RE: Import file 3gb possible?

2006-06-15 Thread Bob Damato
I'd imagine the JVM heap would have to be cranked up well over 2GB to
handle that too. If you are using the 32 bit JVM, you might not be able
to set the heap over 2GB. 

-Original Message-
From: David Kerber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 11:02 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Import file  3gb possible?

Terry Orechia wrote:

 Is it possible to import a large file greater than 3 gigabytes to a
tomcat web server?   I am running tomcat 4.1 on debian with
Tomcat/Apache JK2 Connector .  I upload a file using multipart/form data
on http Post request to servlet.  I have successfully uploaded a file
that was just under 2 gb, but am getting page cannot be displayed
error when I try to upload a file which is 3.1gb.   Is there a limit of
2gb on the size of a POST message in apache2?   There is a parameter
LimitRequestBody that can be configured in conf.http in apache2 to limit
the size of the post message.  The value of this parameter can be any
number from 0 to 2gb.It is not configured so it is defaulting to 0
which is unlimited.   Does unlimited mean their is a max size of 2gb?
Is there a way to POST a messeg  2gb so a file greater than 2gb can be
uploaded from the desktop to the webserver? 

I have searched on the web and still do not understand if this can be

Thanks for your input,

What is the file system on the server machine?  Some filesystems have a
limit of 2GB for a single file.


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What triggers jspDestroy?

2006-06-09 Thread Bob Damato
I have a page that renders a very large report using the apache jstl
tags. When the page has finished running, my memory usage jumps up 70MB.
Even if I force a full garbage collection (verified in my garbage
collector log), memory usage does not decrease. There is no data being
cached or stored in the user's session, it's simply dumped into the
request and rendered by the JSP. I've found that if I un-deploy the war
and force a full garbage collection, memory usage drops 70MB. I've also
found that after waiting about 30 minutes, the memory is released.

When I did memory snapshots before and after running that page, I could
still see the page exists in memory (org.apache.jsp.ContactReport_jsp)
and appears to be holding on to that 70MB. From what I've read
( , it's seems
like the memory that is used by the jstl foreach tag is not released
until the page is destroyed. I'd like to verify this is truly the case
and I'd also like to find out exactly what triggers the call to
jspDestroy. Is there a timer, a thread, a memory threshold? Is there
something I can/should configure to keep the page from eating up all of
that memory for so long? I've tried disabling tag pooling, but that had
no effect.


Bob Damato
Cox Target Media
Internet Technology Manager
Largo, Florida

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we
fall.  -- Confucius

c:import and session scope in tomcat

2006-05-08 Thread Bob Damato
I have two webapps. 
Webapp one contains this JSP 
%@ taglib uri=/c.tld prefix=c % 
session.setAttribute(tester, this is a test attribute); 
Value from attribute in webapp one: c:out value=${tester} / 
c:import context=/webapp2 url=/y.jsp / 

Webapp two contains this JSP 
%@ taglib uri=/c.tld prefix=c % 
Value of attribute from webapp two: c:out value=${tester} / 
Under our current web container (servlet exec 4.2) with context sharing
enabled, webapp two has access to the session attribute tester from
webapp one.
When we run this under Tomcat 5.5 with crossContext enabled, webapp two
does not have access to that session attribute. 
Anyone have any idea why? Which one is correct?

Bob Damato
Cox Target Media
Internet Technology Manager
Largo, Florida

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we
fall.  -- Confucius