Re: Archive or package install

2021-06-18 Thread John Dale (DB2DOM)
Because of the way the installation is dissected and distributed, I
found it easier to install from a download and use my own service
file.  Having the installation in one place also allows me to run
concurrent instances of Tomcat having different versions, and/or to
save old versions for future reference and know it's all self
contained.  apt-get installations of tomcat required I memorized three
different locations for the installation .. that wasn't good in my
case.  I'm sure others will have alternative opinions.

On 6/18/21,  wrote:
> Hi Onno,
> On 18.06.21 07:07, Sugar Moose wrote:
>> I am using Ansible role robertdebock.tomcat to install Tomcat. This role
>> uses archives from the Tomcat site to install Tomcat. I have always
>> thought that this is a fine approach but the customer has pointed out that
>> a package install is preferred because it makes installing security
>> updates easier. This customer uses Ubuntu 18.04 and the position of the
>> InfraOps engineers is that installing Tomcat from the official Ubuntu
>> repository is always preferred.
> Installing Tomcat directly from the archives is easy and straight forward,
> in my opinion it should be perfectly fine using upstream as source (you
> should at least verify the download).
> Especially, if Tomcat plays a major role of the system (i.e. running some
> business critical applications), I would always stick to the version from
> Tomcat archives. You will end up with a more
> recent version of Tomcat, as it is actively developed, those versions will
> contain all security fixes (directly from the team and without possible
> backporting of security fixes). If you use
> CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE variables you can easily switch between
> different Tomcat versions, making it very easy to manage updates and
> possible necessary rollbacks.
> I would only stick to the distro-provided packages, if it is a small (in
> other words not that important) application running in Tomcat. Just for
> reference: With Ubuntu 18.04, you would end up
> with 9.0.16 vs. 9.0.48 (Tomcat project) or 8.5.39 vs. 8.5.68 (Tomcat
> project), which is about 2 years old software. For any errors you might get
> on distro packages, first hint would most
> likely be to update to a recent Tomcat version. Even if security fixed are
> backported by the distro, you would end up with versions missing a lot of
> fixes and improvements.
>> I don't know how exactly using apt packages makes life a lot easier when
>> it comes to security updates. I think it depends. If Ansible manages the
>> version it looks more or less the same to me. The Ansible role would have
>> an var for example tomcat_version and the value would determine the what
>> version is on the system. Updating Tomcat using Ansible would be same
>> proces: update tomcat_version var and provision the node. When Ansible is
>> not managing the version but is used for example only for the initial
>> install using Ansible package module it becomes a bit of a puzzle to
>> figure out how this would work. And also would have some drawbacks.
>> Ansible is good at configuration management and orchestration for example.
>> Apt not really.
> Yes, Ansible is much more flexible for managing the configuration and
> deployment-parts. You will need something for that task, even if you use the
> distro-provided packages.
>> What is the position / what are the thoughts on this in the Tomcat
>> community? On the Tomcat website I could find no information on package
>> install. I don't think a recommended installation approach is mentioned
>> there.
> In short: If your application in Tomcat is important, use the Tomcat archive
> up to date versions, if not distro packages might be sufficient. This might
> be challenging, if Tomcat is managed by
> the infrastructure team (from my experience, there is always a trend towards
> the distro packages, sometimes with the argument support by the distro). It
> might help, if managing the Tomcat can
> be done by the applications support/devops team (however, that might depend
> on the organisation constraints).
> hth,
> Thomas
> -
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Re: Archive or package install

2021-06-18 Thread tomcat-lists
Hi Christopher,

On 18.06.21 20:54, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> I would only stick to the distro-provided packages, if it is a small
>> (in other words not that important) application running in Tomcat. Just
>> for reference: With Ubuntu 18.04, you would end up
>> with 9.0.16 vs. 9.0.48 (Tomcat project) or 8.5.39 vs. 8.5.68 (Tomcat
>> project), which is about 2 years old software.

> The above statement is *very* misleading.
> To understand why it's misleading, you have to understand the Debian "way" of 
> package-management. Ubuntu is Debian-derived and, although they have their 
> own package repositories, etc., they do
> inherit from upstream and do make some changes on their own separate from 
> upstream.

Thanks for picking that up, I was not clear enough by just referencing the 
security back ports in one sentence. It is right, that those distro packages 
get updates. My main point is, that due
to the update policy of Ubuntu (and Debian as well), not all changes and 
updates will get into the distro packages. This might be an issue, especially 
if IT organisation stick to a specific
distros version for a long time. This is not an issue with the distro policy or 
updates (never wanted to blame anyone from the Debian or Ubuntu team for that), 
but with the update policies of
the running org. I was focusing on *Ubuntu 18.04* (which was mentioned by 
Onno), for that change log [1] mentions Wed, 11 Sep 2019 as last update.

> All that junk at the end (-4~bpo9+1_all) indicates the various updates that 
> have been applied after the original 9.0.16. If you read the changelog[1] for 
> Buster, you'll see that it was last
> updated as recently as 2021-04-12 to apply fixes for CVE-2021-25122 and 
> CVE-2021-25329 (thanks, Emmanuel!). In fact, in Buster, you are getting 
> 9.0.31. I'll bet if you look at the Ubuntu
> changelog for your package, you'll find something similar.

You are right, if you manage your base system and keep it updated to recent 
version (not my experience though), this will be fine. However if you stick as 
long as possible to a distros version
(there is already a new Ubuntu LTS out for over a year, some time to update), 
you will have a gap to more recent Tomcat versions. Comparing Ubuntu 18.04 
Tomcat versions to current Ubuntu or
Debian versions, is not what was asked by the Onno. My experience is that some 
organisations try to stay on a specific distro version as long as possible.

> If you are getting 9.0.16 from your Ubuntu repository, I think you may be 
> getting "left behind" by something. The current Ubuntu package should 
> actually be a base version of 9.0.43. Older
> versions of Ubuntu have older base Tomcat versions.

Again current vs. Ubuntu 18.04 is a different story. My apologies, I should 
have been clearer in my first post.



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Re: [OT] Trouble with HTTP/2 during concurrent bulk data transfer (server -> client)

2021-06-18 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 6/17/21 17:34, logo wrote:

Magic Mark,

>  [snip]

I think he's "Magic Mark XXL", now, pictured here:


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Re: Archive or package install

2021-06-18 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 6/18/21 14:36, wrote:
> [snip]

I would only stick to the distro-provided packages, if it is a small
(in other words not that important) application running in Tomcat. Just
for reference: With Ubuntu 18.04, you would end up
with 9.0.16 vs. 9.0.48 (Tomcat project) or 8.5.39 vs. 8.5.68 (Tomcat
project), which is about 2 years old software.

The above statement is *very* misleading.

To understand why it's misleading, you have to understand the Debian 
"way" of package-management. Ubuntu is Debian-derived and, although they 
have their own package repositories, etc., they do inherit from upstream 
and do make some changes on their own separate from upstream.

But the Debian "way" is to pick a package version and stick with it as 
long as possible, for stability's sake.

The Tomcat team releases new code including all kinds of things 
(security fixes, bug fixes, new features, etc.) together at once and 
give it a new version number. It happens ~ once per month these days for 
the active branches (10/9/8.5).

That 9.0.16 version you quote above is the "base version" you are 
getting. It doesn't mean it's the same bits that were made available for 
download starting on 2019-04-13. Both the Debian and the Ubuntu team 
apply updates to the apache-tomcat-9 package so that although it says 
9.0.16, you are really getting their version tomcat9_9.0.16-4~bpo9+1_all 
(well, that's what Debian says; I don't have Ubuntu handy).

All that junk at the end (-4~bpo9+1_all) indicates the various updates 
that have been applied after the original 9.0.16. If you read the 
changelog[1] for Buster, you'll see that it was last updated as recently 
as 2021-04-12 to apply fixes for CVE-2021-25122 and CVE-2021-25329 
(thanks, Emmanuel!). In fact, in Buster, you are getting 9.0.31. I'll 
bet if you look at the Ubuntu changelog for your package, you'll find 
something similar.

If you are getting 9.0.16 from your Ubuntu repository, I think you may 
be getting "left behind" by something. The current Ubuntu package should 
actually be a base version of 9.0.43. Older versions of Ubuntu have 
older base Tomcat versions.

For any errors you might get on distro packages, first hint would
most likely be to update to a recent Tomcat version. Even if security
fixed are backported by the distro, you would end up with versions
missing a lot of fixes and improvements.
Again, distros like Debian focus on stability, so only security fixes. 
You can also subscribe to the "backports" channels as well which can 
sometimes get you more up-to-date packages if you'd like something more 



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Re: Archive or package install

2021-06-18 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 6/18/21 01:07, Sugar Moose wrote:

I am using Ansible role robertdebock.tomcat to install Tomcat. This role uses 
archives from the Tomcat site to install Tomcat. I have always thought that 
this is a fine approach but the customer has pointed out that a package install 
is preferred because it makes installing security updates easier. This customer 
uses Ubuntu 18.04 and the position of the InfraOps engineers is that installing 
Tomcat from the official Ubuntu repository is always preferred.

I don't know how exactly using apt packages makes life a lot easier when it 
comes to security updates. I think it depends. If Ansible manages the version 
it looks more or less the same to me. The Ansible role would have an var for 
example tomcat_version and the value would determine the what version is on the 
system. Updating Tomcat using Ansible would be same proces: update 
tomcat_version var and provision the node. When Ansible is not managing the 
version but is used for example only for the initial install using Ansible 
package module it becomes a bit of a puzzle to figure out how this would work. 
And also would have some drawbacks. Ansible is good at configuration management 
and orchestration for example. Apt not really.

What is the position / what are the thoughts on this in the Tomcat community? 
On the Tomcat website I could find no information on package install. I don't 
think a recommended installation approach is mentioned there.

The Apache Tomcat documentation doesn't recommend anything because there 
is no reason to do so: your deployment is your own business.

I can't speak for anyone else.

I install Tomcat from the ASF-provided packages. I do that for several 

1. My preferred Linux distribution (Debian) is often lagging behind on 
version numbers, though they are very responsive when it comes to 
security updates. This has gotten *much* better in the "recent" past. 
I've been using Tomcat since 2003; old habits die hard.

2. Package-managed Tomcat bundles often have huge numbers of dependent 
packages, none of which I care to have the package-manager install 

3. Package-managed Tomcat bundles are often limited in the versions they 
support. Maybe you want to run Tomcat 8.5 but the distribution has 
decided that Tomcat 9.0 is the best and what they support. Maybe you 
want to use Tomcat 10 which is semi-experimental but no packag-emanager 
I know of has it. So there are some practical considerations as well.

4. If I upgrade my Tomcat myself, I know exactly where every 
configuration file is and how to fix it if things break. If the 
package-manager does it, it may stomp on some important configuration of 

Most of the above come down to "I've always done it this way", or "I'm 
too stubborn to learn how the package-manager wants to do things." 
Honestly, switching to package-managed JVMs was great for me *because of 
the security updates*. I suspect that if I ever take the time to learn 
more about how Debian does Tomcat packaging, configuration, etc. I'll be 
very happy with the results and will never go back to downloading tarballs.



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Re: Archive or package install

2021-06-18 Thread tomcat-lists
Hi Onno,

On 18.06.21 07:07, Sugar Moose wrote:
> I am using Ansible role robertdebock.tomcat to install Tomcat. This role uses 
> archives from the Tomcat site to install Tomcat. I have always thought that 
> this is a fine approach but the customer has pointed out that a package 
> install is preferred because it makes installing security updates easier. 
> This customer uses Ubuntu 18.04 and the position of the InfraOps engineers is 
> that installing Tomcat from the official Ubuntu repository is always 
> preferred. 

Installing Tomcat directly from the archives is easy and straight forward, in 
my opinion it should be perfectly fine using upstream as source (you should at 
least verify the download).
Especially, if Tomcat plays a major role of the system (i.e. running some 
business critical applications), I would always stick to the version from 
Tomcat archives. You will end up with a more
recent version of Tomcat, as it is actively developed, those versions will 
contain all security fixes (directly from the team and without possible 
backporting of security fixes). If you use
CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE variables you can easily switch between 
different Tomcat versions, making it very easy to manage updates and possible 
necessary rollbacks.

I would only stick to the distro-provided packages, if it is a small (in other 
words not that important) application running in Tomcat. Just for reference: 
With Ubuntu 18.04, you would end up
with 9.0.16 vs. 9.0.48 (Tomcat project) or 8.5.39 vs. 8.5.68 (Tomcat project), 
which is about 2 years old software. For any errors you might get on distro 
packages, first hint would most
likely be to update to a recent Tomcat version. Even if security fixed are 
backported by the distro, you would end up with versions missing a lot of fixes 
and improvements.

> I don't know how exactly using apt packages makes life a lot easier when it 
> comes to security updates. I think it depends. If Ansible manages the version 
> it looks more or less the same to me. The Ansible role would have an var for 
> example tomcat_version and the value would determine the what version is on 
> the system. Updating Tomcat using Ansible would be same proces: update 
> tomcat_version var and provision the node. When Ansible is not managing the 
> version but is used for example only for the initial install using Ansible 
> package module it becomes a bit of a puzzle to figure out how this would 
> work. And also would have some drawbacks. Ansible is good at configuration 
> management and orchestration for example. Apt not really. 

Yes, Ansible is much more flexible for managing the configuration and 
deployment-parts. You will need something for that task, even if you use the 
distro-provided packages.

> What is the position / what are the thoughts on this in the Tomcat community? 
> On the Tomcat website I could find no information on package install. I don't 
> think a recommended installation approach is mentioned there. 

In short: If your application in Tomcat is important, use the Tomcat archive up 
to date versions, if not distro packages might be sufficient. This might be 
challenging, if Tomcat is managed by
the infrastructure team (from my experience, there is always a trend towards 
the distro packages, sometimes with the argument support by the distro). It 
might help, if managing the Tomcat can
be done by the applications support/devops team (however, that might depend on 
the organisation constraints).


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Re: Error while setting context in serer.xml

2021-06-18 Thread Mark Thomas

On 18/06/2021 14:46, Mohan T wrote:

Dear All,

We are trying to set the context for a web application in tomcat 8.5. in the 
file server.xml.


It is not considering the path set.

Any changes need to be done for this to take effect ?.

Rename the WAR file to hub#app#classic#security.war and completely 
remove that  element from server.xml


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Error while setting context in serer.xml

2021-06-18 Thread Mohan T
Dear All,

We are trying to set the context for a web application in tomcat 8.5. in the 
file server.xml.



It is not considering the path set.

Any changes need to be done for this to take effect ?.


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