Re: (newbie) Why tomcat needs network on startup?

2007-04-25 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

It doesn't need network connectivity (at least not as far as i know). Most
developers use it within a localhost setting. If you're on windows and
you're getting a prompt about a process wanting to open a port, that is just
a network security issue, it doesn't mean tomcat requires internet access.


Why does Tomcat need network connectivity on startup. Can't I use it on a
machine that is not connected on the network (localhost)?

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Re: Who do I have to pay (and how much) to...

2007-03-21 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

You can use mod_jk (Tomcat connector) with apache to do virtual hosting.
As for who to pay? Well the mailing list is for technical help not

On 3/21/07, Christopher Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1


Matthew wrote:
 ...get an answer to the following:

 For Tomcat 5.5.20, how do I configure virtual hosts using a context.xml
 file in the META-INF directory (of each domain's .war file) as opposed
 to having to do the following in server.xml

 Host appBase= .
Context path= docBase=webapps/domain/

You cannot configure virtual hosts in context.xml files.

If you want to do this, you'll probably have to write a ton of code to
make Tomcat work in a different way and install that into the server's
libraries. It's far easier to configure virtual hosts using the
configuration the way it was intended.

- -chris

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Re: creating user url...

2007-03-17 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

You can create directories using the package. Unless you're going to
store a lot of per company info like images and such, using the getPathInfo
is the better solution. Even if you want to store per company data, you can
store all such files in one directory with ids stored in a database. So for
instance if you want to store logo.png for each company, you'll have a
directory called logo and a database table called logo with company id as
a key and logo id as another column. Then you can use the logo id as part of
the file name.

On 3/17/07, kace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

thanks Edmond, ill google for getPathInfo().  Can the directory for each
company be created on the fly?

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Re: creating user url...

2007-03-16 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

I have never implemented such a solution but I know a lot of sites have
similar setup. There are two ways you could do it, one would be to create a
directory for each company and then drop an index.jsp file in there . A
second and perhaps better solution would be to get the path info of the
request from javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getPathInfo().

so in essence whenever a request comes to your servlet, getPathInfo would
extract the part that has the company name. Google to get further info.

On 3/16/07, kace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi fellas,

I am looking to develop the following and would be grateful if anyone can
offer any assistance as to how I can make it happen - what do i have to
up on etc.  ive developed my app in jsf/hibernate and spring and i have
still to work out.

I would like to give users access  from their own url e.g. which should be set automatically upon
registration (if that is possible).   Would be hosting on tomcat.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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Re: Newbie..localhost works but not IP

2007-03-16 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

if you're trying to access tomcat running on your pc via the internet you'll
need to open ports on your router. If both PCs are behind the same router
then you should be able to type in your IP and get tomcat. In any case, you
should try google for help with networking, the mailing list is for tomcat

On 3/16/07, anna24 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi I am total tomcat Newbie..I tried a lot to search for an effective
solution for this problem but could not find the solution:

I have installed Tomcat 6 on my Windows Xp machine. http://localhost:8080/
works. When I enter http://[myIPaddress]:8080/ from my machine this too
works. But when I enter http://[myIPaddress]:8080/ from a different
I not able to see the Tomcat homepage. Please provide me a few pointers on
this issue.

Thanks a lot,
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Re: DWR using WAN vs LAN

2007-03-03 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

You may want to limit your question to one topic at a time. I've read
through your post and it is difficult to tell what your real problem is. The
networking issue, I assume you've already been informed, doesn't belong to
the mailing list. Tomcat/Apache/PHP can all work together depending on how
you send up your application. Apache's mod_jk is how you make Apache and
tomcat work together.  If you create an app that uses both Tomcat(jsp) and
PHP then you'll have to manage two separate sessions, though that shouldn't
be terribly difficult to do. Tomcat is configured to run on 8080 by default
you can change that to 80 by editing the server.xml file. All http traffic
that doesn't specify a port automatically go to 80. To access your computer
from the Internet you'll need to first open the port on your router or
remove the computer you want to access from the router's DMZ (not
recommended). Make sure you use your actual IP which you can determine by
typing what's my IP   on google and following the first link.

Hope this helps.

On 3/3/07, Wayne Bragg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Chuck, I can't begin to thank you enough for you reply. I know some of
these questions are borderline inappropriate for this mailing-list subject
but they, at least loosely, apply. My newbism is defiantly showing.

First, the idiot I am I didn't realize port 80 was 80 and 8080 was 8080. I
thought they somehow referred to the same port, du! That explains allot of
my confusion!

With that said

What happens if you try http://wan-ip:8080/chat-demo?  Without the port
number, you're sending the URL to something other than Tomcat that's
listening on port 80.

this is where the confusion starts.

Your telling me to send the URL to
but then you say
you're sending the URL to something other than Tomcat that's listening on
port 80
Here I go getting confused again, what is it 80 or 8080? Or was that just
a slip on your part? I'm going to assume the latter unless you tell me

Either way, I get page not found if I use anything other than
http://localhost:8080/chat-demo which works perfectly or I can get to it
at least run the page with  http://wan-ip/chat-demo because I have an
Alias /chat-demo in Apache config serving on port 80, but that's when I
get the Chat is not defined error.

I though maybe my provider was blocking port 8080 so I even tried
http://localhost:7077/chat-demo which my router is redirecting to 8080.
That is what I have to do for Apache and that's what I was talking about
when I said
 A couple of things worth noting. I'm pretty sure my (cable)
 access provider is blocking 80 so I am forwarding ext. 7075
ext. =  web browser pointing to port 7075 and
 to int. 80 with Apache still running on 80.
int = router redirect to port 80.
I was referring to my router redirecting port 7075 to port 80.

So if I am understanding this correctly I am not getting through to the
Tomcat server from the WAN. I also can't get through to Tomcat using
I can only get through using localhost:8080. I checked XP firewall and
have 7077 port (redirected to 8080) opened. Any idea why I cant get to it?

script type='text/javascript' src='/chat-demo/dwr/engine.js'/script
script type='text/javascript'
script type='text/javascript' src='/chat-demo/dwr/util.js'/script
 Also, where are these files?
They're part of the app, nothing to do with Tomcat itself.

I realize that they are part of the app. This question was because I
though maybe something to do with the paths to them was causing the error.
That's because I am not to familiar (yet) with the file/directory
structure regarding Tomcat apps directory and was able to find
script type='text/javascript' src='/chat-demo/dwr/engine.js'/script
script type='text/javascript' src='/chat-demo/dwr/util.js'/script
but not
script type='text/javascript'
which is why I said
If they are in the dwr.jar file then I am beginning to understand the
except the  src='/chat-demo/dwr/interface/Chat.js' file isn't in that
If it is in the chat.class file then I think I am really beginning to
understand the organization.

If this is correct then it still leads me back to I'm not getting through
to Tomcat from WAN or for some reason using my computer-name either.

 My Configuration:
 Windows XP Pro Web[Developer] Server Suite 1.94
 standard installation
 ASP,MYSQL,PHP (not cgi) and Tomcat5
 All are working correctly.

If that were really true, would you be asking questions here?

What I meant is they are all working correctly independently so to speak.
They may even be working perfectly but not configured correctly to allow
PHP, MySQL, ASP and Java to work on the same page at the same time which is
what I am ultimately trying to accomplish.

Is it your router doing the forwarding?  If so, external users will need
to append
:7075 to the host name or IP 

Re: Get rid of 8080 port in Tomcat 3.3

2007-02-21 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

80 is a privileged port on *nix systems, you'll need to run tomcat as root
(generally not recommended). May I ask why you're still running tomcat circa
version 3?

On 2/21/07, Frank Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


We're still running 3.3.1 – We'd like to get rid of specifying the port
in the http request like HYPERLINK and have it
default to 80 (HYPERLINK;
only) but could not find any way. I tried to define port=80 in server.xml
but tomcat threw exceptions. If you know a way, could you help ?

Thanks in advance,

Frank Nguyen

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Re: shut out IP-adresses / subnets

2007-01-16 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

You can implement a filter to check all request to your app before
processing. But if you don't want an IP address to access your app then I
assume you don't want that IP address accessing anything on the OS you're
running. If you have access to the OS running your app in this case it
better to use a firewall like iptables to block the forbidden addresses.


Hello list,

I'm unsing Tomcat 5.5 in a intranet environment. Is it possible to shut
special IP adresses or subnets by Tomcat configuration? A Address
on this 'blacklist' should not get ANY response from Tomcat.
Is this possible and if, how?


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Re: Garbace Collection executes 1GB but HEAP Size at 1.5GB!

2007-01-10 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

use visualGC, you'll see that there are various generations of objects
depending on the expected lifetime of those objects. The GC would run on
those regularly even if all your allocated memory hasn't been utilized. If
you have an app that uses lots of memory or that has a memory leak (which I
have had to debug in the past and it is no fun), then you'll see the GC run
when the tenure space is full, the tenure space GCing represents major GC

On 1/10/07, Suresh babu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Just for your information ..

Memmory is divided in young and old generation as object life increasing
will occupy space i old generation,

Please refer SUN JVM documentation.

GC will keep happening once the memmory (Young generation )reached

Young generation again divided in to survivor 0 and survivor 1 spaces.
When a object is created it keeps allocating in survivor spaces
Two types of GC:

Mini GC : Cleaning only with in young generation
Full GC: If all objects present in young generation are alive so cleaning
happens in old generation hence will become FUll GC

Following is the info I have sent a mail to some person (It may be

Setting heap size to -Xms256   -Xmx1024 will allocate memmory intially to
256 MB and keeps expanding as  allocating more objects up to 1024.
My recomendation to you is as mentioned in previos mail set heap size to
-Xms1536 -Xmx1536 and verify it.

But Do not increase heap size blindly to greater values which may lead to
performance issue(Pause times may become more to clean GC).

try the heap settings and let me know, If still problem is there just send
the verbose output and log file.


On 1/10/07, starki78 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi I'm profiling my application with -verboseGC.
 My maximum heap-size is
 XMS is 1.5GB but the garbage collection always is executed
 when about 1GB is reached.
 Why is it so early?
 Is there anything to control this?
 I'm using Sun 1.4.2

 Thanks and nice greetings

 Passa a Infostrada. ADSL e Telefono senza limiti e senza canone Telecom

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Suresh Babu,
Software Engineer,
Computer Associates-India

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Re: How to forcibly close abandoned database connections?

2007-01-10 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

It is possible that whatever procedure is responsible for checking for
abandoned connections only does so when there is actual need for a
connection, similar to how a garbage collector works to reclaim memory. If
there is no seeming stress on the connection resources then it would make
sense not to jump the gun to look for and recycle abandoned connections. Of
course I don't know if that is what is happening, but I suspect it might be.

On 1/10/07, David Uctaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Perhaps I was unclear what it is I'm trying to do.  I have a
connection pool set up under Tomcat 5.5, connecting to DB2 on an
iSeries box using Tomcat's DBCP.  It is set up for 30 connections.  I
am using Lambda Probe (a great open source Tomcat monitoring app) to
monitor the datasources.  It is showing, let's say, that there are a
max of 30 connections allowed, that 11 have been established, and 9
are busy.  I know that these 9 are due to a connection pool leak bug
that was corrected (but not yet deployed), so even though the
application has gone idle and no one is using it, the connections
remain busy indefinitely.  I have enabled removeAbandoned in my
server.xml, but according to the Tomcat docs, abandoned connections
are only recycled if there is a need for them, due to the number of
available datasources getting low.  The number of available
datasources are not yet low, so these orphaned connections are still
being reported as busy.  I'm a little bit anal with regard to
keeping things kinda clean on the server, so I would like to have
these abandoned connections no longer reported as busy once they are
orphaned.  Is there a way to find and recycle abandoned connections


On 1/8/07, David Uctaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tomcat provides the removeAbandoned and removeAbandonedTimeout
 parameters when setting up data sources in server.xml.  But according
 to the documentation I've read, abandoned connections only get closed
 and recycled when available connections run low and new connections
 are requested.

 Is there a way for me to forcibly close/release abandoned connections
 on the server from a privileged application running on the same

 BTW, I'm running Tomcat 5.5 on a Windows 2003 box, running against DB2
 on an iSeries box (jt400 for the JDBC driver), using Tomcat's DBCP for
 the pooling.


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Re: Standards Complaint Browser Campaign

2007-01-08 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Web developers aren't suppose to be supporting browsers!!

On 1/8/07, Nelson, Tracy M. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

| From: Pierre Goupil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Saturday, 06 January, 2007 10:18
| Does anyone know about Tomcat's generated HTML standards compliance ? In
| developpement, I'm using Firefox  Konqueror, but in production they
| be
| using IE, so... Can it be that I run into problems ?

Um, is there some reason you aren't using the same browser in development
that they'll be using in production?  If not, you're just opening yourself
up for a world of hurt.  I would think it would be difficult to explain to
your boss why you have to do some emergency bug-fixing at the 11th hour
because you didn't test with the same browser that you *knew* they'd be
using in production.

Don't get me wrong, I use FF for all my development, but as soon as I
a feature the first thing I do is make sure it works correctly on IE.
There's just no excuse for not supporting the browser that dominates the
market (even if you have to use hacks or exceptions).


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Standards Complaint Browser Campaign

2007-01-05 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Hi Guys

Sorry about the off-topic posting but I thought the mailing list consist of
the audience for this campaign. A campaign has been launch to try to
encourage web developers and webmasters from using IE hacks to obscure the
browsers shortcomings. Please read the appeal from the  address below and
pass the message along to other mailing lists you may be a subscriber to, if
you wish to help.

talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Moving Tomcat

2007-01-03 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

First I'll suggest you backup your entire server, it is possible for
instance if your server is running Linux that the webapps folder only
contain the links to the actual webapp folders residing somewhere else on
the filesystem..So again BACKUP before doing anything. About a month ago
someone on this mailing list in your position deleted stuff on a server they
were managing, I have the feeling they don't have a job anymore.

On 1/3/07, Steve Ingraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a website running with jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.  The server this
website resides on is going to have to be rebuilt so I am needing to
move everything off of it onto another server.  I know very little about
tomcat, ok, I really know nothing about tomcat.  This website was
created before I started managing this network so I was not involved in
its construction.  My question is this.  I believe that all of the
content for the webpage(s) reside in
/usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps.  If I copy everything from
/usr/local/src from the old server onto the new server will this capture
everything needed for the website?  Is there anything else I need to
know about or that needs moved in order for the website to be accessible
from the new server?

Any information would be appreciated.


talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Moving Tomcat

2007-01-03 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Hmm Interesting, the person was from Oklahoma Court, is that you again?


First I'll suggest you backup your entire server, it is possible for
instance if your server is running Linux that the webapps folder only
contain the links to the actual webapp folders residing somewhere else on
the filesystem..So again BACKUP before doing anything. About a month ago
someone on this mailing list in your position deleted stuff on a server they
were managing, I have the feeling they don't have a job anymore.

On 1/3/07, Steve Ingraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a website running with jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.  The server this
 website resides on is going to have to be rebuilt so I am needing to
 move everything off of it onto another server.  I know very little about
 tomcat, ok, I really know nothing about tomcat.  This website was
 created before I started managing this network so I was not involved in
 its construction.  My question is this.  I believe that all of the
 content for the webpage(s) reside in
 /usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 /webapps.  If I copy everything from
 /usr/local/src from the old server onto the new server will this capture
 everything needed for the website?  Is there anything else I need to
 know about or that needs moved in order for the website to be accessible

 from the new server?

 Any information would be appreciated.


talk trash and carry a small stick.

talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Moving Tomcat

2007-01-03 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

If your running fedora/redhat, it usually creates many symlinks and places
the actual files into different folders. The only reason this is done I
think is for flexibility. For instance with the server running my site now,
I have my webapp in a different home directory and created a symlink called
ROOT to point to my webapp. This allows my app to become the deault app
without having to do anything else. If you have ssh server running, I'll be
willing to login to your machine to provide some guidiance. Currently I use
not much more than but nautilus to administer my server.

On 1/3/07, Steve Ingraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 . I am looking to copy everything in the /usr/local/src
 So far I have not been able to see where anything associated with our

 website resides outside the /src directory.  So, if that turns out to

 be the case could I be confident that everything for the website
 resides inside the /usr/local/src directory?

The running instance of Tomcat indicates that it's in
/usr/local/tomcat, not /usr/local/src/...


There is a link in /usr/local for tomcat that directs to
/usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9.  Is it important to have the
tomcat link set up this same way on the new server?  Is there a
specific reason why it would have been set up this way?

 Mikolaj also mentioned JRE/JDK.  Hassan mentioned that there could be

 a startup script in /etc/init.d that may nave information on where
 JRE/JDK is.  There is not a startup script.  I have to manually
 startup tomcat whenever this server is rebooted.

That's, mmm, wierd. And awkward. :-) Is that a policy thing, or just
something no one's ever fixed?

It is not a policy issue.  I believe it is something no one setup.
Since I am the local tomcat novice I have not done anything about it
either.  I just have to remember to manually start tomcat when I reboot
the server (which I have had occasion to forget to do before).

 What is the /usr/local/java/. . . referring to?  Is this needed for

 the website?

Absolutely; that's the JDK referred to above. `java -version` will tell
you which one; if it's 1.5.something you may want to just download and
install the latest 1.5.x, rather than just copy.

Ok, well that resides in /usr/java/jdk-1.5.0.  Where can I download a
new version?  Is the download straightforward for a novice like me?  Or
do I need to read up on a thing or two before downloading?  The machine
I am attempting to move this to is running CentOS 4.0.


Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Moving Tomcat

2007-01-03 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

If you have the second server setup then you can install tomcat and copy the
webapps folder over and see what happens. Once you start getting errors from
the new server then you can troubleshoot until everything is fixed. It will
be difficult to know if everything will work without testing. So I'll
suggest to build the new server first, unless of course you'll be using the
same hardware then you can't do that.

On 1/3/07, Steve Ingraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is the website in question:

You can't tell where things are by looking from the outside; the URLs
used to access the web site can be easily mapped to various locations
in the file system by servlet-mappings, appBase and docBase attributes,
filters, symbolic links, etc.  A well-designed and well-managed web
site will have such things documented, but unfortunately many just seem
to evolve.

Ok, I understand what you are saying about not seeing the location from
the outside.  However, am I wrong in thinking that I can track down the
location if I know where everything is residing?  For example, if I
click on the judges for retention link on the left side of the main
webpage the browser is directed to an address of:

I know that the online directory resides in the
/usr/local/src/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps/ directory and therefore the
JudgeVote.2006.jsp file should be in that online directory.  When I
navigate to that directory on the server I can see that file.
Therefore, I have been looking at each page/link in this manner.  I look
at the address location in the web browser and then navigating to the
appropriate directory in the /usr/local/src/. . . directory I believe it
is on the server to verify that the file in question is there.  So far
this has worked in showing me the exact directory location for each
page/link I have looked at.  Is this a legitimate way to go about this
or am I going to overlook something in using this method?

As far as your comment about documentation, I am afraid I have not come
across any documentation detailing any of the website design.

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Not quite a tomcat question

2006-12-30 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Happy New Year All.

Does anyone use sessions to temporarily hold confirmation codes for user
registrations? I have a setup where when the user registers a random
confirmation code is generated and appended to a url which is emailed to the
user. The user's registration data is stored in a session with the
confirmation code as the key. When they click the confirmation link, the
code is used to retrieve the registration information and the registration
is done. Some users are having trouble because it seems they're encountering
invalidated sessions. I know if  the registrations is done in one browser
and the link (outlook will open IE) opens up a different browser that would
lead to the creation of a different session which obviously wouldn't have
the registration data. I have seen implementations that enter the
confirmation directly into the database but I don't want to do that since it
would mean writing more code to check who's account is activated and who's
hasn't, and also might lead to garbage in the database of users who never
activated their accounts...Any suggestions?

talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Help Me on Servlet in Tomcat 5.0

2006-12-28 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Try this link, they have some good tutorials:

On 12/28/06, athula bogoda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

Can any body give me guidence to run my first servlet
on Tomcat 5.0.
This is my file...

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println(titleHello World!/title);
out.println(h1Hello World!/h1);


I compiled it(windows environment). But confused where
should i should put it and run on my local machine
typing http://localhost/

I go through several tutorials.But could not able to
success.If any one can help me it would be agreat


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talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: 404 error when a newly created file is requested

2006-12-15 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

I ran into a similar problem in trying to serve static content with tomcat,
tomcat had trouble retrieving dynamically created content unless it was
already in the webapp at start, at least that was my experience. Since
you're trying to create a jsp, why don't you create one jsp and pass it your
preview data, then return that to the user. Even if tomcat could serve newly
created jsp, i don't see why you'll create a .jsp page every time the user
hits a preview button, one jsp should do. Also you may want to look into
autoDeploy etc.. config properties, there are options you can enable to make
tomcat notice changes in servlet code (including jsp), I am not sure they
apply to newly added JSPs.

On 12/15/06, Carl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Environment:  Tomcat 5.5.17, Windows XP

Background:  I have a jsp page that contains a javascript rich text editor
that I use to create snippets of HTML code that are stored in a database and
later displayed on other pages.  Since the snippets can contain some custom
tags, I have a 'Preview' button that reads the snippet directly from the
editor, reads a 'preview' jsp file from the file system, places the snippet
in the correct place in the file, writes the 'preview' file with the snippet
to a temporary file and opens a new window (using javascript) which requests
the temporary page from Tomcat.

Problem:  I can see the newly created temporary file in the file system.
I can open it with an editor and it is all good.  But, Tomcat returns a 404
error for approximately one minute and then will serve the page upon hitting
only the refresh.

Analysis:  I suspect the system is holding onto the newly written file
until it hits some timeout but I have tried everything I can think of to
make certain the file has been 'released'.  The relevent parts of the copy

try {

 File tempFile = File.createTempFile(preview, .jsp, new

// read the preview jsp
 FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(tempFile);

File infile = new File(destinationDir+preview.jsp);

if( infile.exists() )
FileReader fr = new FileReader(infile);

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fr);

String line = in.readLine();

if( line==null )

System.out.println(line +line );

// insert the text
if( line.contains(insert_preview_text) )
else {


   fw = null;
catch (FileNotFoundException fnf)
catch (Exception ex)

return returnFileName;
Anyone have any ideas?


Carl Kabbe

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Re: Servlet with POST Request

2006-12-15 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Assuming a client would be requesting data via your servlet, I don't believe
there is a limit. Your sevlet calls PrintWriter.write(..) and that
implements buffering that would flush onces the buffer is full.

On 12/15/06, Scott Carr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does a servlet require the use of a Content-Length for the Reader to be

I trying to use Tomcat instead of writing my own Socket Server.  I have
a set of lines that I am trying to parse, but I don't have any idea how
much is going to be sent up front.

It may be 1000Kb, or it may be several Megabytes worth of information,
and I want to read each line as they come in, and handle the request on
a line by line basis.

Any ideas on this?  ... Should I write my own socket server?


Scott Carr
Documentation Co-Lead

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Re: Host element question

2006-12-13 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

How do expect that it will resolve the name dev without DNS? you can try
using an IP address if you don't have DNS server.

On 12/13/06, Jim Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Every new install of Tomcat always has a Host name of localhost and
that is good.

If I do not have a DNS entry, can I create another Host and use a
name of something bogus? Something for me to play with on my local PC?

I tried something like this:
Host name=localhost appBase=webapps


  Host name=dev debug=0 appBase=devme
 unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
 Context path= docBase=
  debug=5 reloadable=true crossContext=true /


And if I hit http://localhost all is happy
But if I hit http://dev nothing pops up?



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talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Host element question

2006-12-13 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

nice to know that.

On 12/13/06, Hassan Schroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do expect that it will resolve the name dev without DNS?

DNS is not the only name resolution mechanism :-)

For desktop development use, just put all the alias hostnames you
want in your own /etc/hosts file (or for those stuck on Windows, in
something like c:\WINDOWS\system32\drrivers\etc\hosts).

An easy and convenient way to separate projects that each need
(or expect) their own ROOT context.

Hassan Schroeder  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Tomcat errors

2006-12-11 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

javax.servlet.ServletException: ServletException in
'/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property
attributes.datefield of bean oneCol

The above error means the bean oneCol doesn't have a getta method. you have
to declare a method of the sort getDateFieldif that problem was not
occurring before you made your move, then most likely you have mixed up the
versions of jar files or class filesUnfortunately it looks like you have
moved al ot of stuff so it is probably to possible to revert the changes.
Are you using struts? check View.jsp and make the bean oneCol has the
appropriate getDatefield...

On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need some assistance with a Tomcat application problem.  I have a
MySQL database that is accessed by users via web browser using
Apache-Tomcat 5.5.15.  Our system was designed and implemented specific
to our court by a person who is no longer working here.

Today Tomcat was failing when users attempted to log onto the database
to input new data.  As I began troubleshooting the problem I discovered
that /usr was 100% full (13 gigs).  I began looking at ways I can move
files off of /usr and did move several logs from
/usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps/occa/WEB-INF/logs.  I also
moved some files from /usr/src that appeared to be zip files.  There was
a directory /usr/local/src that had a file titled occa.war that I also
moved off of the /usr/ directory.  This is when I believe my problems
started.  After I moved that file no one could access any data on the
website even though we could access the database pages when we tried to
view a case an error message returned stating file not found.  I then
moved occa.war back to the /usr/local/src directory and we could
access the data again.  However, now there are several different types
of errors showing up when user try to view or input data.  There are
multiple error messages that are showing up depending on what the
individual user was attempting to do.  I know I am probably being much
too vague in my explanations but I don't know enough about Tomcat to
detail everything.  I would like to ask that if anyone can offer help I
would welcome any offers for assistance.  If I can explain in more
detail please let me know what information I need to provide.

Below is one of the messages that is displayed when a user attempts to
view one of the web pages.

HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented
it from fulfilling this request.


javax.servlet.ServletException: ServletException in
'/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property
attributes.datefield of bean oneCol



















root cause

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: ServletException in
'/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property
attributes.datefield of bean oneCol




Re: Tomcat errors

2006-12-11 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

For one, you playing with tomcat so I'll presume you're familiar with
JSP/Java/Servlet, your problem isn't tomcat, you Veiw.jsp is using an object
(oneCol) which is missing a getta method that is used for introspection.
Maybe there is a tag in the page that implicitly refereces the datefield
property, you need to find that reference and either find the right
class/jar file or recompile the oneCol bean class. Again this is a
java/jsp/servlet/struts programming issue, not tomcat.

On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This error was not occurring before.  I am afraid I am not familiar with
Tomcat enough to know the answers to your questions.  How do I check
View.jsp?  I have been trying to revert the changes back by placing the
files I moved back to where I thought they belonged.  Whatever I am
attempting to move back it is having no effect as I still am receiving
the errors I mentioned before.  I may have these files in the wrong
locations.  Is there a way that I can know which files should go where?
As I know very little about Tomcat my fear is that I may be causing more
damage if I make any other attempts to fix my mistakes.  I am not sure
now how I caused the damage already done nor how to correct it.

Steve Ingraham
Director of Information Services
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
405 522-5343

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:30 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat errors

javax.servlet.ServletException: ServletException in
'/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property
attributes.datefield of bean oneCol

The above error means the bean oneCol doesn't have a getta method. you
have to declare a method of the sort getDateFieldif that problem was
not occurring before you made your move, then most likely you have mixed
up the versions of jar files or class filesUnfortunately it looks
like you have moved al ot of stuff so it is probably to possible to
revert the changes. Are you using struts? check View.jsp and make the
bean oneCol has the appropriate getDatefield...

On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I need some assistance with a Tomcat application problem.  I have a
 MySQL database that is accessed by users via web browser using
 Apache-Tomcat 5.5.15.  Our system was designed and implemented
 specific to our court by a person who is no longer working here.

 Today Tomcat was failing when users attempted to log onto the database

 to input new data.  As I began troubleshooting the problem I
 discovered that /usr was 100% full (13 gigs).  I began looking at ways

 I can move files off of /usr and did move several logs from
 /usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps/occa/WEB-INF/logs.  I also

 moved some files from /usr/src that appeared to be zip files.  There
 was a directory /usr/local/src that had a file titled occa.war that
 I also moved off of the /usr/ directory.  This is when I believe my
 problems started.  After I moved that file no one could access any
 data on the website even though we could access the database pages
 when we tried to view a case an error message returned stating file
 not found.  I then moved occa.war back to the /usr/local/src
 directory and we could access the data again.  However, now there are
 several different types of errors showing up when user try to view or
 input data.  There are multiple error messages that are showing up
 depending on what the individual user was attempting to do.  I know I
 am probably being much too vague in my explanations but I don't know
 enough about Tomcat to detail everything.  I would like to ask that if

 anyone can offer help I would welcome any offers for assistance.  If I

 can explain in more detail please let me know what information I need
 to provide.

 Below is one of the messages that is displayed when a user attempts to

 view one of the web pages.

 HTTP Status 500 -


 type Exception report


 description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented

 it from fulfilling this request.


 javax.servlet.ServletException: ServletException in
 '/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property
 attributes.datefield of bean oneCol








Re: Tomcat errors

2006-12-11 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

whatever files you removed from : /usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15
you need to return...

On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you for your reply.  I am afraid I am not familiar with
JSP/Java/Servlet's at all.  I was playing with it only in the context
that I have a Linux RedHat server that had a /usr/ directory that was
full.  This caused a failure when our users attempted to access our
database via their web browsers.  In my exploration of the problem I
discovered /usr at 100% on the server.  So I attempted to free up space
by moving some log files from the apache-tomcat/logs directory.  I also
attempted to move some files from /usr/src and from
/usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps.  One of those files appears
to have caused a separate failure of our web access to certain aspects
of the database.  My appologies if I am asking the wrong group about
this problem.  If there is any information anyone has concerning java I
would welcome your input.  If you can direct me to a java list I will
ask there as well.

Steve Ingraham
Director of Information Services
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
405 522-5343

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:54 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat errors

For one, you playing with tomcat so I'll presume you're familiar with
JSP/Java/Servlet, your problem isn't tomcat, you Veiw.jsp is using an
(oneCol) which is missing a getta method that is used for introspection.
Maybe there is a tag in the page that implicitly refereces the datefield
property, you need to find that reference and either find the right
class/jar file or recompile the oneCol bean class. Again this is a
java/jsp/servlet/struts programming issue, not tomcat.

On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This error was not occurring before.  I am afraid I am not familiar
 with Tomcat enough to know the answers to your questions.  How do I
 check View.jsp?  I have been trying to revert the changes back by
 placing the files I moved back to where I thought they belonged.
 Whatever I am attempting to move back it is having no effect as I
 still am receiving the errors I mentioned before.  I may have these
 files in the wrong locations.  Is there a way that I can know which
 files should go where? As I know very little about Tomcat my fear is
 that I may be causing more damage if I make any other attempts to
 fix my mistakes.  I am not sure now how I caused the damage already
 done nor how to correct it.

 Steve Ingraham
 Director of Information Services
 Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals
 405 522-5343

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:30 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Tomcat errors

 javax.servlet.ServletException: ServletException in
 '/caser/extension/View.jsp': No getter method for property
 attributes.datefield of bean oneCol

 The above error means the bean oneCol doesn't have a getta method. you

 have to declare a method of the sort getDateFieldif that problem
 was not occurring before you made your move, then most likely you have

 mixed up the versions of jar files or class filesUnfortunately it
 looks like you have moved al ot of stuff so it is probably to possible

 to revert the changes. Are you using struts? check View.jsp and make
 the bean oneCol has the appropriate getDatefield...

 On 12/11/06, Steve Ingraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I need some assistance with a Tomcat application problem.  I have a
  MySQL database that is accessed by users via web browser using
  Apache-Tomcat 5.5.15.  Our system was designed and implemented
  specific to our court by a person who is no longer working here.
  Today Tomcat was failing when users attempted to log onto the

  to input new data.  As I began troubleshooting the problem I
  discovered that /usr was 100% full (13 gigs).  I began looking at

  I can move files off of /usr and did move several logs from
  /usr/local/src/apache-tomcat-5.5.15/webapps/occa/WEB-INF/logs.  I

  moved some files from /usr/src that appeared to be zip files.  There

  was a directory /usr/local/src that had a file titled occa.war
  that I also moved off of the /usr/ directory.  This is when I
  believe my problems started.  After I moved that file no one could
  access any data on the website even though we could access the
  database pages when we tried to view a case an error message
  returned stating file not found.  I then moved occa.war back to
  the /usr/local/src directory and we could access the data again.
  However, now there are several different types of errors showing up
  when user try to view or input data.  There are multiple error
  messages that are showing up depending on what the individual user
  was attempting to do.  I know I am probably being much

Re: tomcat w/o commercial crap

2006-12-05 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

tomcat is from, I think sun donated it a while back. You need
java to run tomcat, java is from sun but I don't see what problem that would
pose. Alternately you could use GNU Java.

On 12/5/06, Enrico Weigelt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks,

is there any chance to get tomcat working w/o sun's commercial crap ?

I'm working on gentoo and can't tomcat it w/o going to the
sun shop :((

Enrico Weigelt==   metux IT service

  phone: +49 36207 519931 www:
  fax:   +49 36207 519932 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  cellphone: +49 174 7066481
-- DSL ab 0 Euro. -- statische IP -- UUCP -- Hosting -- Webshops --

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talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: jsp optimization for db driver load and connection

2006-12-04 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

I doubt there is connection pooling when you use the driver directly. There
is connection pulling if you use java...DataSource I think. If you store the
connection object in session then I suppose you could reuse it. Still using
a DataSource implementation that does connection pooling is better. Check
out the tomcat doc for how to specify a DataSource resource.

On 12/4/06, IT Desk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This isn't Tomcat specific but general to any jsp container and its jvm.

I am working on a site where almost everything is done through the jsp
page plus one main java class to store state data.

The site's jsp page may do up to 7 queries on the database. On each
query, the statements are these:

Driver DriverDB = (Driver)Class.forName(db_DRIVER).newInstance();
Connection ConnDB =
PreparedStatement StatementDB = ConnDB.prepareStatement(SELECT * from
ResultSet resultDB = StatementDB.executeQuery();

My 2 questions are:
Does the forName call to load the driver get optimized out? Clearly the
driver need only load once.
Does the getConnection reuse the same connection that was done in the
previous call on the same jsp page?

There are some performance problems and I'm wondering if I should try to
clean the code up or if the jvm
does it for me through optimization. It's running on Tomcat 5.5.20 and
JVM 5.x.

The client won't pay for any major redesign so I'm looking for something
small that could make a big impact.

Thanks for any insight.

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talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: JSP alternative to ASP.NET

2006-11-28 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

You could try Sun's Java Studio Creator, it does have features such drag
drop HTML control, I am not sure it has as much control functionality as
ASP.NET. I'll personally stay away from that stuff. Java Server Faces I
think is also related to that.

On 11/28/06, Dima Retov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there alternative to ASP.NET/Visual Studio

What I mean is there is something good as ASP.NET not just set of
controls. RAD tools like Visual Studio. May be commercial.

Best regards,
Dima  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: :8080 problem

2006-11-28 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

probably need to change the server.xml to listen on port 80.

On 11/28/06, Janet Ciavarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am afraid I don't know much about Tomcat but am trying to get up to
speed as quickly as possible. I upgraded the server with ColdFusion MX
7.0.1, and now one of our webapps has stopped working. The following URL
used to work before the upgrade:
Now it only works if I add in :8080 to the URL as follows:

I really don't want to have to ask our webmaster to add in :8080 to all
the links. I believe it is some sort of Tomcat issue. But I'm not sure where
to start to resolve this problem. If anyone could point me in the right
direction, I would really appreciate that.


talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: No Start/Stop Options under Start/Programs Apache Tomcat 5.5

2006-11-27 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

I think you need to run the start.bat and stop.bat scripts, they should be
somewhere in your install dir.



I have installed Tomcat 5.5 but I do not have any Start or Stop options
under Start/Programs Apache Tomcat 5.5 (see screenshot below).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Christine A. Avrin
Information Technology
InterBay Funding, LLC
Office: (215) 793-8835
Fax: (305) 817-5221

Change the way you look at things,
and the things you look at will change
 -Dr. Wayne Dyer

talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Tomcat start problem in NetBeans

2006-11-13 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Using CATALINA_BASE:   /Users/kanika/.netbeans/5.0/jakarta-

Using CATALINA_HOME:   /Applications/
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /Users/kanika/.netbeans/5.0/jakarta-
Using JRE_HOME:   /Library/Java/Home
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 11555
Nov 13, 2006 12:46:30 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8084
Nov 13, 2006 12:46:30 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 846 ms
Nov 13, 2006 12:46:30 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService
INFO: Starting service Catalina
Nov 13, 2006 12:46:30 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.9
Nov 13, 2006 12:46:30 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost start
INFO: XML validation disabled
Nov 13, 2006 12:46:31 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext
SEVERE: Error starting static Resources
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base /Users/kanika/
research work/evm/build/web does not exist or is not a readable

Above errors would seem to indicate a problem with your environment
settings. It is saying there is something missing, check the value of the
environment variables and make sure the directories they're point to do in
fact exist.

On 11/13/06, Caldarale, Charles R [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: kanika thapar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Tomcat start problem in NetBeans

 Here are the tomcat logs which mainly state error starting
 static resources

Any chance you're not closing files and then running out of file
descriptors?  This usually results in an OOME, but there may be other

- Chuck

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talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Tomcat start problem in NetBeans

2006-11-13 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

my mistake, the error isn't on the environment variables. :

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base /Users/kanika/
research work/evm/build/web does not exist or is not a readable

You could also try to do a clean build in netbeans, sometimes if you make
changes and just compile or do incremental builds you might get problems
like this.This is a response to the original poster by the way.

On 11/13/06, Caldarale, Charles R [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Subject: Re: Tomcat start problem in NetBeans

 Using CATALINA_BASE:   /Users/kanika/.netbeans/5.0/
 Using CATALINA_HOME:   /Applications/
 Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /Users/kanika/.netbeans/5.0/
 Using JRE_HOME:   /Library/Java/Home

 Above errors would seem to indicate a problem with your environment

I'm curious - what led you to that conclusion?  All of the environment
variable values seem to be reasonable, especially since it runs quite
happily the first 30-40 times.

- Chuck

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talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: forced to constantly restart Tomcat

2006-11-02 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

If you're getting a connection refused error, it may be that you're using
the wrong local host IP address. check the sys/host file, it may have an
entry in there that looks like this:


That would indicate the localhost for your user account is instead
of .

On 11/2/06, Caldarale, Charles R [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Tuomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: forced to constantly restart Tomcat

 I didn't find anything special in the localhost file.

The catalina files are more likely to have something of interest.  In
particular, look during the time period right after you make the browser
request.  See if anything like these messages is in there:

Nov 2, 2006 1:00:42 AM org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger info
INFO: Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-80
Nov 2, 2006 1:00:43 AM org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger info
INFO: Stopping service Catalina
Nov 2, 2006 1:00:44 AM org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger info
INFO: Stopping Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-80

If so, whatever caused Tomcat to terminate (assuming it did) may be
recorded just in front of them.

 Could this restarting obligation have something
 to do with permissions etc?

Not likely, but it wouldn't hurt to verify that everything in the Tomcat
directory tree is owned by whatever userid you're running Tomcat under
(presumably your own), and there are owner write permissions on all

 Why me? ;-)

Why not?

- Chuck

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talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: forced to constantly restart Tomcat

2006-11-02 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Is there a reason you can't use something like netbeans? which comes bundled
with tomcat, that way your don't have to fiddle with the settings. Looks
like you may be starting multiple instances of tomcat and the port is
already in use.

On 11/2/06, Tuomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The catalina files are more likely to have something of interest.  In
 particular, look during the time period right after you make the browser
 request.  See if anything like these messages is in there:

Here is it. I cannot decipher it. Sorry for the lengthy quotation.

Nov 2, 2006 9:27:42 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 5679 ms
Nov 2, 2006 9:27:42 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer await
SEVERE: StandardServer.await: create[8005]: Address already in use
at Method)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.await(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.await(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Nov 2, 2006 9:27:42 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol pause
INFO: Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-80
Nov 2, 2006 9:27:49 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener
INFO: The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in
production environments was not found on the java.library.path:

Nov 2, 2006 9:27:49 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol init
SEVERE: Error initializing endpoint Permission denied:80
at org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector.initialize(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.load(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Nov 2, 2006 9:27:49 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
SEVERE: Catalina.start
LifecycleException:  Protocol handler initialization failed: Permission denied:80
at org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector.initialize(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.load(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Nov 2, 2006 9:27:49 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 3235 ms
Nov 2, 2006 9:27:50 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: Starting service Catalina
Nov 2, 2006 9:27:50 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.20
Nov 2, 2006 9:27:50 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost start
INFO: XML validation disabled
Nov 2, 2006 9:27:54 PM 

Re: Very basic web server hosting question

2006-10-30 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

CANADAFAST INC. who ever you're, getting obnoxious isn't going to get your
issue resolved. As was pointed out by the previous responder, your problem
isn't a Tomcat one, this is a Tomcat mailing list. If you know what you're
doing you should no trouble accomplishing your task, I have a similar setup
(for testing) and have no trouble access my webapp from anywhere on the web
on my home PC. We had this discussion the other day.


I don't care if anyone finds this question interesting or not. I just want
a solution, if it were in the linksys manual then I would not have posted
the question, I tried solving the problem by calling the linksys tech
support, also  had a chat session with them, but they don't understand the
problem itself.

  The reason no-one is finding this an interesting question is that it's
not really anything to do with Tomcat.

Your LinkSys router probably has a manual, or at least some basic
instructions for how to map external ports to the internal server.


 I am a new tomcat 5.5 user. I have created some JSPs and they run
perfectly in my PC using tomcat.

 I want to make my PC a webserver, so that ppl from outside can access my
JSPs through tomcat 5.5 running on my system.

 My PC is connected to a router and my router is connected to a cable
modem which has a static ip address from my cable ISP.

 But after that I don't know what to do further. How should I configure
my tomcat, so that ppl from outside can access my JSP website.

 hOW SHOULD i access my pc from outside through my linksys router from
port 8080 in which tomcat is running on my pc.

 Thank you

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talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Web server hosting question using tomcat 5.5

2006-10-28 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Firstly you'll need to configure (open some ports) your router to allow
direct access to the tomcat port on your machine. Assuming you know the IP
address of your router ( type in google: what's my IP address), user
should be able to connect to your app by typing something like
http://YourRouter's IP:Tomcat Port/your context path..That should be



  I am a new tomcat 5.5 user. I have created some JSPs and they run
perfectly in my PC windows xp using tomcat.

  I want to make my PC a webserver, so that ppl from outside can access my
JSPs through tomcat 5.5 running on my system.

  My PC is connected to a router and my router is connected to a cable
modem which has a static ip address from my cable ISP.

  But after that I don't know what to do further. How should I configure
my tomcat, so that ppl from outside can access my JSP website.

  Thank you

Low, Low, Low Rates! Check out Yahoo! Messenger's cheap  PC-to-Phone call

   * Still searching for the gatekeeper to the Valence-Band, let me out of

talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Web server hosting question using tomcat 5.5

2006-10-28 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

The 192.168... is an IP only valid behind your router, for someone on the
internet to access your app, you'll need to use your router's Iternet IP
address. Again you can determine that address by typing What's my IP
address in google and then select any of the results. From the URL you
stated, I don't see any reference to the context path of your app, tomcat
from what I know isn't going to find an abitrary index.html, you must
specify which app you're trying to access. So you'll type in your browser:
http:// your ip address: tomcat port/your webapp context path



  Thanks for ur reply. I actually already new what u just mentioned.

  The problem is I tried 100s of times to run it

  my tomcat is running at 8080 on my pc.

  I enter the ip address like:


  Is that the correct way, or do I need to change the ports, some ppl say
it should be port 80, but I don't know how to chnage  to port 80 on tomcat.

  My router has assigned an ip to my PC which is like, so when
do I need this local ip.

  I am getting confused.

  I hope u have time to answer my problem, i'd really appreciate.

  Thank u

  Firstly you'll need to configure (open some ports) your router to allow
direct access to the tomcat port on your machine. Assuming you know the IP
address of your router ( type in google: what's my IP address), user
should be able to connect to your app by typing something like
http://YourRouter's IP:Tomcat Port/your context path..That should be

On 10/28/06, CANADAFAST INC. wrote:


 I am a new tomcat 5.5 user. I have created some JSPs and they run
 perfectly in my PC windows xp using tomcat.

 I want to make my PC a webserver, so that ppl from outside can access my
 JSPs through tomcat 5.5 running on my system.

 My PC is connected to a router and my router is connected to a cable
 modem which has a static ip address from my cable ISP.

 But after that I don't know what to do further. How should I configure
 my tomcat, so that ppl from outside can access my JSP website.

 Thank you

 Low, Low, Low Rates! Check out Yahoo! Messenger's cheap PC-to-Phone call

* Still searching for the gatekeeper to the Valence-Band, let me out of

talk trash and carry a small stick.

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   * Still searching for the gatekeeper to the Valence-Band, let me out of

talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Web server hosting question using tomcat 5.5

2006-10-28 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Your webapp context is the root directory of your web application, I am
sorry but you should probably read a bit first before trying to deploy a web
app. Check out the following link, it should be easy to see the steps you
need to successfully develop and deploy your app in tomcat:


hi! there

  I understand the line you told me to type in my brower:

  http:// your ip address: tomcat port/your webapp context path

  only problem is what do u mean by the webapp context path? my webapp
folder is in c: drive in programfiles folder.

  Or how should I type the webapp context, how would type in ur PC for

  Maybe I am a newbie so I did not understand what u meant by the context

  If u have time then please send me a breif explanation.

  Thank you

  The 192.168... is an IP only valid behind your router, for someone on
internet to access your app, you'll need to use your router's Iternet IP
address. Again you can determine that address by typing What's my IP
address in google and then select any of the results. From the URL you
stated, I don't see any reference to the context path of your app, tomcat
from what I know isn't going to find an abitrary index.html, you must
specify which app you're trying to access. So you'll type in your browser:
http:// your ip address: tomcat port/your webapp context path

On 10/28/06, CANADAFAST INC. wrote:


 Thanks for ur reply. I actually already new what u just mentioned.

 The problem is I tried 100s of times to run it

 my tomcat is running at 8080 on my pc.

 I enter the ip address like:


 Is that the correct way, or do I need to change the ports, some ppl say
 it should be port 80, but I don't know how to chnage to port 80 on

 My router has assigned an ip to my PC which is like, so when
 do I need this local ip.

 I am getting confused.

 I hope u have time to answer my problem, i'd really appreciate.

 Thank u

 Firstly you'll need to configure (open some ports) your router to allow
 direct access to the tomcat port on your machine. Assuming you know the
 address of your router ( type in google: what's my IP address), user
 should be able to connect to your app by typing something like
 http://YourRouter's IP:Tomcat Port/your context path..That should be

 On 10/28/06, CANADAFAST INC. wrote:
  I am a new tomcat 5.5 user. I have created some JSPs and they run
  perfectly in my PC windows xp using tomcat.
  I want to make my PC a webserver, so that ppl from outside can access
  JSPs through tomcat 5.5 running on my system.
  My PC is connected to a router and my router is connected to a cable
  modem which has a static ip address from my cable ISP.
  But after that I don't know what to do further. How should I configure
  my tomcat, so that ppl from outside can access my JSP website.
  Thank you
  Low, Low, Low Rates! Check out Yahoo! Messenger's cheap PC-to-Phone

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Re: Problems with tomcat session timeout on linux

2006-10-27 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

You may want to look into SessionListener/Session event Listener. I am not
sure what the issue is with regards to the timeout, setting timeout to 30
means the session should expire in 30 minutes. The timeout is really all you
should need as far as wanting to prevent idle sessions, after all that is
what it is for.

On 10/28/06, Oren Livne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear All:

I'm running tomcat 5.5.20 on a redhat 8 linux server (Linux 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Aug 17 18:00:32 EDT 2006
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux).

My web application manages its own session pool. Every time a user logs
into the site, a session is created and stored
in a synchronized map of user ID, session ID. When a user logs out, the
session is invalidated and removed from the map.
When tomcat destroys a session, the user is logged out.

The problem: some times users log in and then close their browser window
(at least I assume so), but tomcat never
destroys their session. The session-timeout parameter is set to 30 in
web.xml. I tried it with session-timeout = 1 on my
windows development box, and then it worked -- tomcat did destroy the
session after it's been idle for 1 minute.

Is it a known linux bug, or is it something in my code? Is there a way
to force sessions to be destroyed without
writing a thread to look for idle sessions every some time and
invalidate them?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Oren Livne, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Mathematics
RUReady Software Architect

Academic Outreach and Continuing Education
1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-D
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9399
Tel  : (801) 581-6831 Cell: (801) 631-3885 Fax: (801) 585-5414

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   * Still searching for the gatekeeper to the Valence-Band, let me out of

talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: Problems with tomcat session timeout on linux

2006-10-27 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Well, I must admit, I run Ubuntu myself and I have noticed on a few
occasions (after multiple netbeans builds) that the session doesn't get
destroyed in a timely manner sometimes. So it is possible that there is an
issue but it happens for me very rearly, I don't know whether this is an
issue that happens on deployed apps. You can do some googling to see if
anything comes up. Unless the user remaining logged in poses a
security/resource problem, then you probably shouldn't stress over it, idle
sessions do eventually get invalidated.

On 10/28/06, Oren Livne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Edmond,

Thanks for your feedback. I am implementing a session listener and a
session event
with custom sessionCreated() and sessionDestroyed(). Indeed, I thought
that the timeout
is all I needed, but the point is ... that it doesn't work properly for
me on linux. It does on windows.


 You may want to look into SessionListener/Session event Listener. I am
 sure what the issue is with regards to the timeout, setting timeout to
 means the session should expire in 30 minutes. The timeout is really
 all you
 should need as far as wanting to prevent idle sessions, after all that
 what it is for.

 On 10/28/06, Oren Livne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear All:

 I'm running tomcat 5.5.20 on a redhat 8 linux server (Linux 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Aug 17 18:00:32 EDT 2006
 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux).

 My web application manages its own session pool. Every time a user logs
 into the site, a session is created and stored
 in a synchronized map of user ID, session ID. When a user logs out, the
 session is invalidated and removed from the map.
 When tomcat destroys a session, the user is logged out.

 The problem: some times users log in and then close their browser
 (at least I assume so), but tomcat never
 destroys their session. The session-timeout parameter is set to 30 in
 web.xml. I tried it with session-timeout = 1 on my
 windows development box, and then it worked -- tomcat did destroy the
 session after it's been idle for 1 minute.

 Is it a known linux bug, or is it something in my code? Is there a way
 to force sessions to be destroyed without
 writing a thread to look for idle sessions every some time and
 invalidate them?

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


 Oren Livne, Ph.D.
 Research Assistant Professor of Mathematics
 RUReady Software Architect

 Academic Outreach and Continuing Education
 1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-D
 University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9399
 Tel  : (801) 581-6831 Cell: (801) 631-3885 Fax: (801) 585-5414

 To start a new topic, e-mail:
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oren Livne, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Mathematics
RUReady Software Architect

Academic Outreach and Continuing Education
1901 East South Campus Dr., Room 2197-D
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9399
Tel  : (801) 581-6831 Cell: (801) 631-3885 Fax: (801) 585-5414

To start a new topic, e-mail:
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   * When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world, and you knew exactly
who they were. It was us versus them, and it was clear who them was. Today,
we are not so sure who the they are, but we know they're there.

  Poet Laureate G.W Bush (I am not a Bush basher by the way)

talk trash and carry a small stick.

serving static html with Tomcat

2006-10-23 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Hi guys
I am a newbee so bear with me. I have tomcat deployed on a ubuntu machine,
everything works fine except: My app generates static html pages from jsp
and writes the html files to a sub-dir of my context path, however when I
click on the link for the file, I get a 404 error. When I restart the
application after adding the file, everthing works fine, but obviously I
can't redepoly the app everytime a new html is added. I have verified that
the links are correct, Any ideas?


talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: serving static html with Tomcat

2006-10-23 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

Hi Christopher

  My directory structure is as follows:

  I make a call to my jsp via something to the effect:
  URL url = URL(jsp);
  write the stream i receive to

   The servlet function from within which the above processing is done
should return a preview of the page to the user via
   return (new ActionForward(/customer/public/cutomer_id/index.html)); I
am using struts by the way.
   the returned actionforward results in 404 error.

   The html is also available on the main site for searching, when i click
a link that results from the search I get the same 404 error.

   When i redeploy the app I can search and the 404 error doesn't happen
when I click a result link.

   It is as if tomcat catalogs all subfolders in your context path upon
deployment and doesn't bother actually checking the disk for files???

On 10/23/06, Christopher Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 My app generates static html pages from jsp and writes the html files
 to a sub-dir of my context path

Ugh... you are using JSP as a content-generation system? Why!?

 however when I click on the link for the file, I get a 404 error.

Can you give us an example of what the URL of the link is? Or are you
just trying to have Tomcat serve a static HTML document that you had
previously created?

Where (specifically) are you storing these generated HTML documents?

 When I restart the application after adding the file, everthing works
 fine, but obviously I can't redepoly the app everytime a new html is
 added. I have verified that the links are correct, Any ideas?

Can anyone comment on Tomcat's caching of path lookups on the disk? That
would seem to be a tremendous waste of memory if Tomcat actually
remembered that a file didn't exist (not to mention a pain in the neck
if you wanted to add files on the fly like this guy). Can someone
confirm that Tomcat does nothing of the sort? That's the only reason I
could think of for why he can't access his files.



talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: serving static html with Tomcat

2006-10-23 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

what's crazy about it??, the site I am creating will contain user generated
content, however the content isn't going to be changing frequently so i
didn't want to have jsp's hold objects in memory for pages that aren't
chnaging too often. I have the user publish their info whenever they make
changes to it.

On 10/23/06, Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I make a call to my jsp via something to the effect:
   URL url = URL(jsp);
   write the stream i receive to

The servlet function from within which the above processing is done
 should return a preview of the page to the user via
return (new ActionForward(/customer/public/cutomer_id/index.html));
 am using struts by the way.
the returned actionforward results in 404 error.
It's crazy. You should redesign your application.

Mikolaj Rydzewski  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP KeyID: 8b12ab02
There are three kinds of people: men, women and unix.


talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: serving static html with Tomcat

2006-10-23 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

I'll probably end doing that, I understand apache is better for serving
static content. However the problem isn't where user data is stored, my user
data is stored in a database. Basically my app is similar to a dating
site(it is not  a dating site) where a user's profile doesn't chnage
regularly so there is no reason to use jsp for accessing such a page,
secondly, I am using lucene which can't search jsp directly. I'll eventually
install apache and use it to access html.

On 10/23/06, Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 what's crazy about it??, the site I am creating will contain user
 content, however the content isn't going to be changing frequently so i
 didn't want to have jsp's hold objects in memory for pages that aren't
 chnaging too often. I have the user publish their info whenever they
 changes to it.
I'd use a database to store user submitted data.
Or I'd use a separate directory to write files in. Separate - I mean
outside tomcat's webapps directory.

In my projects I deploy webapps only as war files and I never write
anything within app's directory.

Mikolaj Rydzewski  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP KeyID: 8b12ab02
There are three kinds of people: men, women and unix.


talk trash and carry a small stick.

Re: serving static html with Tomcat

2006-10-23 Thread EDMOND KEMOKAI

I know premature optimization is root of some evil, but I prefer the setup I
have at the moment, I think it will work fine. I beleive I will benefit
performance wise if I don't have to do constant queries against my db, I am
not sure how much performace gain there will be. As far as indexing with
lucene, I am using a RAM index, which is updated whenever the user elects to
republish content, the index is also stored on disk in xml form so that if
the webapp has to be rebooted (which will happen invariably) it will be
parsed and reindex into RAM.

On 10/23/06, Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'll probably end doing that, I understand apache is better for serving
 static content. However the problem isn't where user data is stored,
 my user
 data is stored in a database. Basically my app is similar to a dating
 site(it is not  a dating site) where a user's profile doesn't chnage
 regularly so there is no reason to use jsp for accessing such a page,
 secondly, I am using lucene which can't search jsp directly. I'll
 install apache and use it to access html.
Why do you insist on generating static content? Write one generic
'profile.jsp', fetch user's data from a database (you already has one)
and that's it. Have you measured that accessing db _really_ slows down
your system? If not, so don't waste your time with unneeded optimisations.

Speaking about Lucene: it's a waste of its power to index html files
generated from a database. Index text data you insert into database, not
the generated files.

Mikolaj Rydzewski  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP KeyID: 8b12ab02
There are three kinds of people: men, women and unix.


talk trash and carry a small stick.