Re: PKCS#8 encryption algorithm unrecognized

2024-04-03 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
> Caused by: The PKCS#8 encryption
> algorithm with DER encoded OID of [2a864886f70d010c0103] was not recognised

If I google for the above hex number, it finds the following:

'2A864886F70D010C0103' -- 1.2.840.113549.
pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC (PKCS #12 PbeIds)

(actually a comment in some random source file, but it explains what
the value is).

If I manually decode that value, thanks to
I get the same value:

2a = 42 = 1 * 40 + 2 -> "1.2"
8648 = (0x06 * 128) + 0x48 = 6 * 128 + 72 = 840
86f70d = ((0x06 * 128) + (0x77 * 128) + 0x0d = ((6 * 128) + 119) * 128
+ 13 = 113549
01 = 1
0c = 12
01 = 1
03 = 3

I saw that you mentioned
> The ASN.1 is  OBJECT IDENTIFIER=Sha256WithRSAEncryption 
> (1.2.840.113549.1.1.11)

but the value is different.
*.1.1.11 vs *.

Maybe it helps.

What is your version of Java?

Isn't the algorithm (mentioned in the error message) deprecated,
because it uses SHA-1 ?

> SSLCertificateChainFile="C:Certificate\Public Key\WSD-2DNX4M3...cer"

A '\' is missing after ':'.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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Re: PKCS#8 encryption algorithm unrecognized

2024-04-03 Thread Timothy Resh
Sure, I can provide the entire setup for you.   I'll work on that tonight .

On Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 2:05 PM Mark Thomas  wrote:

> On 25/03/2024 16:56, Timothy Resh wrote:
> > Sorry for the delay.  Our certificate creation process was automated
> > several years ago and I had to go through the code to figure out the
> > commands being used for the certificates
> >
> > First, we use the createcert.exe from the Sybase 17 installation to
> I don't have access to that application so I am unable to follow the
> provided instructions.
> Given you do have access to the application, it will likely be simpler
> if you provide a test key and certificate that don't work that we can
> use for investigation.
> If you want to provide those offline, feel free to email the pem files
> to me directly.
> Mark
> > generate a DB cert for ODBC connectivity.  Please see the following link
> > for more information.
> >
> > -t encryption type
> > -b length
> > -ca "1"  Create Certificate Authority
> > -u 3,4,5,6
> >
> > - 3. Key Encipherment
> > - 4. Data Encipherment
> > - 5. Key Agreement
> > - 6. Certificate Signing
> >
> > -v 6 years
> > -co Public Certificate
> > -x Generates a self-signed certificate
> >
> > *C:\tmp12>ECHO. | "C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 17\Bin64\createcert.exe"
> > -t "rsa" -b "2048" -ca "1" -io "C:\tmp12\DB\Application Certificate
> > Files\Private Keys\ASA12 SAMM Vessel.pem" -ko "C:\tmp12\DB\Application
> > Certificate Files\Private Keys\ASA12 SAMM Vessel.key" -kp "changeit" -x
> -co
> > "C:\tmp12\DB\Application Certificate Files\Public Keys\ASA12 SAMM
> >" -sc "US" -scn "
> > " -sl "Norfolk" -so "Vessel Ships" -sou
> > "Engineering" -sst "VA" -u 3,4,5,6 -v "6"*
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > *SQL Anywhere X.509 Certificate Generator Version
> The
> > certificate will not be compatible with older versionsof the software
> > including version 12.0.1 prior to build 3994 and version 16.0prior to
> build
> > 1691. Use the -3des switch if you require compatibility.Generating key
> > pair...Certificate will be a self-signed rootSerial number [generate
> GUID]:
> > Generated serial number: 42455c10a27d441db3e3d09f39f35452*
> >
> >
> > This creates a  ASA12 SAMM  that is then copied to the Tomcat
> > Application Server as "Client Configuration.pem"
> >
> > our next commands are all openssl or keytool
> >
> > openssl.exe genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:"changeit" -out
> > "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Private Key\" 2048
> > 1>nul 2>&1
> > openssl.exe req -new -key "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Private
> > Key\" -subj "/CN=
> >"
> -out
> > "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Keystore\" -passin
> > pass:"changeit"1>nul 2>&1
> >
> > echo basicConstraints = CA:FALSE  1>"C:\tmp12\openssl\v3.ext"
> > echo keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
> >   1>>"C:\tmp12\openssl\v3.ext"
> > ECHO [SAN]   1>>"C:\tmp12\openssl\v3.ext"
> > ECHO
> > 1>>"C:\tmp12\openssl\v3.ext"
> >
> > openssl.exe x509 -req -extfile "C:\tmp12\openssl\v3.ext" -signkey
> > "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Private Key\" -in
> > "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Keystore\" -out
> > "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Public Key\" -passin
> > pass:"changeit" -days "2190" -extensions SAN
> > Certificate request self-signature ok
> > subject=CN =, OU = USN, OU = PKI, OU = DoD, O =
> > U.S.Government, C = US
> >
> > COPY "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Public Key\"
> > "C:\tmp12\Certificates\CA\"   1>nul 2>&1
> >
> > openssl.exe pkcs12 -export -in "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Public
> > Key\" -inkey "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Private
> > Key\" -out "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Private
> > Key\" -name -CAfile
> > "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Public Key\" -caname
> > -passin pass:"changeit" -passout
> pass:"changeit"
> >
> > keytool.exe -importkeystore -deststorepass "changeit" -destkeypass
> > "changeit" -destkeystore "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Keystore\Vessel.jks"
> > -srckeystore "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Private
> > Key\" -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass
> > "changeit" -alias
> > Importing keystore C:\tmp12\Certificate\Private
> > Key\ to
> > C:\tmp12\Certificate\Keystore\Vessel.jks...
> > DEL /Q "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Private Key\"
> >
> > openssl.exe rsa -in "C:\tmp12\Certificate\Private
> > Key\

Participate in the ASF 25th Anniversary Campaign

2024-04-03 Thread Brian Proffitt
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