RE: [OT] web app big memory usage?

2021-06-03 Thread Berneburg, Cris J. - US
Thanks Chris

[snip, snip, snippety-snip]

CS> What's the database? And the driver?

Oracle 19, oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver - jdbc:oracle:thin.

CS> MySQL Connector/J used to (still does?) read 100% of the results
CS> into the heap before Statement.executeQuery() returns unless you
CS> specifically tell it not to. So if your query returns 1M rows, you
CS> might bust your heap.
CS> It's entirely possible that other drivers do similar things.

The JSON has all the rows, so it appears no pagination is being used on the DB 

cb> Multiple TC instances
cb> (3) because multiple copies of the apps don't play nice with each
cb> other.  That is, we can't just rename the WAR files and expect the
cb> deployed apps to stay inside that context name (I think).

CS> You might want to look into that, eventually. If they aren't playing
CS> together nicely, they are not "good" servlet citizens. Solving those
CS> issues may improve other things. *shrug*

Yeah, I was working on that previously, but attention spans are short, and I 
got pulled off that task onto - SQUIRREL!

cb> StringBuilder - 264MB for the supporting byte array and 264MB for the
cb> returned String, about 790MB total for that piece of the pie.
cb> Contents were simply the JSON query results returned to the client.
cb> No mystery there.

Also, I noticed that the SB internal memory usage is about 2x the size of the 
actual contents.  Is that because each char is stored as 2 bytes for Unicode?  
(Not the char array to string conversion, which is different.)

CS> Yep: runaway string concatenation. This is a devolution of the
CS> "Connector/J reads the whole result set into memory before
CS> returning" thing I mentioned above. Most JSON endpoints
CS> return arbitrarily large JSON responses and most client
CS> applications just go "duh, read the JSON, then process it".
CS> If your JSON is big, well, then you need a lot of memory to
CS> store it all if that' who you do things.

Looking at the contents of the JSON, it's not normalized - a lot of redundant 
metadata.  Hand-editing the JSON for analysis reduced it from 135 MB to 26 MB.  
Maybe the code that generates it can be improved.

CS> If you want to deal with JSON at scale, you need to process
CS> it in a streaming fashion. The only library I know that can do
CS> streaming JSON is Noggit, which was developed for use with
CS> Solr (I think, maybe it came from elsewhere before that).
CS> Anyway, it's ... not for the faint of heart. But if you can figure
CS> out out, you can handle petabytes of JSON with a tiny heap.

I don't think we need to serve up that much data, but I'm guessing we can do 
better with what we do serve.  Interesting nonetheless.

CS> You might want to throttle/serialize queries you expect to
CS> have big responses so that only e.g. 2 of them can be running
CS> at a time. Maybe all is well when they come one-at-a-time,
CS> but if you try to handle 5 concurrent "big responses" you bust
CS> your heap.

Hmm... I had not thought of throttling that way, restricting the number of 
concurrent queries.  I was thinking about restricting the number of records 
returned.  Not sure how to handle lots of users connected but only a few able 
to query concurrently.  Different DB connection pool with fewer connections for 

cb> (At least StringBuilder is being
cb> used instead of plus-sign String concatenation.)

CS> In Java "..." + "..." uses a StringBuilder

I did not know that.  Or I forgot, in which case I can't tell the diff.  :-P

CS> In some code, "..." + "..." is just fine

Often it's run-on sentences of plus-sign concatenation with nested quotes, 
almost unreadable and even worse for editing.  I like to replace with SB for 
readability and maintainability.

CS>  I hate it when someone replaces it with:
CS>  String foo = new StringBuilder("bar").append("baz").toString();
CS>  because the compiler does the _exact same thing_ and you've
CS>  just made the code more difficult to read.

Ahhh, the classic train wreck.  :-)

CS>  in a *loop*, then replacing it with a StringBuilder is pretty
CS>  important for performance, otherwise the compiler will
CS>  do something stupid

I believe the technical term for that is "stoopid".  :-)  Yeah, I like to be 
strategic about SB's and loops.

CS>  You might actually have to start reading some code (shiver!).

"You're ... mocking me."  :-)  Actually, I might be able to pass it off onto 
the guy who wrote the library.  *phew*

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer

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RE: Strange error with JSP

2021-06-03 Thread Berneburg, Cris J. - US
Hi Chris

cs> This is a relatively simple JSP. There are no tag libraries in use and
cs> there are 3 imports of JSPs which contain some static utility functions.

Sorry, no technical suggestions, but some questions...

Can you load those 3 dependent JSP's in a browser via URL (or are they 
protected)?  Are their class files there in the work folder?

Was a Java upgrade installed recently?

Cris Berneburg
CACI Senior Software Engineer

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