Tomcat 8: Random 404 and 505 errors

2023-11-16 Thread Pavan Veginati
We are seeing random 404 and 505 errors with GET and POST requests.

Out of the 10 million daily requests in one cluster, there are 2-3 such 404 
errors. In another cluster with around 100 million daily requests, we are 
seeing 20-30 404s on average per day.
Requests with a 505 error are rare and only happen once or twice a week.

The same requests were successful a few milliseconds before and after the 
error. The servlet that handles these requests always returns a 200 with an 
appropriate error response if it fails, but never a 404. So, it is surprising 
to see a 404 response.

We've only had this issue in our test environment (similar to prod) a couple of 
times, but we can't reproduce it again. 
I've found a similar issue reported here:

Deployment Details:  
  Tomcat Version:  
8.5.88. Built from source.
  Java Version:  
JDK 17.
  Network Topology:  
Direct server to server internal calls with no load balancers in 

Are there any known issues that could be causing this, and are there any 
specific logs we can enable that might help us debug this issue further ? 


Re: CredentialHandler not working for MD5

2023-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 11/16/23 13:06, Peter Otto wrote:

   1.  Configure BASIC auth with clear-text passwords in the Realm and get
that working.
   2.  Switch to DIGEST auth with clear-text passwords in the Realm and get
that working.
   3.  Then configure DIGEST auth and digested passwords in the Realm.
Hi Chris,

Step 1 & 2 work


Step 3 will not work with the clear txt password, only the digested password, 
which means the text password in tomcat-users.xml.   In past versions of 
Tomcat, the clear text password would work.

What does your Authentication request header look like?

On line # 1154 in we read.

String digestValue = username + ":" + realmName + ":" +  getPassword(username);

The method getPassword(username) is using the digested password, when it should 
use  the clear text password.

Here is how I run digest in powershell.
.\digest.bat -a MD5 -i 1 -s 0 tomcat:UserDatabase:nobueno is not using the clear text password, instead it is using the 
digested password. This will return false for the manager access.

When I replace the getPassword(username) and replace it with the clear text 
password, it will then WORK.

How did you configure things for Mark's #3 task above? Including the 
commands you used to generate the stored-credential?


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Re: Java/Tomcat is being killed by the Linux OOM killer for using a huge amount of RAM. How can I know what was going on inside my app (& Tomcat & the JVM) to make that happen?

2023-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 11/16/23 15:26, Brian Braun wrote:

First of all, this is my stack:

- Ubuntu 22.04.3 on x86/64 with 2GM of physical RAM that has been enough
for years.
- Java / openjdk 2023-08-24
- Tomcat 9.0.58 (JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx900m -Xms16m

Don't bother setting a 16M initial heap and a maximum of 900M. Just set 
them both to 900M. That will cause the JVM to request all of that heap 
up front and lessen the chances of a native OOME.

There are certainly still plenty of reasons the process could use more 
heap than that, of course.

- My app, which I developed myself, and has been running without any OOM
crashes for years

Well, a couple of weeks ago my website started crushing about every 5-7
days. Between crashes the RAM usage is fine and very steady (as it has been
for years) and it uses just about 50% of the "Max memory" (according to
what the Tomcat Manager server status shows). The 3 types of G1 heap are
steady and low. And there are no leaks as far as I can tell. And I haven't
made any significant changes to my app in the last months.

I think your problem is native-heap and not Java-heap.

What does 'top' say? You are looking for the "RES" (Resident Size) and 
"VIRT" (Virtual Size) numbers. That's what the process is REALLY using.

How big is your physical RAM? What does this output while running your 
application (after fixing the heap at 900M)?

$ free -m

What else is running on the machine?

Do you have swap enabled?

When my website crashes, I can see on the Ubuntu log that some process has
invoked the "oom-killer" and that this killer investigates which process is
using most of the RAM and it is Tomcat/Java so it kills it. This is what I
see on the log when it was Nginx that invoked the OOM-killer:

Nov 15 15:23:54 ip-172-31-89-211 kernel: [366008.597771]
Nov 15 15:23:54 ip-172-31-89-211 kernel: [366008.597932] Out of memory:
Killed process 470 (java) total-vm:4553056kB, anon-rss:1527944kB,
file-rss:2872kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:998 pgtables:3628kB oom_score_adj:0

I would like to be able to know what was happening inside the JVM when it
was using too much RAM and deserved to be killed. Was it a problem in Java
not associated with Tomcat or my app? Was it Tomcat itself that ate too
much RAM? I doubt it. Was it my application? If it was my application (and
I have to assume it was), how/why was it using all that RAM? What were the
objects, threads, etc that were involved in the crash? What part of the
heap memory was using all that RAM?

Probably native heap. Java 11 is mature and there are likely no leaks in 
the JVM itself. If your code was using too much Java heap, you'd get 
OutOfMemoryErrors thrown in the JVM but not Linux oom-killer.

But certain native libraries can leak. I seem to recall libgzip or 
something like that can leak if you aren't careful. My guess is that you 
are actually just running very very close to what your hardware can support.

Do you actually need 900M of heap to run your application? We ran for 
years at $work with a 64M heap and only expended it when we started 
getting enough concurrent users to /have/ to expand the heap.

This can happen at any time, like at 4am so I can not run to the computer
to see what was going on at that moment. I need some way to get a detailed
log of what was going on when the crush took place.

So my question is, what tool should I use to investigate these crashes? I
have started trying to make "New Relic" work since it seems that this
service could help me, but I am having some problems making it work and I
still don't know if this would be a solution in the first place. So, while
I struggle with New Relic, I would appreciate your suggestions.

You can get a lot of information by configuring your application to dump 
the heap on OOME, but you aren't getting an OOME so that's kind of off 
the table.

I would enable GC logging for sure. That will tell you the status of the 
Java heap, but not the native memory spaces. But you may find that the 
process is performing a GC when it dies or you can see what was 
happening up to the point of the kill.

Is there any pattern to when it crashes? For example... is 04:00 a 
popular time for it to die? Maybe you have a process that runs 
periodically that needs a lot of RAM temporarily.


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Java/Tomcat is being killed by the Linux OOM killer for using a huge amount of RAM. How can I know what was going on inside my app (& Tomcat & the JVM) to make that happen?

2023-11-16 Thread Brian Braun

First of all, this is my stack:

- Ubuntu 22.04.3 on x86/64 with 2GM of physical RAM that has been enough
for years.
- Java / openjdk 2023-08-24
- Tomcat 9.0.58 (JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx900m -Xms16m
- My app, which I developed myself, and has been running without any OOM
crashes for years

Well, a couple of weeks ago my website started crushing about every 5-7
days. Between crashes the RAM usage is fine and very steady (as it has been
for years) and it uses just about 50% of the "Max memory" (according to
what the Tomcat Manager server status shows). The 3 types of G1 heap are
steady and low. And there are no leaks as far as I can tell. And I haven't
made any significant changes to my app in the last months.

When my website crashes, I can see on the Ubuntu log that some process has
invoked the "oom-killer" and that this killer investigates which process is
using most of the RAM and it is Tomcat/Java so it kills it. This is what I
see on the log when it was Nginx that invoked the OOM-killer:

Nov 15 15:23:54 ip-172-31-89-211 kernel: [366008.597771]
Nov 15 15:23:54 ip-172-31-89-211 kernel: [366008.597932] Out of memory:
Killed process 470 (java) total-vm:4553056kB, anon-rss:1527944kB,
file-rss:2872kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:998 pgtables:3628kB oom_score_adj:0

I would like to be able to know what was happening inside the JVM when it
was using too much RAM and deserved to be killed. Was it a problem in Java
not associated with Tomcat or my app? Was it Tomcat itself that ate too
much RAM? I doubt it. Was it my application? If it was my application (and
I have to assume it was), how/why was it using all that RAM? What were the
objects, threads, etc that were involved in the crash? What part of the
heap memory was using all that RAM?

This can happen at any time, like at 4am so I can not run to the computer
to see what was going on at that moment. I need some way to get a detailed
log of what was going on when the crush took place.

So my question is, what tool should I use to investigate these crashes? I
have started trying to make "New Relic" work since it seems that this
service could help me, but I am having some problems making it work and I
still don't know if this would be a solution in the first place. So, while
I struggle with New Relic, I would appreciate your suggestions.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Wondering about tomcat-users.xml could not be found

2023-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 11/16/23 14:19, wrote:

Hi Chris*,

Am 16.11.2023 um 20:12 schrieb Christopher Schultz 


On 11/15/23 10:32, Christoph Kukulies wrote:

I'm running tomcat9 under Ubuntu 22.04 with an haproxy 2.8 in front of it.
I'm wondering about the following in the logs:
Nov 15 16:19:23 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
[UserDatabase] from updated source [file:/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml]
Nov 15 16:19:23 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
[conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
Nov 15 16:19:33 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
[UserDatabase] from updated source [file:/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml]
Nov 15 16:19:33 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
[conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
Nov 15 16:19:43 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
[UserDatabase] from updated source [file:/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml]
Nov 15 16:19:43 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
[conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
Nov 15 16:19:53 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
[UserDatabase] from updated source [file:/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml]
Nov 15 16:19:53 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
[conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
File /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml is definitely there.
It occurs every 10 seconds.
Don't know who is causing this and why. Permissions? Ownership wrong?
-rw-r- 1 root root   2756 Jan 15  2022 tomcat-users.xml
Believe the ownership was wrong. Maybe it came from migrating an old 
What are the correct perms/ownership in /var/lib/tomcat9 and below?

What is the user-owner of the JVM process?

Check that all of the above would be both readable and executable by that user:

ls -ld /var
ls -ld /var/lib
ls -ld /var/lib/tomcat9
ls -ld /var/lib/tomcat9/conf

... and of course that the JVM user can read 
/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml which I assume is true since you said 
you already checked it.

What is the cwd of the JVM process?

The first message ("reloading") has the full path, and the second message ("file not 
found") only mentions a relative path. I wonder if that is the difference.

Could it be that the second path relates to a missing env-Variable 

Unlikely. Tomcat always determines the values for catalina.home and 
catalina.base before launching the JVM. After that, only those system 
properties are consulted.

But it's possible there is some sloppy code somewhere that is using 
cwd-relative paths.


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Re: AW: FileUpload class not working with Tomcat 10.1

2023-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz


Apologies for not replying earlier; looks like you have made good 
progress. See below.

On 11/14/23 12:19, Mark Foley wrote:

Anyway, enough griping! I have gotten it partially working thanks to your
suggested link, and particulary you suggestion to put the servlet info in
web.xml.  I've put the following in WEB-INF/web.xml:



I've only changed the  and  tags above. The others are
as monkey-typed from your link example. I'll research the other parameters

My jsp code is now:

<%@ page import="javax.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig.*" %>

Nope, not for Tomcat 10. You need to use the jakarta package names. 
Besides, you don't need the MultipartConfig in your code, anyway.

You need /either/ an annotation (dicey in JSP code) /or/ an XML config, 
so the XML should be sufficient. (But you should switch to a proper 
servlet. DO IT! :)

if((contentType != null) && contentType.startsWith("multipart/form-data;"))
 InputStream inp = null;
 DataInputStream ins = null;

 Part fileUpload = request.getPart("taxResults");

 if(fileUpload != null)
 inp = fileUpload.getInputStream();
 ins = new DataInputStream(inp);
while ((inp != null) && (ins.available() != 0))

 String  transaction = ins.readLine();
 out.println("" + transaction);


I would use try-with-resources like this:

try (InputStream in = , DataInputStream ins = ...) {

Since you have no try/catch, your code can leak file handles and stuff 
like that. Yuck. With try-with-resources, you don't even need the calls 
to InputStream.close.

This actually worked I will experiment with it more and may be back with
more questions (e.g. do I really need the web.xml? Could I not do:
"inp = fileUpload.getInputStream(mypath);"). But ... maybe later.

Vielen Dank!!! --Mark

Na klar


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Re: Partitioned cookies

2023-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 11/15/23 09:06, Adam Warfield wrote:

The Rfc6265CookieProcessor supports setting the SameSite cookie
attribute but starting in 2024, browsers will begin enforcing the
newer "Partitioned" attribute for third-party cookies.

Is there a way to set this attribute within Tomcat for things like the

Wait... are you using cookies for CSRF tokens? That doesn't really 
provide much protection. Your CSRF cookie will be transmitted along with 
any request, even "forged" requests.

Are you responsible for the primary web application, here, or are you 
responsible for a third-party site such as an advertiser, back-end 
service, etc.?

This affects any webapps that are embedded within iframes across
domains where those cookies will be rejected if not partitioned.

If you migrate to Tomcat 10.1 or later (with Jakarta Servlet APIs), 
there is Cookie.setAttributeString name, String value)[1]

If you cannot upgrade to Tomcat 10 in time, then you can simply resort 
to setting the headers directly:

response.addHeader("Set-Cookie", "XSRF-TOKEN=foo; Partitioned");



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Re: Wondering about tomcat-users.xml could not be found

2023-11-16 Thread logo
Hi Chris*,

> Am 16.11.2023 um 20:12 schrieb Christopher Schultz 
> :
> Christoph,
> On 11/15/23 10:32, Christoph Kukulies wrote:
>> I'm running tomcat9 under Ubuntu 22.04 with an haproxy 2.8 in front of it.
>> I'm wondering about the following in the logs:
>> Nov 15 16:19:23 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
>> [UserDatabase] from updated source 
>> [file:/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml]
>> Nov 15 16:19:23 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
>> [conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
>> Nov 15 16:19:33 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
>> [UserDatabase] from updated source 
>> [file:/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml]
>> Nov 15 16:19:33 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
>> [conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
>> Nov 15 16:19:43 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
>> [UserDatabase] from updated source 
>> [file:/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml]
>> Nov 15 16:19:43 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
>> [conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
>> Nov 15 16:19:53 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
>> [UserDatabase] from updated source 
>> [file:/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml]
>> Nov 15 16:19:53 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
>> [conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
>> File /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml is definitely there.
>> It occurs every 10 seconds.
>> Don't know who is causing this and why. Permissions? Ownership wrong?
>> -rw-r- 1 root root   2756 Jan 15  2022 tomcat-users.xml
>> Believe the ownership was wrong. Maybe it came from migrating an old 
>> installation.
>> What are the correct perms/ownership in /var/lib/tomcat9 and below?
> What is the user-owner of the JVM process?
> Check that all of the above would be both readable and executable by that 
> user:
> ls -ld /var
> ls -ld /var/lib
> ls -ld /var/lib/tomcat9
> ls -ld /var/lib/tomcat9/conf
> ... and of course that the JVM user can read 
> /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml which I assume is true since you said 
> you already checked it.
> What is the cwd of the JVM process?
> The first message ("reloading") has the full path, and the second message 
> ("file not found") only mentions a relative path. I wonder if that is the 
> difference.

Could it be that the second path relates to a missing env-Variable 


> -chris
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Wondering about tomcat-users.xml could not be found

2023-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz


On 11/15/23 10:32, Christoph Kukulies wrote:

I'm running tomcat9 under Ubuntu 22.04 with an haproxy 2.8 in front of it.

I'm wondering about the following in the logs:

Nov 15 16:19:23 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
[UserDatabase] from updated source 
Nov 15 16:19:23 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
[conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
Nov 15 16:19:33 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
[UserDatabase] from updated source 
Nov 15 16:19:33 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
[conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
Nov 15 16:19:43 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
[UserDatabase] from updated source 
Nov 15 16:19:43 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
[conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found
Nov 15 16:19:53 mail tomcat9[832]: Reloading memory user database 
[UserDatabase] from updated source 
Nov 15 16:19:53 mail tomcat9[832]: The specified user database 
[conf/tomcat-users.xml] could not be found

File /var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml is definitely there.

It occurs every 10 seconds.

Don't know who is causing this and why. Permissions? Ownership wrong?

-rw-r- 1 root root   2756 Jan 15  2022 tomcat-users.xml

Believe the ownership was wrong. Maybe it came from migrating an old 

What are the correct perms/ownership in /var/lib/tomcat9 and below?

What is the user-owner of the JVM process?

Check that all of the above would be both readable and executable by 
that user:

 ls -ld /var
 ls -ld /var/lib
 ls -ld /var/lib/tomcat9
 ls -ld /var/lib/tomcat9/conf

... and of course that the JVM user can read 
/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/tomcat-users.xml which I assume is true since you 
said you already checked it.

What is the cwd of the JVM process?

The first message ("reloading") has the full path, and the second 
message ("file not found") only mentions a relative path. I wonder if 
that is the difference.


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Re: CredentialHandler not working for MD5

2023-11-16 Thread Peter Otto
  1.  Configure BASIC auth with clear-text passwords in the Realm and get
that working.
  2.  Switch to DIGEST auth with clear-text passwords in the Realm and get
that working.
  3.  Then configure DIGEST auth and digested passwords in the Realm.
Hi Chris,

Step 1 & 2 work
Step 3 will not work with the clear txt password, only the digested password, 
which means the text password in tomcat-users.xml.   In past versions of 
Tomcat, the clear text password would work.

On line # 1154 in we read.

String digestValue = username + ":" + realmName + ":" +  getPassword(username);

The method getPassword(username) is using the digested password, when it should 
use  the clear text password.

Here is how I run digest in powershell.
.\digest.bat -a MD5 -i 1 -s 0 tomcat:UserDatabase:nobueno is not using the clear text password, instead it is using the 
digested password. This will return false for the manager access.

When I replace the getPassword(username) and replace it with the clear text 
password, it will then WORK.
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