Re: Ignore duplicate HTTP headers in Tomcat 8.5.50-0+deb9u1

2020-01-07 Thread Dennis Rech

Dear Mark,

thanks a lot for your effort and your feedback.

Am 07.01.20 um 10:36 schrieb Mark Thomas:

On 07/01/2020 07:10, Dennis Rech wrote:

POST /foo HTTP/1.1
POST /foo HTTP/1.1
Content-[stuff] [...]

First two lines are OK.

The third line is going to be treated as an HTTP header. It is invalid
and Tomcat will reject it with a 400 response but you can tell Tomcat to
just ignore the invalid header with rejectIllegalHeaderName="false" on
the Connector.

I already tried the connector option in server.xml and also saw in the 
documentation the


option should be on "false" even as default.

The problem is going to be the second Host header.

The second "Host" part is still a problem, you're right.

We have just tried putting nginx as a proxy before the tomcat8 instance 
and it has intercepted the malformed request fine at least it has not 
rejected the request with HTTP response code 400.

RFC 7230 states:

A server MUST respond with a 400 (Bad Request) status code to any
HTTP/1.1 request message that lacks a Host header field and to any
request message that contains more than one Host header field or a
Host header field with an invalid field-value.

Any spec compliant server is almost certainly going to reject that
request. I guess a server might provide a hook for request modification
prior to rejection to allow the "fixing" of known invalid requests but
I'm not aware of any that do - at least not without going down the
writing a custom module route.

If we made Http11Processor.prepareRequest() protected then it would be
fairly simple to write a custom Processor that:
- extended Http11Processor
- overrode prepareRequest() to
   a) remove the duplicate Host header
   b) call super.prepareRequest()

I could provide one for you if you weren't comfortable doing that
yourself). However, even if we made the change now (which I'm happy to
do if you think it would be useful) it will take a while to filter
through to the Debian distribution.

There are several variations on this theme. One could write a custom
Processor for 8.5.50 that did the same thing - it would just be rather
more involved as one would have to copy rather more code from

We will see if the nginx workaround is sufficient :-). Otherwise we will 
take into consideration your suggestion.

Thanks again.



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Re: Ignore duplicate HTTP headers in Tomcat 8.5.50-0+deb9u1

2020-01-06 Thread Dennis Rech

Hi Christopher,

Am 06.01.20 um 17:39 schrieb Christopher Schultz:

Hash: SHA256


On 1/6/20 07:09, Dennis Rech wrote:

we have an application where HTTP clients have a kind of unclean
way of submitting HTTP POST requests to our tomcat server for data
upload: The |POST| and |Host: xxx| part appears twice in the

Yuck. You mean like this?

POST /foo HTTP/1.1
POST /foo HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-url-encoded
Content-Length: 13

q=Hello World


No, rather like that:

POST /foo HTTP/1.1
POST /foo HTTP/1.1
Content-[stuff] [...]

Until now this didn't cause any problems with tomcat, but since
the latest release, Tomcat refuses to accept this message and
returns a 400 bad request immediately.

Having two "host" headers should be okay. But repeating the request
line is a clear violation of the HTTP spec that will be difficult to
get over. I can't believe Tomcat ever allowed that, though it may have
done so.
I read in the changelog that since Tomcat 8.5.22 it will also reply with 
Bad request 400 if there are two Host fields in the header. But I guess 
the double "POST" is even worse.

Unfortunately we'll not be able to change the client-side code. Is
there any way to tell the tomcat connector "ignore duplicate
headers" or so to make it work again? I guess the rewrite filters
for tomcat won't help as tomcat probably discards the incoming
message before handing it over to rewrite.

Tomcat is responsible for reading the request line and routing the
request to an application. If the request is broken badly enough, it
won't be able to route.

Headers are parsed as a part of that, and:

POST /foo HTTP/1.1

is not a valid header for at least two reasons:

1. There is no : character (required, even when the header has no value)
2. There are spaces in the "name" (the name is everything before colon )
Well, "POST"... is the actual request followed by the HTTP headers. POST 
is not part of the actual header. Maybe I haven't pointed that out.

Example request:

|POST /data/upload/test HTTP/1.1 Host: POST
/data/upload/test HTTP/1.1 Host: [ of
the request is ok...] |

This got word-wrapped. Was this?

Yes I copied it from a formatted document, the pipes probably indicate 
that this text was preformatted in the original document, sorry. Also 
the newlines are missing.

POST /data/upload/test HTTP/1.1
POST/data/upload/test HTTP/1.1
[ comes the remaining header with Content-Length etc followed by the 

POST /data/upload/test HTTP/1.1 Host: POST
/data/upload/test HTTP/1.1 Host: [ of the
request is ok...]


Yikes. What kind of client is this?
It's a remote unit transmitting data to a server using POST file uploads 
with - obviously - a little bug in the firmware that builds the HTTP 
request manually as there is no curl library for the unit etc. which can 
be used to generate the requests.

I wonder if there is a parameter for the |Connector| part in
server.xml or so to workaround this problem and restore the old
behaviour without downgrading.

The good news is that the second POST could theoretically be
considered to be a "broken" header and ignored. But Tomcat has been
getting progressively more strict about what it will accept. There are
all kinds of nasty ways to use malformed messages like this to confuse
environments where e.g. a reverse-proxy and the origin server behave
differently when they see requests like those above. It's better to
just fail and fix the software. Why can't you fix the clients? Is this
another case of internet-of-things garbage that can't practically be

Something like that. The devices could be updated in theory but probably 
not over-the-air and many of them are already deployed somewhere in the 
"wild" so we don't have physical access to them anymore. Unfortunately 
we did not notice that in the past as tomcat always accepted these 
requests until the latest update for debian came out.

I totally agree that the best solution would be to let those devices 
send proper HTTP protocol but I guess we'll have to find a workaround on 

- -chris
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Ignore duplicate HTTP headers in Tomcat 8.5.50-0+deb9u1

2020-01-06 Thread Dennis Rech

Hi and happy new year,

we have an application where HTTP clients have a kind of unclean way of 
submitting HTTP POST requests to our tomcat server for data upload: The 
|POST| and |Host: xxx| part appears twice in the request.

Until now this didn't cause any problems with tomcat, but since the 
latest release, Tomcat refuses to accept this message and returns a 400 
bad request immediately.

Unfortunately we'll not be able to change the client-side code. Is there 
any way to tell the tomcat connector "ignore duplicate headers" or so to 
make it work again? I guess the rewrite filters for tomcat won't help as 
tomcat probably discards the incoming message before handing it over to 

Example request:

|POST /data/upload/test HTTP/1.1 Host: POST 
/data/upload/test HTTP/1.1 Host: [ of the 
request is ok...] |

I wonder if there is a parameter for the |Connector| part in server.xml 
or so to workaround this problem and restore the old behaviour without 



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