[OT] Looking for engineers in boston

2006-10-18 Thread Dan Adams
Hey guys. Sorry for the spam. My company is looking for good engineers
in boston. You can find the job posting details here:


To be honest that job description is only half the picture. We also do a
lot of:
- Testing using TDD
- Tapestry
- Hibernate
- Agile/iterative development including peer programming and code

It's a great, small company that really great to work at (we have a game
room and a dedicated beer fridge). So send your resumes over to either

Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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Response committed before getting to the filters

2006-10-06 Thread Dan Adams
So every once in a while when you make a request to the server you won't
get anything back and the log will show that one of the filters
complained that response is already committed. So I restarted tomcat
with the jpda debugger on, fired up my debugger in eclipse, and set a
breakpoint at the place in the filter where this message is printed.

My app has 2 filters right now and the breakpoint is in the second
filter. So when I hit the breakpoint I went down in the stack trace to
the point at which tomcat calls doFilter on the first filter in the
filter chain. At that point is the stack, response.isCommitted()
evaluates to 'true'(!?). Exploring the objects the response shows that
the headers written so far are:

Transfer-Encoding = chunked
Date = Fri, 06 Oct 2006 14:33:33 GMT

and contentLength == -1.

Why would the response be committed before even getting to any of the
code in my application? Even suggestions on what to investigate further
would be help at this point. Thanks in advance.

Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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Re: Response committed before getting to the filters

2006-10-06 Thread Dan Adams
The source code for both is below (this code is actually from the spring
library if that makes any difference). 

I really don't think the filters have anything to do with it. I just set
a conditional breakpoint in the first line of doFilter() in the first
filter that gets called by tomcat for when response.isCommitted()
evaluates to true. As soon as it happened again that breakpoint got hit
and response.isCommitted() was, in fact, true. But in every other normal
request the breakpoint never gets hit.

This is what the first filter does (sorry looks ugly in email):

  public final void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse
response, FilterChain filterChain)
  throws ServletException, IOException {

if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest) || !(response
instanceof HttpServletResponse)) {
  throw new ServletException(OncePerRequestFilter just supports
HTTP requests);
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;

String alreadyFilteredAttributeName =
if (request.getAttribute(alreadyFilteredAttributeName) != null ||
shouldNotFilter(httpRequest)) {
  // proceed without invoking this filter
  filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
else {
  // invoke this filter
  request.setAttribute(alreadyFilteredAttributeName, Boolean.TRUE);
  doFilterInternal(httpRequest, httpResponse, filterChain);

and doFilterInternal() is:

  protected void doFilterInternal(
  HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
FilterChain filterChain)
  throws ServletException, IOException {

SessionFactory sessionFactory = lookupSessionFactory(request);
Session session = null;
boolean participate = false;

if (isSingleSession()) {
  // single session mode
  if (TransactionSynchronizationManager.hasResource(sessionFactory))
// Do not modify the Session: just set the participate flag.
participate = true;
  else {
logger.debug(Opening single Hibernate Session in
session = getSession(sessionFactory);
new SessionHolder(session));
else {
  // deferred close mode
  if (SessionFactoryUtils.isDeferredCloseActive(sessionFactory)) {
// Do not modify deferred close: just set the participate flag.
participate = true;
  else {

try {
  filterChain.doFilter(request, response);

finally {
  if (!participate) {
if (isSingleSession()) {
  // single session mode

  logger.debug(Closing single Hibernate Session in
  try {
closeSession(session, sessionFactory);
  catch (RuntimeException ex) {
logger.error(Unexpected exception on closing Hibernate
Session, ex);
else {
  // deferred close mode

On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 11:00 -0400, David Smith wrote:
 So what does the first filter do? Does it do anything with the response 
 before chaining to the second one?
 Dan Adams wrote:
  So every once in a while when you make a request to the server you won't
  get anything back and the log will show that one of the filters
  complained that response is already committed. So I restarted tomcat
  with the jpda debugger on, fired up my debugger in eclipse, and set a
  breakpoint at the place in the filter where this message is printed.
  My app has 2 filters right now and the breakpoint is in the second
  filter. So when I hit the breakpoint I went down in the stack trace to
  the point at which tomcat calls doFilter on the first filter in the
  filter chain. At that point is the stack, response.isCommitted()
  evaluates to 'true'(!?). Exploring the objects the response shows that
  the headers written so far are:
  Transfer-Encoding = chunked
  Date = Fri, 06 Oct 2006 14:33:33 GMT
  and contentLength == -1.
  Why would the response be committed before even getting to any of the
  code in my application? Even suggestions on what to investigate further
  would be help at this point. Thanks in advance.

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Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

To start a new topic, e-mail: users

Re: Response committed before getting to the filters

2006-10-06 Thread Dan Adams
So I set a conditional breakpoint for response.isCommitted() all the way
down in CoyoteAdapter.service() (called by Http11Processor.process())
and the response was committed at that point when this happened. Here is
the source where the breakpoint was:

// Parse and set Catalina and configuration specific 
// request parameters
if ( postParseRequest(req, request, res, response) ) {
// Calling the container


I'm going to try to go ever further down and see if there is a point at
which it isn't committed.

On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 10:51 -0400, Dan Adams wrote:
 So every once in a while when you make a request to the server you won't
 get anything back and the log will show that one of the filters
 complained that response is already committed. So I restarted tomcat
 with the jpda debugger on, fired up my debugger in eclipse, and set a
 breakpoint at the place in the filter where this message is printed.
 My app has 2 filters right now and the breakpoint is in the second
 filter. So when I hit the breakpoint I went down in the stack trace to
 the point at which tomcat calls doFilter on the first filter in the
 filter chain. At that point is the stack, response.isCommitted()
 evaluates to 'true'(!?). Exploring the objects the response shows that
 the headers written so far are:
 Transfer-Encoding = chunked
 Date = Fri, 06 Oct 2006 14:33:33 GMT
 and contentLength == -1.
 Why would the response be committed before even getting to any of the
 code in my application? Even suggestions on what to investigate further
 would be help at this point. Thanks in advance.
Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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Resolved: Response committed before getting to the filters

2006-10-06 Thread Dan Adams
Thankfully (and shamefully) it did in fact turn out to be something on
our end. Basically there was object that had a reference to the response
output stream that would close the stream when it was getting garbage
collected which had as a side effect that tomcat would set the response
that owned the stream as being committed already. Thanks for the help.

Lesson learned: double check that streams are closed correctly.

On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 12:33 -0400, Dan Adams wrote:
 So I set a conditional breakpoint for response.isCommitted() all the way
 down in CoyoteAdapter.service() (called by Http11Processor.process())
 and the response was committed at that point when this happened. Here is
 the source where the breakpoint was:
 // Parse and set Catalina and configuration specific 
 // request parameters
 if ( postParseRequest(req, request, res, response) ) {
 // Calling the container
 I'm going to try to go ever further down and see if there is a point at
 which it isn't committed.
 On Fri, 2006-10-06 at 10:51 -0400, Dan Adams wrote:
  So every once in a while when you make a request to the server you won't
  get anything back and the log will show that one of the filters
  complained that response is already committed. So I restarted tomcat
  with the jpda debugger on, fired up my debugger in eclipse, and set a
  breakpoint at the place in the filter where this message is printed.
  My app has 2 filters right now and the breakpoint is in the second
  filter. So when I hit the breakpoint I went down in the stack trace to
  the point at which tomcat calls doFilter on the first filter in the
  filter chain. At that point is the stack, response.isCommitted()
  evaluates to 'true'(!?). Exploring the objects the response shows that
  the headers written so far are:
  Transfer-Encoding = chunked
  Date = Fri, 06 Oct 2006 14:33:33 GMT
  and contentLength == -1.
  Why would the response be committed before even getting to any of the
  code in my application? Even suggestions on what to investigate further
  would be help at this point. Thanks in advance.
Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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tomcat not passing resources to my filters

2006-10-05 Thread Dan Adams
Okay, I just set up a new tomcat with the latest version (5.5.20). My
webapp is using urlrewritefilter. Whenever I request a url the filter
will output what it's doing to the log even if it doesn't end up doing
anything with a url. 

I've got this down to a base test case and what's happening is that if I
request a url that does not end in .html then urlrewritefilter is called
during the request and can do it's thing. But if the file ends .html
then tomcat serves up the file as-is and the filter never even gets
called. Is this something new? This seems to be something that has
changed since 5.5.17 because it didn't do this then. Anyone have any

Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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Response already committed

2006-10-03 Thread Dan Adams
I'm getting a problem that appears to occur randomly. If I request the
same page in my webapp over and over most of the time it will come up
fine but sometimes tomcat won't return anything and I'll get a blank
page and this error in the log:

Oct 3, 2006 4:20:22 PM org.apache.jk.core.MsgContext action
INFO: Response already committed

It also happens for static files like stylesheets so sometimes you will
request a page and then the styles won't get loaded. Anyone have any
clues as to what this could be? I'm googling around and looking through
my tomcat book but haven't found an answer yet. I'm using tomcat 5.5
with the mod_jk connector and apache 2. Here is my server.xml:

Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer
Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
   description=User database that can be updated and saved
  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /
  Service name=Catalina
Connector port=8080 /

!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8029 --
Connector port=8029
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
protocol=AJP/1.3 /

!-- Define the top level container in our container hierarchy --
Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm
  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm /
  Host name=localhost appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true
autoDeploy=true /

  !-- Define the default virtual host
   Note: XML Schema validation will not work with Xerces 2.2.

  Host name=domain.company.com appBase=hosts/domain debug=0
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=false
Context path= docBase=. /




Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

To start a new topic, e-mail: users@tomcat.apache.org
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RE: Response already committed

2006-10-03 Thread Dan Adams
Hmm, I don't think that is the culprit. I think all of our stuff is
thread safe. We're using a framework (Tapestry) which shields us from
threading issues like that and prevents us from storing request stuff in
the session. Also, if that were the case would that cause problems when
loading static files? I don't think so.

Also, we are using a filter which when it tries to do a redirect will
throw an error complaining about this so this happens way before our app
ever gets to do anything:

ERROR: response is comitted cannot forward (this is a very strange
problem!, check you haven't done anything to the response (ie, written
to it) before here

On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 15:39 -0500, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
  From: Dan Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: Response already committed
  I'm getting a problem that appears to occur randomly. If I request the
  same page in my webapp over and over most of the time it will come up
  fine but sometimes tomcat won't return anything and I'll get a blank
  page and this error in the log:
  Oct 3, 2006 4:20:22 PM org.apache.jk.core.MsgContext action
  INFO: Response already committed
 Any chance that the logic in your servlet is not thread-safe?
 Repeatedly submitting requests could get more than one going at the same
 time, causing improperly scoped variables to be overwritten.  For
 example, is request-specific data being stored in the session?
  - Chuck
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Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

To start a new topic, e-mail: users@tomcat.apache.org
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duplicate deploy with virtual hosts

2006-03-07 Thread Dan Adams
Okay, I have a working configuration with 2 virtual hosts but I would
like to have tomcat extract the wars automatically without
auto-deploying them to their own webapps because this causes my
applications to get launched twice each. I tried setting
unpackWARs=true and deployOnStartup=false but then my apps don't get
extracted. Any help would really be appreciated.

Dan Adams
Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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mod_jk and url encoding

2005-11-15 Thread Dan Adams
Okay, i'm using tomcat 5.5 and mod_jk with apache 2. It looks like I've
got jk set up okay for the most part. I'm able to use the site as I did
before switching to mod_jk except for one thing. When I try to access
the following url I got a 404 from apache and tomcat never gets a chance
to touch the url (I have a request dump valve in there dumping all


now the problem is the %2F. If I replace that with a / like this it
works fine:


I even tried adding JkOptions +ForwardUIREscaped to my httpd.conf with
no luck. Any ideas on why this is not making it to tomcat when %2F is
used?? I am really befuddled with this one.

Dan Adams
Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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Re: mod_jk and url encoding

2005-11-15 Thread Dan Adams
got it. needed AllowEncodedSlashes On.

On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 14:35 -0500, Dan Adams wrote:
 Okay, i'm using tomcat 5.5 and mod_jk with apache 2. It looks like I've
 got jk set up okay for the most part. I'm able to use the site as I did
 before switching to mod_jk except for one thing. When I try to access
 the following url I got a 404 from apache and tomcat never gets a chance
 to touch the url (I have a request dump valve in there dumping all
 now the problem is the %2F. If I replace that with a / like this it
 works fine:
 I even tried adding JkOptions +ForwardUIREscaped to my httpd.conf with
 no luck. Any ideas on why this is not making it to tomcat when %2F is
 used?? I am really befuddled with this one.
Dan Adams
Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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