tomcat 8.5

2019-04-11 Thread Louis Zipes
*maxTotal replaces maxActive in Tomcat 8.5

-Original Message-
From: Louis Zipes []
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 4:43 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: maxActive and maxWaitMillis set to "-1" in Tomcat 8.5

Hi all,
I'm upgrading from 7.0.54 to 8.5 and I know that MaxActive and maxWaitMillis 
replace MaxActive and MaxWait respectively but my third party vendor provided 
the old parameters as set to '-1' when they packaged the application with 

My questions is what does '-1' mean for MaxActive and maxWaitMillis parameters? 
  Is it infinite?  Is it dangerous to continue to use those values or should I 
do something like 200/10,000 respectively?

Thanks, Louis

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is for intended addressee(s) only and may 
contain information that is confidential, proprietary or exempt from 
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immediately. Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited and may be unlawful.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is for intended addressee(s) only and may 
contain information that is confidential, proprietary or exempt from 
disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender 
immediately. Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited and may be unlawful.

maxActive and maxWaitMillis set to "-1" in Tomcat 8.5

2019-04-11 Thread Louis Zipes
Hi all,
I'm upgrading from 7.0.54 to 8.5 and I know that MaxActive and maxWaitMillis 
replace MaxActive and MaxWait respectively but my third party vendor provided 
the old parameters as set to '-1' when they packaged the application with 

My questions is what does '-1' mean for MaxActive and maxWaitMillis parameters? 
  Is it infinite?  Is it dangerous to continue to use those values or should I 
do something like 200/10,000 respectively?

Thanks, Louis

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Re: [OT] Session Persistence Problems

2019-04-11 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 4/10/19 23:56, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> The only thing I can come up with is that I'm using some
> RewriteRules in httpd to map the complex url paths to single words
> like "/product". (SEO advisor told me to do that...)

Do you allow crawlers to crawl the authenticated parts of your
application? If not, then you are wasting your time with all that.

- -chris
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: Session Persistence Problems

2019-04-11 Thread John Dale
I'm looking forward to hearing from the dev folks on this.  I suspect
it has something to do with the context configuration.

A long time ago, I started doing my own session management, but then I
don't mind building out the pieces I needed for clustering.  In fact,
I decided to store session information in the database (persistent).
That makes scaling easy.

On 4/11/19, Jerry Malcolm  wrote:
> Alternatively, if I had a better understanding of how sessions are
> managed by both TC and the browser, it might help me figure out what is
> going wrong.  I know a session key is generated by TC and sent back in a
> response.  And I'm assuming that the browser must return that session
> key on subsequent calls.  But if there are several webapps on domain,
> how does the browser differentiate which session key to send back on a
> subsequent response?  Is it just understood that the first 'folder'
> level under the domain (i.e. context name) is always a different session
> key? ( vs. myDomain/account)?   Or does the browser
> send all session keys back per domain and let TC figure out which one,
> if any, to use?   Again, just looking for a little education here
> Thx.
> Jerry
> On 4/11/2019 9:35 AM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>> Thanks for the quick response, Luis.  Answers below:
>> On 4/11/2019 3:22 AM, Luis Rodríguez Fernández wrote:
>>> Hello Jerry,
 I'm using single sign-on
>>> Do you mean tomcat Single Sign On valve? [1], a third party solution or
>>> your custom implementation? That can change the game completely :)
>> Yes, standard Tomcat-provided single sign on valve
 some RewriteRules in httpd
>>> Can you share them? That could change the game also :)
>> Here's some of my rewrite rules from httpd.conf for this virtualhost:
>>  RewriteRule ^/create_user$
>> /idmanager/jsp/guest/createuser.jsp? [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/forgot_password$
>> /idmanager/jsp/guest/forgotpassword.jsp? [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/logoff$ /idmanager/jsp/guest/logoff.jsp [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/change_password$
>> /idmanager/jsp/user/changepassword.jsp? [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/login$ /idmanager/jsp/user/home.jsp [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/userhome$ /idmanager/jsp/user/home.jsp? [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/cart$ /order/jsp/guest/cart.jsp? [PT,QSA]
>>  RewriteRule ^/checkout$ /order/jsp/guest/checkout.jsp? [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/submitOrder$ /order/jsp/guest/orderSubmit.jsp?
>> [PT,QSA]
>>  RewriteRule ^/displayImage$ /order/jsp/guest/productPage.jsp?
>> [PT,QSA]
>>  RewriteRule ^/product$ /order/jsp/guest/productPage.jsp?
>> [PT,QSA]
>>  RewriteRule ^/storeFront$ /order/jsp/guest/storeFront.jsp [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/orders$ /order/jsp/user/orderList.jsp? [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/pay$ /payment/jsp/user/flcPayProvision.jsp [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/projectlist$
>> /projectmanager/jsp/user/projectlist3.jsp? [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/about$ /upartyrental/jsp/guest/about.jsp? [PT]
>>  RewriteRule ^/$ /upartyrental/jsp/guest/uprHome.jsp [PT]
>>> Cheers,
>>> Luis
>>> [1]
>>> El jue., 11 abr. 2019 a las 5:57, Jerry Malcolm
>>> ()
>>> escribió:
 I have a TC host that is running about 10 separate webapps that
 with each other.  I understand that sessions are per-webapp. But within
 one webapp, with the same browser just making different calls to the
 same webapp is starting new sessions about 30% of the time. I've put a
 debug statement at the beginning of all of my JSPs that logs
 session.isNew().  It'll start a new session, then use it for 10 or so
 subsequent calls. But then it'll decide to drop that session and
 start a
 new one that it'll subsequently use for a while. The setup is nothing
 fancy.  It's just calling several different JSPs within the same webapp
 (context).  I am keeping data in the session that really needs to
 persist for the duration of the 'real' session between the user and the
 site.  So this is a serious problem.   (This is happening both with
 Firefox and Chrome).  I'm using TC 9.0.1 on Windows.

 I definitely could have some misunderstandings here.  But my first
 understanding is that once a browser makes a call to a webapp, a
 is created, and that session remains around until invalidated on a
 logout or a timeout occurred, and that webapp uses that session for the
 remainder of the activity between that browser and that webapp.  If
 that's not the case, then please set me straight. If that assumption is
 correct, what could possibly be causing the sessions to keep dropping
 and new ones created?

 Interestingly, logon state is not being dropped with the new sessions.
 I'm using single sign-on.

Re: Session Persistence Problems

2019-04-11 Thread Jerry Malcolm
Alternatively, if I had a better understanding of how sessions are 
managed by both TC and the browser, it might help me figure out what is 
going wrong.  I know a session key is generated by TC and sent back in a 
response.  And I'm assuming that the browser must return that session 
key on subsequent calls.  But if there are several webapps on domain, 
how does the browser differentiate which session key to send back on a 
subsequent response?  Is it just understood that the first 'folder' 
level under the domain (i.e. context name) is always a different session 
key? ( vs. myDomain/account)?   Or does the browser 
send all session keys back per domain and let TC figure out which one, 
if any, to use?   Again, just looking for a little education here



On 4/11/2019 9:35 AM, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

Thanks for the quick response, Luis.  Answers below:

On 4/11/2019 3:22 AM, Luis Rodríguez Fernández wrote:

Hello Jerry,

I'm using single sign-on

Do you mean tomcat Single Sign On valve? [1], a third party solution or
your custom implementation? That can change the game completely :)

Yes, standard Tomcat-provided single sign on valve

some RewriteRules in httpd

Can you share them? That could change the game also :)

Here's some of my rewrite rules from httpd.conf for this virtualhost:

 RewriteRule ^/create_user$ 
/idmanager/jsp/guest/createuser.jsp? [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/forgot_password$ 
/idmanager/jsp/guest/forgotpassword.jsp? [PT]

 RewriteRule ^/logoff$ /idmanager/jsp/guest/logoff.jsp [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/change_password$ 
/idmanager/jsp/user/changepassword.jsp? [PT]

 RewriteRule ^/login$ /idmanager/jsp/user/home.jsp [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/userhome$ /idmanager/jsp/user/home.jsp? [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/cart$ /order/jsp/guest/cart.jsp? [PT,QSA]
 RewriteRule ^/checkout$ /order/jsp/guest/checkout.jsp? [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/submitOrder$ /order/jsp/guest/orderSubmit.jsp? 
 RewriteRule ^/displayImage$ /order/jsp/guest/productPage.jsp? 
 RewriteRule ^/product$ /order/jsp/guest/productPage.jsp? 

 RewriteRule ^/storeFront$ /order/jsp/guest/storeFront.jsp [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/orders$ /order/jsp/user/orderList.jsp? [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/pay$ /payment/jsp/user/flcPayProvision.jsp [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/projectlist$ 
/projectmanager/jsp/user/projectlist3.jsp? [PT]

 RewriteRule ^/about$ /upartyrental/jsp/guest/about.jsp? [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/$ /upartyrental/jsp/guest/uprHome.jsp [PT]




El jue., 11 abr. 2019 a las 5:57, Jerry Malcolm 


I have a TC host that is running about 10 separate webapps that 

with each other.  I understand that sessions are per-webapp. But within
one webapp, with the same browser just making different calls to the
same webapp is starting new sessions about 30% of the time. I've put a
debug statement at the beginning of all of my JSPs that logs
session.isNew().  It'll start a new session, then use it for 10 or so
subsequent calls. But then it'll decide to drop that session and 
start a

new one that it'll subsequently use for a while. The setup is nothing
fancy.  It's just calling several different JSPs within the same webapp
(context).  I am keeping data in the session that really needs to
persist for the duration of the 'real' session between the user and the
site.  So this is a serious problem.   (This is happening both with
Firefox and Chrome).  I'm using TC 9.0.1 on Windows.

I definitely could have some misunderstandings here.  But my first
understanding is that once a browser makes a call to a webapp, a 

is created, and that session remains around until invalidated on a
logout or a timeout occurred, and that webapp uses that session for the
remainder of the activity between that browser and that webapp.  If
that's not the case, then please set me straight. If that assumption is
correct, what could possibly be causing the sessions to keep dropping
and new ones created?

Interestingly, logon state is not being dropped with the new sessions.
I'm using single sign-on.  So that may be ensuring the logon doesn't 

The only thing I can come up with is that I'm using some 
RewriteRules in
httpd to map the complex url paths to single words like "/product". 
advisor told me to do that...) I'm trying to see in the logs if 
there is
a correlation between rewrites and the new sessions.  But I can't 

tell if that's what's causing it.

Am I missing or do I have some sort of errant configuration setting 

is causing the sessions to keep reinitiating?  Is there something else
I'm missing?  I really need to have sessions that last as long as the
user is on the site.

Suggestions?  Help??




Re: Session Persistence Problems

2019-04-11 Thread Jerry Malcolm

Thanks for the quick response, Luis.  Answers below:

On 4/11/2019 3:22 AM, Luis Rodríguez Fernández wrote:

Hello Jerry,

I'm using single sign-on

Do you mean tomcat Single Sign On valve? [1], a third party solution or
your custom implementation? That can change the game completely :)

Yes, standard Tomcat-provided single sign on valve

some RewriteRules in httpd

Can you share them? That could change the game also :)

Here's some of my rewrite rules from httpd.conf for this virtualhost:

 RewriteRule ^/create_user$ 
/idmanager/jsp/guest/createuser.jsp? [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/forgot_password$ 
/idmanager/jsp/guest/forgotpassword.jsp? [PT]

 RewriteRule ^/logoff$ /idmanager/jsp/guest/logoff.jsp [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/change_password$ 
/idmanager/jsp/user/changepassword.jsp? [PT]

 RewriteRule ^/login$ /idmanager/jsp/user/home.jsp [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/userhome$ /idmanager/jsp/user/home.jsp? [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/cart$ /order/jsp/guest/cart.jsp? [PT,QSA]
 RewriteRule ^/checkout$ /order/jsp/guest/checkout.jsp? [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/submitOrder$ /order/jsp/guest/orderSubmit.jsp? 
 RewriteRule ^/displayImage$ /order/jsp/guest/productPage.jsp? 

 RewriteRule ^/product$ /order/jsp/guest/productPage.jsp? [PT,QSA]
 RewriteRule ^/storeFront$ /order/jsp/guest/storeFront.jsp [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/orders$ /order/jsp/user/orderList.jsp? [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/pay$ /payment/jsp/user/flcPayProvision.jsp [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/projectlist$ 
/projectmanager/jsp/user/projectlist3.jsp? [PT]

 RewriteRule ^/about$ /upartyrental/jsp/guest/about.jsp? [PT]
 RewriteRule ^/$ /upartyrental/jsp/guest/uprHome.jsp [PT]




El jue., 11 abr. 2019 a las 5:57, Jerry Malcolm ()

I have a TC host that is running about 10 separate webapps that interact
with each other.  I understand that sessions are per-webapp.  But within
one webapp, with the same browser just making different calls to the
same webapp is starting new sessions about 30% of the time.  I've put a
debug statement at the beginning of all of my JSPs that logs
session.isNew().  It'll start a new session, then use it for 10 or so
subsequent calls. But then it'll decide to drop that session and start a
new one that it'll subsequently use for a while. The setup is nothing
fancy.  It's just calling several different JSPs within the same webapp
(context).  I am keeping data in the session that really needs to
persist for the duration of the 'real' session between the user and the
site.  So this is a serious problem.   (This is happening both with
Firefox and Chrome).  I'm using TC 9.0.1 on Windows.

I definitely could have some misunderstandings here.  But my first
understanding is that once a browser makes a call to a webapp, a session
is created, and that session remains around until invalidated on a
logout or a timeout occurred, and that webapp uses that session for the
remainder of the activity between that browser and that webapp.  If
that's not the case, then please set me straight. If that assumption is
correct, what could possibly be causing the sessions to keep dropping
and new ones created?

Interestingly, logon state is not being dropped with the new sessions.
I'm using single sign-on.  So that may be ensuring the logon doesn't drop.

The only thing I can come up with is that I'm using some RewriteRules in
httpd to map the complex url paths to single words like "/product". (SEO
advisor told me to do that...) I'm trying to see in the logs if there is
a correlation between rewrites and the new sessions.  But I can't really
tell if that's what's causing it.

Am I missing or do I have some sort of errant configuration setting that
is causing the sessions to keep reinitiating?  Is there something else
I'm missing?  I really need to have sessions that last as long as the
user is on the site.

Suggestions?  Help??



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Re: Session Persistence Problems

2019-04-11 Thread Luis Rodríguez Fernández
Hello Jerry,

> I'm using single sign-on

Do you mean tomcat Single Sign On valve? [1], a third party solution or
your custom implementation? That can change the game completely :)

> some RewriteRules in httpd

Can you share them? That could change the game also :)




El jue., 11 abr. 2019 a las 5:57, Jerry Malcolm ()

> I have a TC host that is running about 10 separate webapps that interact
> with each other.  I understand that sessions are per-webapp.  But within
> one webapp, with the same browser just making different calls to the
> same webapp is starting new sessions about 30% of the time.  I've put a
> debug statement at the beginning of all of my JSPs that logs
> session.isNew().  It'll start a new session, then use it for 10 or so
> subsequent calls. But then it'll decide to drop that session and start a
> new one that it'll subsequently use for a while. The setup is nothing
> fancy.  It's just calling several different JSPs within the same webapp
> (context).  I am keeping data in the session that really needs to
> persist for the duration of the 'real' session between the user and the
> site.  So this is a serious problem.   (This is happening both with
> Firefox and Chrome).  I'm using TC 9.0.1 on Windows.
> I definitely could have some misunderstandings here.  But my first
> understanding is that once a browser makes a call to a webapp, a session
> is created, and that session remains around until invalidated on a
> logout or a timeout occurred, and that webapp uses that session for the
> remainder of the activity between that browser and that webapp.  If
> that's not the case, then please set me straight. If that assumption is
> correct, what could possibly be causing the sessions to keep dropping
> and new ones created?
> Interestingly, logon state is not being dropped with the new sessions.
> I'm using single sign-on.  So that may be ensuring the logon doesn't drop.
> The only thing I can come up with is that I'm using some RewriteRules in
> httpd to map the complex url paths to single words like "/product". (SEO
> advisor told me to do that...) I'm trying to see in the logs if there is
> a correlation between rewrites and the new sessions.  But I can't really
> tell if that's what's causing it.
> Am I missing or do I have some sort of errant configuration setting that
> is causing the sessions to keep reinitiating?  Is there something else
> I'm missing?  I really need to have sessions that last as long as the
> user is on the site.
> Suggestions?  Help??
> Thx.
> Jerry
> -
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"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better."

- Samuel Beckett