Re: Client certificate gone after 1 minute timeout (SSL, APR)

2010-02-23 Thread Andrey D
Hi, Albert.
I do not know how to help you, but you can help me with SSL + Tomcat.
I saw You made an two-sided SSL with default tomcat connector, and I'd like
to ask you about this:
What steps have you done to make it work?
If you can, please help.


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Albert Tumanov wrote:

 Dear colleagues,

 I'm chasing a strange problem with Tomcat + SSL + APR + Firefox.

 Namely, the setup works perfectly (i.e. the client certificate is sent
 and the servlet application can get it).
 But if I allow the SSL connection to time out (it happens 1 minute
 after the last request), the servlet application does not get the
 client certificate anymore.

 The workaround is to clear Firefox cache (Tools - Clear Recent History
 - 1 hour, Active logins).
 After this, the application will work again until the next timeout.

 This problem does NOT occur if I use pure Java SSL config (no APR) or
 when I use browser other that Firefox.

 From that you can imply that this might be a Firefox problem, but I'm
 not so sure.
 Firefox works perfectly with all other HTTPS sites and also pure Java
 SSL config works with Firefox.
 So obviously this problem occurs because Tomcat libnative fails to
 handle some peculiarities of Firefox SSL packets.

 Here is my exact setup:
 - Debian 5 (Lenny)
 - libapr1 1.2.12-5+lenny1
 - openssl  0.9.8g-15+lenny6
 - Tomcat 6.0.24 with tomcat-native-1.1.19
 - server authentication certificates (newcert.pem, newkey-no-password.pem)
 - client authentication certificates (cas.crt and a personal
 certificate signed by that)
 - a simple servlet ssltest to get the client cert:
 - Firefox 3.6

 The only change in server.xml is the connector conf:

Connector port=8443 SSLEnabled=true
   maxThreads=150 scheme=https secure=true

 Now steps to reproduce:
 1) go to https://localhost:8443/ssltest, it will show the client
 2) wait 1 minute
 3) refresh browser - the application will not get the client certificate
  (request.getAttribute(javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate) returns

 I have traced the SSL packets using ssltap -sxlp 8444 localhost:8443
 It shows that 1 minute after the last request, there will be Read EOF
 on Server socket.
 After that, the problem starts occuring.

 I have compared ssltap traces for Firefox and Safari.
 They look pretty similar.
 The only significant difference is that Safari seems to terminate the
 connection by sending SSL alert packet.
 In case of Firefox, it is the Tomcat server who sends the first SSL
 alert packet.

 I hope somebody can shed a light on that issue :)

 Best Regards,

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SSL % tomcat 6.0

2010-02-16 Thread Andrey D
I have a small troubles with SSL certificates integration for tomcat 6.0.
Of course I've read the FAQ and SSL tutorial but my situation is not
described in that help sheets in details...
I enabled SSL on tomcat and can log in onto default page with default
certificate, but I have to make the following:
1) enable SSL on server (tomcat);
2) sign certificate by my company (not to pay for signing on CA for
3) generate certificate for every client and sent them by e-mail etc..
4) on client connect to my server accept client certificate...

I've made this:

added into server.conf
   port=8443 minSpareThreads=5 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false disableUploadTimeout=true
   acceptCount=100  maxThreads=200
   scheme=https secure=true SSLEnabled=true
 keystoreType=JKS keyAlias=tomcat
   clientAuth=true sslProtocol=TLS
truststorePass=123321 truststoreType=JKS/

and do the following (java):

a) Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -dname
\ CN= + commoname
+ , OU= + orzunit
+ , O= + organization
+ , L= + loc
+ , S= + state
+ , C= + scontry
+ \ -alias  + aliasname
+  -keypass  + keypass
+  -keystore  + keystore
+  -storetype PKCS12 -storepass  + keystorepass
+  -validity  + validity);

b) Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(keytool -export -alias  +
+  -keyalg RSA -keystore  + kystore
+  -storetype PKCS12 -storepass  + kystorepass
+  -file  + file);
c) Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(keytool -import -noprompt -alias 
+ aliasname
+  -keyalg RSA -keystore  + kystore
+  -storetype JKS -storepass  + kystorepass
+  -file  + file);

But after adding client certificate, I have to restart tomcat... but it is

If Someone knows how to generate and add certificates into keystore for
tomcat and use them without restart it will be great to reply to me:)


Re: SSL % tomcat 6.0

2010-02-16 Thread Andrey D
Sorry, but I can't use apache httpd separately... only tomcat.. :(

someone said me:

 ok, I think the solution is this 
 create a CA ... then, import the CA public key into key-store
 sign each client certificate with CA private key ..
 I believe this will mean that when Tomcat requests client certificate, it
can be checked against the CA public key in keystore ...
 have a look at this ..

what do you think about it?
and if it helps... how to do it

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Mikolaj Rydzewski wrote:

 Andrey D wrote:

 I have a small troubles with SSL certificates integration for tomcat 6.0.
 Of course I've read the FAQ and SSL tutorial but my situation is not
 described in that help sheets in details...

 Well, maybe it does not address your problem directly. I found it's much
 easier to work with following configuration:

 apache httpd (+ SSL) - mod_proxy_ajp - tomcat

 AJP connector is aware of SSL being used by apache.

 Mikolaj Rydzewski

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